The 28 heaviest dog breeds worldwide

Some of these heavyweights weigh more than their master. The following 28 dog breeds are among the heaviest dogs in the world. [1]

  • #28 Cane Corso Italiano
  • #27 Komondor
  • #26 Great Pyrenees Mountain Dog
  • #25 Borzoi
  • #24 Black and Tan Coonhound
  • #23 Bouvier des Flandres
  • #22 Beauceron
  • #21 Deer Hound
  • #20 Bloodhound
  • #19 Dogue de Bordeaux
  • #18 Bernese Mountain Dog
  • #17 Kuvasz
  • #16 Otterhound
  • #15 Irish Wolfhound
  • #14 Russian Black Terrier
  • #13 Akita
  • #12 Bullmastiff
  • #11 Rottweiler
  • #10 Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
  • #9 Do Khyi
  • #8 Anatolian Shepherd Dog
  • #7 Newfoundland
  • #6 Neapolitan Mastiff
  • #5 Leonberger
  • #4 Great Dane
  • #3 Saint Bernard
  • #2 Boerboel
  • #1 Mastiff

For some of these breeds, weight and size are important, for example when it comes to hunting fast game or gaining respect as a guard dog.

Other dog breeds use their large, muscular bodies to pull heavy loads or even to take down bears. Here are the most important details about the 28 heaviest breeds.

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#28 Cane Corso Italiano

The Cane Corso Italiano can seem very intimidating at first glance. Its large head and muscular build make it one of the heaviest dog breeds.

With their appearance, they easily pass for professional bodyguards and are also intelligent, strong-willed and very loyal. [2]

As with most large protection dogs, responsible breeding and early socialization with people and other dogs is crucial. [3]

Quick Facts: The Cane Corso Italiano is one of the heaviest dog breeds in the world. Male Cane Corso Italiano weigh 45+ kg.

#27 Komondor

At almost 80 centimeters tall, the Komondor is not only one of the largest but also one of the heaviest dog breeds. Her trademark is her ivory-colored, matted and shaggy hair. [4]

Despite their solid build with well-developed muscles and heavy bones, they are light-footed and agile. Since neither eyes nor ears are visible, their state of mind is often difficult to assess. [5]

This breed of dog is used for guarding and defending herds and shows strong territorial behavior.

Quick Facts: Komondor males weigh 45+kg.

#26 Great Pyrenees Mountain Dog

This breed of dog is often referred to as “majestic”. Pyrenean mountain dogs are large, immensely strong mountain dogs that grow up to 80 cm tall.

These steadfast guardians often exude a Zen-like calm, but can quickly spring into action when threatened. [6]

Their fur is white or light yellow. When markings are present, they are light gray, light yellow, tan, or wolf gray and are visible on the head, ears, and base of the tail. [7]

Quick Facts: At 45+ kg, Pyrenean Mountain Dogs are one of the heaviest dog breeds in the world.

#25 Borzoi

The Borzoi is a large, elegant breed of sighthound. A fully grown male reaches a height of up to 85 cm at the withers.

This breed of dog has luxurious, silky hair with waves or short curls. The hair on the head, ears and limbs is satin-finished and therefore heavier and close to the body. [8]

With their calm, cat-like nature, this dog breed requires a lot of patience and consistency when training. The sight of a cat or squirrel triggers their chase instinct in seconds. [9]

Quick Facts: With up to 47 kg, the Borzoi is one of the heaviest breeds in the world.

#24 Black and Tan Coonhound

This breed of dog has a very sensitive nose, long, velvety ears and specializes in hunting raccoons and opossums. [10]

Black and Tan Coonhounds are large and strongly built. Adult males grow up to 69 cm tall.

This breed of dog needs a lot of human contact and quickly feels lonely. The entire neighborhood then hears loud, sad wailing. [11]

Quick Facts: According to the American Kennel Club guidelines, these dogs can weigh up to 50 kg, making them the 24th heaviest dog breeds in the world.

#23 Bouvier des Flandres

Bouviers have heavy bones, powerful muscles and an impressive head with a beard and mustache.

This breed of dog is used on the farm and pasture and does pretty much everything except milk the cows. They are extremely intelligent and have a big heart, which makes them very popular. [12]

Often used in dog sports, work ethic and exercise needs have to be kept up with. This makes Bouviers suitable for owners with a lot of time and a large property. [13]

Quick Facts: With a weight of up to 50 kg, this dog breed is one of the heaviest in the world.

#22 Beauceron

Beaucerons are muscular, robust and reach up to 70 cm at the shoulder. Their red feet gave them their French nickname Bas-Rouge: “red stockings”. [14]

Breeders describe this dog breed as open and self-confident. This means they are not suitable for beginners as they can be extremely dominant.

With a lot of training, Beaucerons are level-headed guard dogs and guardians and are particularly good at dealing with young, small and defenseless children & babies. [15]

Quick Facts: With a weight of up to 50 kg, this dog breed is ranked 22nd among the heaviest dog breeds in the world.

