Throughout the world there is a large number of bluestones. These vary in intensity, hardness and brightness. Although the blue stone par excellence is the sapphire, there are also 10 other more important blue stones within the entire wide range.

Within the interesting range of options to opt for an intense, light blue or with green tones, you can find beautiful stones such as tanzanite, topaz or lapis lazuli. Here is a description of these:

Sapphire: it is the queen within the most important blue stones. Its intense blue color makes it a precious stone that has been coveted in the world of jewelry for centuries. The sapphire is one of the four most important precious stones in the world, being even more valuable than the diamond.

Tanzanite: its deposits are only found in Tanzania, compared to other gems, this one was discovered a few years ago, in 1967. Due to its scarcity and beauty, it is one of the most valued stones currently in the jewelry market.

Topaz: Its importance dates back to ancient times, when the Greeks and Romans marveled at its extraordinary brilliance. Although it is available in different colors, its blue version is the most sought after.

Aquamarine: From the beryl family, this beautiful one is one of the important blue gems, a clear example is evidenced from its name that is given by its unique color.

It is a popular stone with several deposits in the world and affordable prices.

Lapis Lazuli: It is a semiprecious stone of Asian origin that has been used for more than 6,000 years in decorative objects and jewelry. A special feature of this stone is that thanks to its content of sodalite, hauyna and pyrite it classifies as a rock and not as a mineral.

Spinel: It is a famous stone for quality in terms of brilliance and hardness. It is often compared to gemstones such as ruby ​​and sapphire, as it is available in other colors such as red. However, its blue version is one of the rarest, known as cobalt spinel.

tourmaline: Among its most notable characteristics is that it can be found in almost all colors, however one of the most striking is blue, which is found in different intensities known as indigolites.

Apatite: It is a very rare variety that is unknown to the common public, but is an object of admiration among collectors and gem connoisseurs, thanks to the intensity of its color and the difficulty of obtaining it.

Kyanite: Its unique quality is its blue spice color, to which it also owes its name, which comes from the Greek «kyanos» which translates as blue. This stone is included in the sapphire range.

Fluorite: It has an intense blue tone that is often confused with violet. Its best known use in the industrial area as an element in the transformation processes of iron and steel.

Despite having the blue color in common, all these stones have a unique beauty that differentiates them from the rest of the existing gems.