Does your dog growl like a bear? Then that's not necessarily a reason to worry. Many causes are completely harmless, you don't have to worry about aggressive behavior with these sounds.
In some cases, frequent humming on various occasions can also be a sign of psychological problems or even Pains to be of the animal.
So that you know how to interpret your pet's unusual noises, I've given you this the 11 most common reasons put together for humming in dogs.
The 11 most common causes for humming in dogs
1. Expression of comfort
Many dogs hum every now and then for a rather pleasant reason: they are simply being satisfied and thus express their comfort.
Experts then compare the sound with that Purring of a cat. The occasions vary from animal to animal and depend entirely on what the dog particularly likes:
Typical occasions for relaxed humming
- Dog hums when lying down or lying down (cozy pet bed)
- Dog hums while cuddling
- Four-legged friend enjoys his food
- Preoccupation with toys or chewing bones.
Typical for this cause is a very relaxed body language (for example, the dog closes its eyes while lying down while being scratched).
2. Joy
Some dogs also hum when they are… Joy be overwhelmed.
This can be the case, for example, when a caregiver comes home after a long day. Also in Expecting beautiful things, For example, before feeding or when the four-legged friend sees that you are taking the leash in your hand to take him for a walk, the sound can often be heard.
Experts suspect that the animals then make this sound not for themselves, but for people. The dog then has learned, that the owner is happy when the dog hums with joy.
3. frustration
However, the humming is not always meant positively: it can also mean that the four-legged friend frustrated is.
Then something didn't go the way he imagined. Examples of this are unsuccessful begging about food, a clear one «No!» the dog owner or even one tirade, because the four-legged friend has broken something, for example.
Typically the dog then withdraws, So the dissatisfied hum means that you have succeeded. If it stays that way, you don't have to worry about aggression as long as the animal doesn't escalate further, such as growling.
4. Dog wants attention
Dogs are very docile animals. They understand particularly quickly what behavior their owners react to and what they don't. If you have “adopted” the humming sound in the past, he will remember it and often use it as a means of communication.
So if you're busy, there's a good chance you'll hear a demanding hum coming from downstairs. Afterwards, some dogs also pull out other stops: they bark, nudge or even jump at people.
Most of the time the dogs want something e.g. food, a cuddle or a walk outside to “relieve yourself”. Several sounds at the same time are also possible: If a dog bleeps and growls, he probably has an urgent concern.
5. boredom
But many dogs hum even without cause. Often it's easy for them boring, Accordingly, the noise usually occurs when the four-legged friends are not being sufficiently utilized.
In many cases, the owners are very busy at least at times and are hardly at home: If you install a dog camera with a microphone, it is quite possible that you will occasionally hear humming noises in their absence.
6. Stimulated dreams
It's actually safe for dogs too dream: According to a study, four-legged friends spend around 12 percent of their sleep in the REM phase. Most likely, just like us humans, it is primarily used to process the day's experiences.
If you have particularly intense dreams, you can also physical reactions Observe: Some dogs then let out a sleepy “woof”, others hum more or less excitedly. Whining, paw movements and sometimes even screaming are also not uncommon.
There is then no reason to worry, on the contrary: Dreams are probably an important part of sleep and help your four-legged friend wake up the next morning rested and balanced is.
7. Digestive problems & stomach pain
But negative humming doesn't just happen for psychological and mental reasons. Also Pains can play a role. The sound is more like a groan because the four-legged friend is suffering a lot.
This often occurs digestive problems which are unfortunately not uncommon in dogs. The stomach often rumbles at the same time, and protective postures (the dog lies on its side, for example) are also typical.
Typical causes of digestive problems
- Poorly digestible feed with inferior composition
- Food intolerance or allergy
- Endoparasites such as worms and giardia
- Dog swallowed foreign body
- Upset stomach (e.g. because they ate garbage or expired food)
- Incompatible food, e.g. eating wet and dry food almost at the same time.
The four-legged friend often behaves very calmly and almost apatheticly until improvement occurs. The body often tries to reflexively heal itself, which is why nausea and/or diarrhea are common.
