The secret of the singer finally came to light Thalia and her waist. That’s what many Internet users said after seeing this cumbersome video.
Thalía is one of the most famous and beloved singers in all of Latin America. In addition to being very talented, her fans applaud how she has preserved herself despite the passing of the years.
They especially admire her stylized figure, which she herself has shown how she cares for through her social networks, including her legendary waist, which she says she maintains with much sacrifice.
Is this the secret of Thalía and her waist?
However, there is a myth surrounding this part of the Mexican woman’s body. It has been said for many years that Thalía had some ribs removed to have a smaller waist.
That is why the artist decided to clarify all the rumors once and for all and did so using her peculiar humor and ingenuity, through a video in which she and her assistants appear trying to «stuff» her in a corset.
Wasp waist at 10 hands! Who said achieving this look was an easy task was dreaming! Between fixing my straps, adjusting the ties on my corset, stopping my hair so it wouldn’t get tangled and tightening my waist as much as possible to achieve the «hourglass» effect, we achieved the look I used for in one of the video sets of #estoysoltera. And that unexpected ending…it slipped into editing!
Thalía wrote in the Instagram post next to the following video…
As you can see, the explanation she gives is very simple: the size of the waist also has to do with the clothes you wear and how tight you wear your corset.
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