The 2 of Pentacles in the Tarot – Minor Arcana

A Tarot deck is made up of several cards that represent both the major arcana and the minor arcana. Each one of them has a meaning, so it is important to try to know all of them to know what answer we are getting when the card is shown in a spread.

In this article, we will learn more about the meaning of the 2 of Pentacles, one of the minor arcana of the deck. To begin with, this card belongs to the suit of coins and therefore its meaning will be linked to financial or economic issues.

We can say that in the two of coins we have a decision problem, but in reality it is like all number two cards in any deck, these letters represent always dilemmas before two situations, and force us to choose one before this duality.

The card represents a situation of decision between two options, we also observe in the background of the card the rough sea, this refers to our conscience, which is agitated by the two interests that face each other.

These two situations that we see represented with gold coins can be perfectly, on the one hand, our effort and dedication to achieve our economic goals and, on the other, other aspects of our lives such as having family time, keeping friends or improve our quality of life.

We have to set ourselves the goal of maintaining the balance between these two situations, so that everything flows in full harmony. We must prioritize our goals, and manage our time in the best way so that everything remains in perfect status quo.

Like any Tarot spread, we should not focus and interpret only the result of this card, but wait to see the rest of the spread in order to make a much more accurate interpretation, and what it means to us. But it is important to know well the meaning of each of the cards.

If we talk about possible changes or turns in our lives, this card warns us of the need to adapt to them, and that there may be some unexpected change that we have to handle correctly, whether good or bad.

Symbology of the 2 of Pentacles

The 2 of Pentacles card is depicted as showing a young man who has a worried face. Despite that concern, he is seen to be able to juggle two golden pentacles, symbolizing that despite adversity, he is able to stabilize and fight with all problems that arise.

Behind this figure there is a sea that is not calm, as the two boats that are riding the waves attest, meaning that these boats also try to overcome the problems they constantly encounter.

Meaning of the 2 of Pentacles

Now that we have a clear idea of ​​the symbolism of this card, we are going to try to see a little of its meaning when it is shown to us in a Tarot spread. Remember that this figure can always appear in two different ways, either normally, but also inverted, which is important because it has a different meaning depending on how it comes out.

When this card of the 2 of coins appears normally, it means ability, a sufficient facility to be able to solve the problems that will arise, as the young man with the pentacles demonstrates. It is a time to be able to enjoy life in general since we will be able to solve problems with solvency, so we should not worry too much about the future.

On the other hand, when this card appears inverted, the meaning is quite the opposite. We are talking about a disorganization that prevents us from being able to handle situations. This is usually the result of carrying out several things at the same time.

Carrying two pentacles and maintaining balance with them does not seem to be an easy task and therefore the bad news will come sooner or later. This news will end up unbalancing the balance, making us have to choose one of the two situations that we are keeping the balance.

It is a situation that, a priori, seems insurmountable, which can also serve as a warning to try to face it in a better way, remedy it or make us aware of what is to come.

We must be more organized, to better distribute our time and to continue maintaining the balance between the effort of work and the time of essential things (family, friends, social life…) This inverted card warns us that we have to reorganize ourselves , and better distribute the hours of the day.

What does the 2 of Pentacles represent in the Tarot?

Now is the time to ask the pertinent questions to the tarot. If we are going to ask about a specific topic, it is likely that we can include it in a more general area, such as health or love. In this case, we are going to see the meaning of the figure of the 2 of coins for each of these questions.

The 2 Pentacles for love

If we are asking for love and we are in a position to find a partner, the 2 of Pentacles will mean that we may have less energy than necessary to seek this love. Putting a little more effort or getting the necessary motivation can be an aspect to take into account to get that person we are longing for.

On the contrary, if we are already immersed in a relationship, it is important to dedicate the time it deserves. To know if this is good for us, we must evaluate where we want to spend our time, either with our partner or on our own.

This 2 of coins can mean that if we do not pay the necessary attention, we end up losing our love. In matters of balance, it is evident that if we completely neglect our relationship, it is a symptom that it will come to an end sooner rather than later, so we have to value what we want at all times and act accordingly.

The 2 of Pentacles for health

As we have seen in the previous example of love, if we spend too much time on tasks other than looking after our own partner, such as work, we may end up losing this one. Something similar happens in health and it is that this 2 of coins comes to explain that we have to maintain a balance in both our physical and mental health.

Eating a healthy diet or exercising will be of no use to us if we are not able to disconnect from work or not take our problems home. If a 2 of coins appears when we are asking about our health, perhaps we should consider taking a break, a vacation that suits us to be able to organize our ideas and, of course, clear our minds.

The 2 of Pentacles for spirituality

As far as spirituality is concerned, the 2 of Pentacles tells us that we should not put aside our spiritual life. This means that we do not lose sight of the important things in life and try to cultivate our soul with the things that fill us.

Once again, balance is important and that is, although we have to fulfill a lot of obligations in our daily lives, we always have to take some time for ourselves, some time that allows us to fulfill ourselves as a person, discover ourselves. Only in this way can we be much better with ourselves and therefore grow spiritually.

The 3 of Pentacles for work

If we talk about work, this card shows us that you will surely have to consider taking some risk in your work, in order to achieve certain goals or get promoted. It invites us to have to decide on stability and security but without any reward, or on the other hand, take risks and achieve goals.

If you are looking for a new job you should discard all the options and only keep two, these two options have to be the ones that interest you the most. Once this is done, evaluate the pros and cons of each of the options, and you should decide on one. Having many different applications to find a job will not ensure that you get a position.

Meaning of the 2 of Pentacles Reversed

As you can see, all these questions have several sections in common and that is, balance is the most important thing. Knowing and being able to dedicate some time to ourselves will help us prevent a lot of problems that are to come.

In the event that this 2 of coins appears inverted, the warning will be even more serious and basically if we do not take a solution in time, it is possible that all these worries, all these obligations and occupations that fill us day to day will run out. piling up, and they will become a difficult situation to resolve.

In this way, if you see that the 2 of Pentacles has come out in your Tarot consultation, try to reflect on what you want, keep in mind what surrounds you and above all, try to correct all those aspects that prevent you from being yourself during a certain period of time.

What does the 2 of Pentacles represent in a spread?

The 2 of Pentacles card in the Tarot is an important card if we talk about economic or financial issues. As we have mentioned before, in this card we will find in the foreground a man dressed as a tightrope walker holding two gold coins, which are joined with a ribbon forming the symbol of infinity or eternity.

In the background we find a turbulent sea, in which boats can be seen sailing through it. The letter transmits fluidity, calm and serenity to us, as is the attitude of the young man holding the coins before that enraged evil that he has behind him.

Another interpretation of this card is a decision situation, for example, between two situations or people and you have to decide which one to stay with or which one is better for your own benefit.

I hope that my interpretations of the Tarot card will help you, especially the latter, since it is a very important card. The two of gold announces changes, fluctuations and that we are going to have to adapt to these new situations.

Luz Silva Soler