The 8 of Pentacles in the Tarot – Minor Arcana

I will explain each of the tarot cards and its interpretation, this is due to the high number of requests for it, so we will start with this letter, which personally seems very curious to me.

I will also try to transmit to you through my knowledge how you can read the cards to other people and even to yourself, since the procedures are different, but don’t worry, I will teach you everything step by step, if you let me.

Today to start we are going to talk about the 8 of Pentacles, which as I said before is an important card and belongs to the minor arcana.

The Minor Arcana are the 56 Tarot cards that correspond to the wands, golds, swords and cups cards. These are directly related to specific events in our lives.

Symbology of the 8 of Pentacles

The Eight of Pentacles card that we are going to explain and show corresponds to the Rider Tarot deck, in this deck we see a lower middle class man, who is dressed in clothes from the Middle Ages, minting pentacles in different golden circular objects.

At first glance we observe or we can think that this man represents a master craftsman, artist, sculptor, who is carving the pentacles on those golden objects.

As we finish them, we see how they are hung or exposed from a kind of wall or wooden trunk, so that everyone can examine their works, therefore we understand that he is proud of his works and exhibits them as if they were trophies.

This card is directly related to manual work such as carpentry, painting, sculpture or the like and implies success or good fortune in these skills.

Also we must stop to observe the landscape of the 8 of coins card, which shows us in the background a yellow path that leads to a city, it is to know that the yellow colors on paths or paths mean mental ability, in the interpretation of the Tarot.

Meaning of the 8 of Pentacles

We have to keep in mind what we are asking, or what we are trying to guess, for example, despite the fact that the suit of coins means mostly financial or economic abundance, this card does not in itself represent an economic gain, but rather the increase and spiritual reward.

If we are developing a particular manual skill, he invites us to continue working on it because we will end up being successful with it in the not too distant future.

In order to understand what the letter means to us, we must be clear about what we are looking for as an answer, for example, if we are looking for answers to work questions, this letter can refer to a learning stage.

TaAlso this card when it is presented and we seek answers to labor questions indicates that there is a need to fulfill oneself as a person doing primary jobs, for example, carpentry, pottery…that require a lot of physical and mental effort, to prepare this person for a later stage of success.

Although success is something future, the person will have to overcome a stage of hard work, and at times they will lose the security and confidence in what they do, but if they remain unstoppable and insurmountable they will achieve success.

On the other hand, this card also shows us and tells us about studies, the need to train, if this card appears to a person who is studying and their question has to do with their academic stage, the Eight of Pentacles clearly tells us that that person has to continue studying and training, focusing on the path of learning and should not give up, since abandonment would ruin their life, and only work and finishing their studies will make them grow as a person.

If the person you are consulting is about an activity that has recently started and wants to know how it will go, this card tells us that that person has found his true vocation in that activity, and that he must develop it since it will bring success economically and spiritual.

On the other hand, if the query is related to love, the 8 of Pentacles must be analyzed with the rest of the cards that come out in the spread and not by itself, and already with the set, take out its context in order to establish its true meaning.

For example, if the 8 of Pentacles card comes out to a person who has a partner, it can mean that learning should be done as a couple, so that they can evolve spiritually together, but be careful, it can also mean that one of the two is overwhelmed by work. or work obligations, spending too many hours at work is the most common and makes the other person feel abandoned or apart from their life, without finding meaning in the relationship.

Now, if it is a love query and the 8 of Pentacles comes out and the person for whom the spread is going is a single person, it is interpreted as that he will soon meet someone who will change his life, and that person has to do with some activity that he does with his hands, or that he will do soon. In addition, this person will take their way of seeing things to another level, growing together spiritually.

Finally, if the query has to do with the economic field, without a doubt, it announces that a streak of profits is approaching us, which will come from work done by our effort and perseverance. But it does not mean that they will arrive right away, you will have to endure a little more and have patience and perseverance, so that finally the achievements and gains can be seen in their entirety.

Meaning of the 8 of Pentacles Reversed

Like all cards, the 8 of Pentacles also has its meaning if it appears inverted, that is, upside down as shown in the following image.

This inverted card causes most of the good news that it gives us in its natural form, that is to say right, to vanish and become the opposite of what it was, it could be interpreted as the opposite of what is interpreted if the card comes out towards up.

If the query they are making is about work, the 8 of Pentacles Reversed warns us that an effort is being made for nothing, that it will never give results in what we are striving for, and that it is time to change jobs or the method of effort. .

The same thing happens with consultations about studies, it tells us that we must choose another path or path of learning, that perhaps the person who teaches us is not the right one or that it is time to walk down another path that is not education and enter the labor market. .

What does the 8 of Pentacles represent in a spread?

As we have commented, everything depends on the question we have asked and if it comes up or inverted.

In questions about money, you always want to say if it goes up that we are working hard on something that is going to bring us economic benefits, but we will not see money until we have had patience and perseverance.

In questions about love, you have to work on the relationship, for example, do things together more often, work as a couple.

We can say that this card focuses on craftsmanship, which the ancient craftsmen were masters and had an exquisite taste for the works they made, which were called «Masterpieces» and they were the ones with which they earned their wealth, but for reaching the rank of Masterwork required a lot of effort and dedication.

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And finally, give you my purest blessings.