The 10 long-term effects of generalized anxiety on mental and physical health – Online Psychologists

Generalized anxiety is an anxiety disorder characterized by excessive and persistent worry about daily events or activities.

People who suffer from generalized anxiety often have difficulty controlling these worries and may experience physical symptoms such as palpitations, sweating, and muscle tension.

Although generalized anxiety can be treated, the long-term effects of generalized anxiety on mental and physical health are an important topic of discussion. In this article, we will explore the symptoms, causes, and treatments of generalized anxiety, as well as the long-term effects of generalized anxiety on mental and physical health.

Introduction to generalized anxiety

Generalized anxiety is an anxiety disorder characterized by excessive and inappropriate worries about everyday events or activities.

These concerns can be about financial problems, health problems, work problems, among others. According to the study «Prevalence and Predictors of Generalized Anxiety Disorder Among Adults in the United States» published in 2015, 3.1% of the adult population in the United States suffers from generalized anxiety.

Symptoms and causes of generalized anxiety

Generalized anxiety is characterized by excessive and irrational worry that lasts at least six months and concerns several aspects of life. The most common symptoms of generalized anxiety include:

  • Constant worry: The person worries excessively about everyday situations, such as work, health, money, etc.
  • Muscle tension: The person experiences muscle pain and tension due to emotional tension.
  • Difficulty concentrating: The person has difficulty concentrating on everyday tasks due to constant worry.
  • Insomnia: Generalized anxiety can cause difficulty falling asleep or waking up in the middle of the night due to worry.
  • Fatigue: Generalized anxiety can cause fatigue due to constant stress and lack of sleep.

A study published in the Journal of Anxiety Disorders found that generalized anxiety symptoms are associated with an increased risk of depression and anxiety disorders. Researchers also found that patients with generalized anxiety are more likely to have physical health problems, such as heart disease and gastrointestinal disorders.

As for causes, generalized anxiety can be caused by a combination of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. Studies suggest that risk factors include stress, genetic predisposition, personality, and emotional trauma.

Put yourself in the hands of an expert: treatment for generalized anxiety

Treating generalized anxiety is essential to improving the quality of life of people who suffer from it. An expert psychologist will help you identify and change the patterns of thinking and behavior that contribute to anxiety. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is an effective treatment for generalized anxiety, according to the study “Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Generalized Anxiety Disorder: A Meta-Analysis” published in 2018. Cognitive-behavioral therapy will help you learn techniques to manage anxiety, such as relaxation, gradual exposure, and cognitive restructuring.

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Another effective treatment for generalized anxiety is medication. Anti-anxiety medications are a common option, but they must be prescribed and supervised by a physician or psychiatrist. According to the study “Pharmacological Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis” published in 2018, anti-anxiety medications are effective in treating generalized anxiety, but they must be used in combination with cognitive-behavioral therapy for best results.

Short-term effects of generalized anxiety

Generalized anxiety can have a significant impact on mental health in the short term. One of the most common effects is increased worry and obsessive thinking. This can lead to overstimulation of the nervous system and increased feelings of stress and tension in the body. In addition, generalized anxiety can also increase the risk of anxiety disorders such as panic disorder or obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Another short-term effect of generalized anxiety on mental health is difficulty concentrating and completing everyday tasks. Constant worrying can distract attention and make it difficult to focus on important tasks. It can also affect short-term memory and hinder the ability to retain information. This can have a negative impact on academic or work performance and overall quality of life.

Long-term effects of generalized anxiety on mental health

Generalized anxiety can have long-term effects on a person's mental health. These effects may include:

  • Depression: Generalized anxiety may trigger a depressive episode or worsen the symptoms of an existing episode. Anxiety and depression are commonly comorbid, meaning they can occur together.
  • Sleep problems: Generalized anxiety can disrupt a person’s sleep cycle, which can lead to insomnia issues. This can have a negative impact on mental and physical health, as sleep is essential for recovery and overall well-being.
  • Chronic stress: Generalized anxiety can cause chronic stress, which can increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other stress-related health problems.
  • Concentration problems: Generalized anxiety can interfere with a person's ability to concentrate on everyday tasks, which can affect their academic or work performance.
  • Relationship problems: Generalized anxiety can affect a person's interpersonal relationships as it can cause communication problems, social avoidance, and difficulty connecting with others.

Long-term effects of generalized anxiety on physical health

Generalized anxiety can have significant long-term effects on physical health. One of the most common effects is muscle tension, which can manifest itself in the form of headaches, back and neck pain, and general muscle aches. This is because when we are anxious, our muscles contract and tense up, which can cause physical aches and pains.

Another important point is the link between generalized anxiety and sleep: anxiety can cause insomnia or difficulty falling asleep, which can negatively affect the body.

The brain needs adequate sleep to function properly, and when it is not achieved, it can lead to health problems such as fatigue, headaches, a weakened immune system and concentration problems.

Another short-term effect of generalized anxiety on physical health is gastrointestinal problems, such as diarrhea, constipation, nausea, and abdominal pain. Anxiety can affect the digestive system, as it can decrease the body's ability to digest food properly and can increase stress levels, which can cause gastrointestinal problems.

Finally, generalized anxiety can also increase the risk of heart disease and blood pressure problems. When we are anxious, our body releases stress hormones, such as cortisol, which can increase heart rate and blood pressure. In the long term, this can lead to serious health problems such as heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes.

How to prevent and manage generalized anxiety

Preventing and managing generalized anxiety are essential to improving the quality of life of people who suffer from it. Some strategies to prevent and manage generalized anxiety include:

  • Practice relaxation techniques: Meditation, deep breathing and yoga are some effective techniques to reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Exercise regularly: Exercise helps reduce anxiety levels and improve physical health.
  • Eating a healthy diet: Avoiding caffeine, alcohol and sugar can help reduce anxiety levels.
  • Get enough sleep: Sleep is essential for mental and physical health, and good sleep hygiene can help reduce anxiety.
  • Seek help from an expert psychologist: An expert psychologist will help you identify and change the thought and behavior patterns that contribute to anxiety.

Conclusion and final recommendations

Generalized anxiety is an anxiety disorder that can affect mental and physical health in the short and long term. It is important to seek help from an expert psychologist to treat generalized anxiety and prevent its negative effects.

According to the famous psychologist Abraham Maslow, «Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.«It is important to take care of our mental health and seek help if we feel that our anxiety is becoming uncontrollable.