The 12 Oldest Dog Breeds In The World (With Pictures & Info)

Dogs weren’t always that man’s best friendbut existed long before the pet era. Ancient breeds of dogs were then wild animals and of man entirely independent.

Conjectures say that but even the first encounter of man and dog – or at that time wolf – up to 30,000 years could be behind!

Did you know that the number 11 was painted on cave walls thousands of years ago?

1. The Alaskan Malamute

This massive guy was already 3000 years ago of the tribe of Mahlemut as sled dog bred.

To in the Alaskan cold to survive, this breed has special thick fur and is a excellent hunter.

But since they too good-natured and clingy are, they are good dogs for active familieswho are with you go for a walk in any weather want.

2. The Chow Chow

The chow chow looks like a teddy bearbut has one strong personality.

Without adequate training and an early socialization takes his idiosyncratic being quickly prevail. Experienced dog owners can, however, one in him faithful companion find.

Chow Chows come from China, where they are said to have lived more than 3000 years ago.

3. The Afghan Hound

Although it is unclear exactly since when Afghan Hound there, he is definitely one of the Original type dogs. His tracks can up to 8000 years ago be traced.

He used to be called hunting dog in the Afghan desert deployed. Under the long, shiny coat of hair hides in strong but peaceful fellow.

However, many Afghan Hounds do not like to be hugged.

4. The Chinese Shar Pei

The Shar Pei is a unique dogbecause his skin is not taut, but has many large ones Fold.

They were already around 205 BC. Christ depicted on clay vases.

In China Shar Peis are considered ideal guard and herding dogs and used to be hunt deployed. They are very independentbut like to live with adults together.

5. The Saluki

Already 3,600 BC Christ were dogs that today Saluki resemble, depicted on graves.

Thus, the Saluki is possibly the oldest dog breed in the world!

The question «which dog is closest to the wolf?‘ is difficult to answer. However, according to DNA testing, the Saluki is among the 14 breeds that most closely resemble wolves.

They are also among the fastest dogs in the world.

6. The Samoyed

The fluffy white fur of the Samoyed not only sees impressive out, but also keeps them warm and camouflage she.

This dog breed originated from Siberiawhere they used to be herding and sled dog was used. Today they are thanks to her friendly and playful being popular family dogs.

This breed is said to have existed since about 1000 BC. have given to Christ.

7. The Akita Inu

The ancestors of Akita Inus should already 8,000 BC Christ have existed. you are from Japan.

This breed became famous thanks to the dog «Hachiko». Hachiko picked up his master from the train station every day and continued to wait for him every day after he passed away spontaneously. Hachiko is therefore considered the most loyal dog in the world.

Akita Inus are very loyal and intelligent dogs that lively companion dogs could be.

8th. The Siberian Husky

Siberian huskies are archetypal dogs and popular family and companion dogs around the world. They are playful and friendlybut also brave and partly stubborn.

Their fur is so thick that they don’t get cold even at -60 degrees!

In the past and today they will because of their Strength and the teamwork like as sled dogs deployed.

9. The Tibetan Mastiff

Do you speak of which dog is closest to the wolfmay he Tibetan Mastiff not missing.

This old dog breed impresses not only with her tousled appearance.

He is a more massivebut loving dogwho both as Guard, protection, hunting or family dog can be happy.

10. The Pekingese

Pekingese were considered in ancient China as dogs the nobles and may for years only from members of the imperial palace being held.

Although they small dogs are, have Pekingese really pretty whistle. Towards strangers they are suspicious and your role as a watchdog take very seriously.

Experienced and strong-willed owners however, theirs can friendly and affectionate side bring forth.

11. The Basenji

The Basenji could oldest dog breed in the world be, because dogs resembling them have already been 6,000 BC Christ on cave walls painted.

Basenjis come out Africa and still operate there today guard dogs.

They are gifted climbers!

Because of your curious and energetic type do they need a home with them lots of freedom of movement and regular adventures.

12. The Lhasa Apso

Since about 800 BC Christ became the Lhasa Apso domesticated and in Tibet as Guard dog for palaces and monasteries bred.

Her strong protective instinct can she become a fun Challenge make.

Strangers must first earn their trust, but are never greeted aggressively.