The 11 most dangerous natural places in the world

Not everything in nature is completely calm, there are both landscapes that heal and spaces that threaten life itself. However, in both expressions, nature becomes fascinating and that is why we want to take a tour of some of the most dangerous natural places in the world.

From majestic rivers, volcanoes, mountains to endless deserts make up this unusual list that reveals the most adventurous side of the planet. Even these landscapes become so fantastic that you will not believe that they are part of the planet Earth.

The 11 most dangerous places in the world:

Danakil Depression (Ethiopia)

Described as one of the most inhospitable places in the world, the Danakil Depression is one of the hottest places on the planet. Its multiple burning springs are painted in fascinating colors thanks to the sulfur, sulfur and salt that exists in them.

Image: AP

Death Valley (United States)

The Californian desert that sinks and rises amid high rocky slopes is one of the most suffocating places on the planet. With temperatures above 50 ° C, this desert becomes the same terrestrial hell.

Lake Nyos (Cameroon)

Although on the surface it appears to be a completely calm lake, Nyos is known for suddenly spewing large amounts of carbon dioxide that endanger life near it. In a 1986 eruption, thousands of people died due to massive exposure to this element.

Sinabung volcano (Indonesia)

On the island of Sumatra in Indonesia, eruptions from the Sinabung volcano occur frequently. The result of this great activity causes the volcano to self-destruct and predict great lava shows for the area around it.

Image: EFE

Isla de las Cobras (Brazil)

Located off the coast of Brazil, the island of cobras is one of the most dangerous surfaces on the planet. Thousands of poisonous snakes shelter here, more than are found in any other part of the world. On the island there are approximately 5 snakes for every square meter.


Afar Depression (Ethiopia)

In Ethiopia, the Erta Ale volcano is protected, one of the most dangerous on the planet. Causing small earthquakes that constantly shake the earth, the volcano maintains two lava lakes in the volcano’s crater where the heat level is constantly changing altering the surface.

Image: O. Grunewald

Lake Natron (Tanzania)

Although the landscape is impressive to look at, Lake Natron maintains high levels of salts and alkali which easily kill all life. The water is extremely toxic and the smell of hydrogen sulfide prevents the most curious from admiring its enormous beauty.

Jacob’s Well (United States)

From the surface, Jacob’s Well looks like a real challenge for divers. However, this karstic spring descends vertically to about 40 meters deep. It is considered one of the most dangerous wells or caves in the world.

Image: Sarah Xo

Boiling Lake (Dominica)

The name of boiling is not something arbitrary in this lake. Considered one of the most dangerous natural places in the world, the lake is like a boiling pot of water. Beneath the calm lake is boiling liquid magma, which often rises to boiling point.

Alnwick Poison Garden (UK)

As you approach this garden, the gates herald that the plants within it can take your life. The most dangerous botanical park in the world brings together all kinds of plants that are extremely toxic, yet it is a curious tourist site for those who love plants.

Kawah Ijen Lake (Indonesia)

Although the turquoise waters of Kawah Ijen look spectacular, the pungent smell of sulfur is perceptible a few kilometers from this beautiful lake. Due to its high concentration of sulfur, anyone who gets close to it could die of suffocation or even swallowed by the earth due to the constant movements of the surface.

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