The 15 least known phobias – Online Psychologists

We've all heard of phobias like arachnophobia (fear of spiders) or acrophobia (fear of heights) because they are the most common fears. However, have you ever wondered how many phobias there are that we don't know about? In today's article we're going to present some that you've probably never heard of.

A phobia It is an anxiety disorder characterized by an irrational fear of a stimulus. such as: a situation, a place, an object, an insect, etc.

People who suffer from such exaggerated fear They do everything possible to avoid that stimulus that causes them discomfort.something that can disrupt the functioning of your daily life.

There are many quite strange, unknown and inexplicable phobias that some people suffer from. It must be said that There are many phobias that are still unknown or not classified. since, if only a small part of the population suffers from them, they are not classified as such.

1. Somniphobia: fear of sleeping

This phobia that some people suffer from causes a very exaggerated fear of the act of sleeping. It's not that they are afraid of sleeping as such, but what might happen if they do. They have thoughts like maybe they stop breathing and die or someone can do something to them. It can also happen to someone who has had a season of many nightmares. This phobia is related to insomnia.

2. Ombrophobia: fear of rain

This little-known phobia is very peculiar since People who suffer from it are afraid of getting wet from rainwater. They tend to be very obsessive and do not want to get wet in the rain under any circumstances because they feel a uncontrollable fear. They always carry a raincoat or an umbrella on hand and On rainy days they don't usually leave the house.

3. Xanthophobia: fear of the color yellow

For these people, anything that contains the color yellow It causes them anxiety, they have an irrational fear of that color. Yellow paint, the sun, objects of that color or even the word itself can cause them great anxiety.

4. Crematophobia or Chrometophobia: fear of money

It is one of the most striking phobias. People who suffer from crematophobia are very afraid of money. They find it difficult to go to a supermarket or buy anything in a store.

Some have fear of the power that money has over people and others may have suffered trauma caused by this.

This doesn't mean they are afraid to touch it, There is another phobia called mysophobia, which affects people who are afraid of touching bills or coins that other people have already touched. This refers to the fear of germs.

5. Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia: fear of the number 666

People who have a irrational fear of 666 because they think it is cursed There are more of them than you think. These people avoid anything that is related to this number, whether it is a building, a car license plate or a train that has the same number.

The origin is due to Satan or the Antichrist, For this reason, it is common for people who have been raised in religious families to suffer from it.

6. Omphalophobia: fear of belly buttons

People who suffer from this phobia have fear of touching your navel or anyone else's. They don't like to bathe and try not to do it very often so as not to see or touch it.

They present symptoms such as nausea, irritability, dizziness, feeling angry, vomiting, or helplessness.

7. Turophobia: fear of cheese

These people They can't see or smell a piece of cheese. Any type of cheese produces a very intensified feeling of discomfort. It usually appears due to bad experiences and is more common in childhood.

This is one of the strangest phobias because you surely know someone who doesn't like cheese, but… so much so that they have a phobia?

8. Triskaidekaphobia: fear of the number 13

This is about numbers once again. Just like people who suffer from hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia for the number 666, these people suffer from the number 13.

He gives them fear everything related to that number: objects, drawings, etc.

However, in triskaidekaphobia irrational fear of Friday the 13th does not enterthis is called parascevedecatriaphobia.

9. Trypophobia: fear of holes

If it is true that this is not one of the strangest fears, although Not many people suffer from it. They are people who have an irrational fear and experience dizziness, vomiting or sweating when they see small holes close together or directly objects that have holes.

For example, holes in a brick or a bee hive.

10. Coulrophobia: fear of clowns

This phobia is very common in children and is usually something that comes from bad past experiences.

The clowns them They produce fear, panic and anguish. Although it may be something “funny” on the part of people who do not suffer from it, the fact is that the person who experiences it may end up having severe anxiety attacks if you see it in front of you.

11. Uranophobia: fear of the sky

These people have a lot of fear of heaven and what life is like after deathsince it is said that afterwards we go to heaven.

It can be developed in believers who believe that they will be judged when they die. Without a doubt, It is a very strange phobia and very difficult to treat. since no therapy can be done to stop her from suffering.

12. Hylophobia: fear of trees

This phobia has to do with the fear of trees, bushes and foreststhat is, all the flora that exists.

This phobia, like that of clowns, It is usually presented by small children because of the terror of movies about enchanted which there are usually monsters or witches.

13. Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia: fear of long words

Because of how complicated the word is, it is shortened to the names of sesquipedaliophobia or largsophobia. People who suffer from this phobia avoid in style the pronunciation of long and complicated words because it creates an irrational fear. It is also related to shyness in socializing and the fear of being made to look ridiculous.

14. Pogonophobia: fear of beards

This is a phobia that comes from ancient times, more specifically since 1851. People who suffer from pogonophobia have a lot fear of beards, especially the longer, bushier ones.

Although having a beard has nothing to do with health, people with this phobia feel fear and nausea when they see someone with hair on their face.

15. Papaphobia: fear of the Pope

Well yes, there are people who They are afraid of the Pope (Holy Father of the Vatican, head of the Catholic Church) or anything related to him. They believe that this phobia It may come from fear of the sacred or of anything that has to do with the church.

If you suffer from this phobia, it is enough to stay away from the Holy See to avoid anxiety.

And you, Do you suffer from any of these phobias?

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