Thanksgiving, how to decorate the table

On the last Thursday of November, the Thanksgiving day either Thanksgiving. It is generally celebrated as a family or friends, and is a great opportunity to thank everything we live in the year. Thanksgiving dinner It would not be the same without turkey, cakes or pumpkin cream, but the food would not have the same effect If our table does not dress in celebration. Flowers, leaves, ocher and reddish colors can add the warm air we are looking for and the cozy atmosphere, to receive our loved ones and pass An unforgettable evening.

We share seven ideas to decorate your table this Thursday, November 24, to celebrate and thank your life with your favorite people:

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Pumpkins as a table path

Get pumpkins of all colors, shapes and textures you can find in your local market or supermarket for accommodate them at your table. You can stack them, form ranks, pile them up or place them in the dishes. Combines sizes to give creativity and a autumnal air.

You can add aggregate cards to each of your guests.Debby Hudson / Unspash.

Personalized decorations

It is common that when the guests arrive, the first thing they ask is and where do I feel? Avoid this, personalizing the places of each of your guests. A card with your name in a beautiful calligraphy will be enough and you can add a autumnal detail. Fast ideas: Put a mini pumpkin in each place that the guests can take, in addition to the card put dry leaves or on the card add something for which you are grateful to have them as friends or family.