8. Symptoms of poisoning
The symptoms of a poisoning are often similar to digestive problems, but usually occur much more severely and are extremely dangerous: even animals that have eaten toxins often grumble in pain.
Important topic
When a dog shows signs of poisoning, every step and every minute counts: You need to to the vet immediately, Even at night or on weekends for emergency service!
With quick treatment, the four-legged friend's life can often be saved. You can find out more about this topic in our guide “Poisoning in dogs”.
This usually results in very severe diarrhea and/or nausea, which is often uncontrolled and bloody.
Unfortunately, there are many culprits, e.g. pesticides such as insecticides and (delayed-acting) rat poison, certain foods such as chocolate and some types of fruit or vegetables or chemical agents such as artificial fertilizers.
9. Joint problems
Also Joint problems can cause a dog to make humming noises. Most of the time the four-legged friend lies there and then the sounds are heard Expression of pain.
This pain is often caused by chronic joint inflammation – so one arthritis – caused. In some cases, for example because the dog is lying unhappily, other degenerative diseases may also be a possibility. Examples of this are Osteoarthritis and Hip dysplasia.
Older four-legged friends who are in the last third of their life expectancy are often affected. However, younger animals are occasionally also affected, particularly for genetic reasons and due to poor nutrition in their youth.
10. Ear pain
Dogs have one excellent hearing, are also very high due to the structure of the organ prone to ear infections.
In particular Inflammation give them trouble. They are usually caused by bacteria, fungi or viruses and often lead to a permanent pain. When the pain is severe, dogs can express their distress with humming noises.
Typical ear infections include redness or dark areas inside, which you can examine with a flashlight, for example. Furthermore, a fairly strong stench coming from the ear is an almost certain symptom.
11. Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CDS)
“Cognitive dysfunction syndrome” or CDS is the most common Dementia in dogs.
She actually always occurs advanced age on and is incurable. However, with veterinary treatment, appropriate mental activity and compassionate care, it is possible Quality of life of the four-legged friend to be maintained at a good level for a long time.
CDS symptoms
The symptoms of CDS are similar to human Alzheimer's disease. For example, the following symptoms often occur:
- Dog is disoriented and helpless
- Fear, panic and inexplicable nervousness
- Perception of long-term caregivers as strangers
- Dog does large and/or small “business” in the apartment, no longer housetrained
- Lots of activity at night, sleep during the day
- Four-legged friend appears listless and apathetic
- Inappropriate sounds, changed communication.
Source: VetSpezial Center for Small Animal Medicine, Lehrte.
What is typical for demented animals is that they No longer use means of communication sensibly can. For example, they often bark for no reason or growl without any understandable reason.
Difference between growling & Hum
Many dog owners are unsure whether their protégé is now growls or growls. This often happens confusion, Which is also understandable: after all, the sounds sound very similar.
When it comes to dog communication, the two tones couldn't be more different. As Rule of thumb the following can then be said:
- At the Growl is addressed to someone else (conspecifics, other animals, people). The dog wants to tell him something important.
- Hum On the other hand, it is more of an expression of emotion on the part of the four-legged friend. It is rarely associated with clear body language and is not part of “classic” dog communication.
Humming does not mean aggression
Growling is an important one Escalation level of the dog. Usually it means: “Leave me alone, if you don't take this seriously I will become violent.” That remains Threatening gesture ignored, the four-legged friend usually starts to snap. Inhibited or even uninhibited bites are also possible as a result.
The hum is completely different: It means generally no aggression. Although some dogs are in a bad mood or frustrated when they make the noise, you don't have to expect them to attack you.
While all dogs can growl every now and then, that is Not every four-legged friend hums Common: Some furry friends spend their entire lives without ever sounding like a bear.
Break the habit?
Some dog owners don't like this noise their four-legged friend makes. Then you want him to do that break the habit or even forbid. Since it can only bother us humans, there is actually no reason for it.
You can still do it: Unlike growling noises, humming is essentially a humming noise learned behavior. The four-legged friend found out that it was a effective means of communication with us humans acts – so basically it is one “Foreign language” of the dog.
This way you would not deprive your four-legged friend of an important vocalization. But you should keep in mind that… Humming is also beneficial for us can be: It is much easier to understand than the often rather hidden…