The Anatomy of the Predator

Yautjas are aliens who worship the hunt, basing the entire social dynamic of the species around it. With a strict code of honor, they roam space looking for opponents. The more successful a Predator is in its hunts, the higher it ranks in the race hierarchy. Already a failure in hunting will mean your death. Armor and gear are made from xerbinium, the acid-resistant mineral of xenomorphs. Yautjas are also capable of leaping 7.5 m above the ground and landing on their feet from drops of less than 250 m.

(Thales Molina/Strange World)

Race – Yautja
home planet – Yautja Prime
Height – between 2.1 m and 2.4 m
Weight – between 140 kg and 160 kg
Life expectancy – over 1000 years

1) Four hinged jaws line the mouth. They may help with communication

two) Vascularized appendages are fleshy and attached directly to the skull. believed to act as thermoregulators

In addition to cushioning attacks to the head, it has a reservoir with homeworld air (rich in methane), a language translator, and an audio-visual recorder. Apart from that, the equipment expands the infrared vision of the alien, which starts to capture even ultraviolet waves. Lastly, a built-in vocal mimic helps confuse enemies.

4) Plasmacaster – This plasma cannon is your most powerful weapon. The crosshair is on the mask

5) Blood is based on carbon chains (the same as that of man), but it has a phosphorescent color and uses copper to transport oxygen – in us, the role of iron

6) Saw blades – They can be between 15 cm and 45 cm, are retractable and can be fired

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7) The necklace has the skulls of fallen enemies. The more of them, the more prestige

Its computerized system is responsible for controlling some technological devices, such as the camouflage mechanism. Worn on the left arm, it also contains the sat-com, a tool that maps the surrounding region and indicates, for example, the location of nearby enemies and mines. It also allows you to trigger self-destruct, an explosion with a range of up to 300 m²

9) Infrared vision – The Predator is guided by variations in heat in the environment

10) wire thermal blanket

11) The skin is thick and scaly and cushions impacts

A camouflage system covers its entire body as a kind of mesh, which manipulates light and produces holograms. The result is not perfect, but it gains efficiency in non-uniform landscapes. Water, direct strikes or electromagnetic pulses can damage the equipment.

SOURCES Films The predator (1987), The Predator 2 – The Hunt Continues (1990) and Alien vs. predator (2004); websites Xenopedia It is Alien Species Wikia

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