The 5-minute meditation that can transform your days

One of the greatest evils of this age is the lack of time; we always live immersed in occupations, partly because of the capitalist life, whose lifestyle implies producing and producing. The above is an automatic anxiety generator; always feeling that something else is missing, either to consume or to live.

Yes, the hectic of our times has subtracted us quality of life impressively. Seemingly you can have everything, but then why do you feel anxious or empty? The reality is that it seems that the things that fill us up have nothing to do with the «never stop» lifestyle. Quality time with family and friends, strengthening personal ties, feeling loved and loving, is perhaps what we really need.

As we turn our lives towards goals deeper than empty personal success, one of the ways you can remind your mind to stop coveting or worrying about simple things of the present is to meditation.

Give 5 minutes of your day to this practice and start changing your life:

  • schedule a timer for 5 minutes.
  • Sit on a flat, comfortable surface. The edge of a bed is a good place, since you can support your legs well, place your feet on the floor and keep your back straight.
  • Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest. She closes her eyes.
  • Slowly take a deep breath, so that you feel your stomach inflate. Now exhale in a 10 second hold.
  • Focus on this pattern of inhaling and exhaling for 5 minutes.
  • Let your stomach be your guide. And that the exhalation, in addition, makes you enjoy the delights of feeling the breath.
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