#21 Deer Hound

Deerhounds have the noble silhouette of a greyhound. However, with a height of at least 76 cm at the withers, this dog breed is larger and heavier than the classic greyhound. [16]

The Deerhound is a strong and resilient companion dog and is often used as a sporting dog in greyhound races.

This breed of dog is obedient and easy to train as they are very eager to please their owner. [17]

Quick Facts: With a weight of up to 50 kg, Deerhounds are one of the heaviest breeds in the world.

#20 Bloodhound

Bloodhounds are large, powerful and up to 70 cm tall. Her long, wrinkled face with loose skin and huge hanging ears are undoubtedly her distinguishing features. [18]

As pack dogs, Bloodhounds enjoy company, including other dogs, family and small children.

Her good nose can sometimes get her into trouble. Long walks with opportunities to sniff are recommended along with plenty of exercise. [19]

Quick Facts: With a weight of up to 50 kg, this dog breed is ranked 20th among the heaviest dog breeds in the world.

#19 Dogue de Bordeaux

The Dogue de Bordeaux is a powerful guardian and is up to 70 centimeters tall. Their fawn-colored fur is short and smooth.

Previously used for hunting and fighting wolves and bears, today it is primarily a guard dog, protection dog and family dog. [20]

The Dogue de Bordeaux is considered “probably dangerous” (category 2) in four German federal states. Dogs in the 2nd category can refute their dangerousness with a negative certificate. [21]

Quick Facts: This dog breed is one of the heaviest breeds in the world, weighing up to 50 kg.

#18 Bernese Mountain Dog

The Bernese Mountain Dog is large and robust and has a distinctive tri-colored, thick and silky coat in deep black, white and brown-red.

A hardy dog, even in colder areas, this breed is an intelligent and strong multitasker, especially on the farms and pastures of Switzerland. [22]

These dogs get along with the whole family and are particularly gentle with children. [23]

Quick Facts: Bernese Mountain Dogs are one of the heaviest dog breeds, weighing up to 52 kg.

#17 Kuvasz

The Kuvasz looks impressive and majestic. This breed of dog is large with white fur and was originally bred to guard livestock. [24]

Today, the Kuvasz primarily guards property and his family and also likes to run alongside his bike for up to 15 km in cool weather.

Despite its size and strength, the Kuvasz is gentle with children and has a great sense of humor. [25]

Quick Facts: The “white giant” weighs up to 52 kg and is the 17th heaviest dog breed in the world.

#16 Otterhound

As the name suggests, otter dogs are ideal for otter hunting. They are experienced swimmers who are made for the water with their rough, waterproof fur and webbed feet.

Their broad chests and powerful shoulders allow them to swim all day without tiring. [26]

As a thoroughbred hunting dog, this dog breed has an extra portion of stubbornness. Parenting therefore requires a lot of training and, above all, a lot of consistency. [27]

Quick Facts: Male otterhounds can weigh up to 52 kg.

#15 Irish Wolfhound

With their graceful shapes, Irish wolfhounds are made for high speeds on the racetrack. These hunting dogs also grow up to 79 cm tall. [28]

In England, this breed of dog was once used to hunt wolves and bears. The hair is rough and hard and has many colors. Including grey, red, black, white and brown.

These dogs have a calm character and show a lot of patience with children. Unfortunately, this breed has a relatively short life expectancy due to a variety of hereditary diseases. [29]

Quick Facts: With up to 55 kg, the Irish wolfhound is one of the heaviest dog breeds in the world.

#14 Russian Black Terrier

This muscular guard dog grows up to 78 cm tall and has a large, brick-shaped head. [30]

The hard and dense fur allows them to be used in the coldest habitable places on earth.

Originally used as a protection and guard dog at border posts, this breed is now primarily a loyal family companion. [31]

Quick Facts: Russian Black Terriers can weigh up to 59 kg and are the 14th heaviest dog breed in the world.

#13 Akita

The Akita is a Japanese Spitz with heavy bones and an imposing stature. It grows up to 70 cm tall. [32]

This breed of dog has a wide head and a full, curled tail. The erect ears and dark, glowing eyes show an expression of alertness.

Akitas are calm but demanding dogs. They are wary of strangers and have a desire to protect their family. Therefore, socialization from birth is very important. [33]

Quick Facts: Akitas can weigh up to 59 kg, making them one of the heaviest dog breeds in the world.

#12 Bullmastiff

The Bullmastiff is a cross between the Old English Mastiff and the Old English Bulldog and is a comparatively young breed. These dogs grow up to 69 cm tall. [34]

Bullmastiffs were bred as protection dogs for game wardens requiring early socialization and training. [35]

This breed exudes alertness and intelligence and is powerful, persistent, active and reliable. This makes the Bullmastiff a first-class protector and family companion.

Quick Facts: With up to 59 kg, the Bullmastiff is the 12th heaviest dog breed in the world.
