Ten tips to overcome an addiction – Online Psychologists

What is an addiction? According to the World Health Organization (WHO), we understand addiction as a physical and psycho-emotional illness where a dependency develops towards a substance, activity or relationship caused by the satisfaction that its use generates in the person. Alcohol, food, drugs, theft, gambling, sex, technology, relationships. Everything can become an addiction when its absence generates anxiety, anguish and even depression.

How can we overcome an addiction? Fortunately, yes, it is possible, although the ease or difficulty of recovery will depend on the degree of addiction and the addictive object. Being dependent on a partner is not the same as abusing alcohol, for example. In any case, here you have The ten basic tips to overcome an addiction which most psychology professionals agree on:

Decalogue for fighting addiction

Admit the problem and decide to make a changeThe first and unquestionable step in the face of any addiction – or any pathology – is to accept reality and be aware that the addiction one has is not healthy and is harmful to one's health.

Become awareYou already know that you have a problem, an addiction. Now, are you willing to make the change? Consider how willing you are to overcome the addiction. To achieve recovery, you must want to get better.

Don't think you're crazy. Get rid of your prejudices and be open-minded. Mental illnesses do not mean being crazy and anyone can fall into an addiction, an innate response to cover up deeper problems or anxieties. That is where the real personal work lies – analyzing what has motivated the illness – but to do so, first, the symptoms of the addiction must be treated and eradicated.

Start psychological treatment! No one better than a therapist can guide you through the steps of your recovery. You will be able to express yourself openly and find the answers to your own questions within yourself. The online psychologist is the guide who opens the door to your personal tools to enhance them.

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Join a support group. Although it may seem like a movie, it is the reality. An addiction brings with it the feeling of loneliness and incomprehension but, as they say, “you are not alone”. There are many people who are going through or have gone through this same situation, so why not support each other? Therapeutic support groups are essential in addiction pathologies as they allow you to share your experience, find protection and listen to the strategies of those who are in a better state. They are intimate spaces where there is no prejudice or shame: everyone is on the same level.

Follow the instructions given. Although some of them may seem illogical to you, all therapeutic recommendations have their reason in the treatment. Bear in mind that if the addiction is deep-rooted, your subconscious will look for any opportunity to give free rein to the symptom – whatever the reason for the addiction may be. So, even if it is difficult, stick to all the guidelines. If they are imposed on you, it is for a reason.

Ask for help and collaboration from those closest to you and/or those you live with.Overcoming an addiction on your own is very difficult, and even with psychological help, it is also important to have the support of those closest to you. Family, partners, and friends should know what is happening and how to act in order to help you maintain those patterns that can be so difficult to follow. This way, they can help you in moments of greatest weakness and help you distance yourself from the object of addiction.

Avoid direct temptations but don't shy away from natural social activitiesThis means that you should avoid those contexts that are intended to trigger the reason for your addiction – for example, if you suffer from alcoholism, do not go to a “botellón”. But it also does not mean that you should avoid all social contact that derives from a healthy or logical context – for example, a dinner in a restaurant; in this case it is not the same context as a “botellón” and, although some people may order alcoholic drinks, not all diners will do so or you may ask a friend for help.

Pay special attention when you start to improve. These are times when you can easily get carried away by the happiness of being well and think the typical phrase “for once nothing happens”. Yes, it happens, but don’t beat yourself up either. The key is not to minimize relapses and to be able to take them to therapy in order to analyze the situation. Keep in mind that you have relapsed but that it does not mean your downfall. Relapses are understood as a natural process in the recovery from an addiction, the improvement of which is observed when they become more and more spaced out over time.

Remember that YES you can overcome it. Never forget this and keep it in mind. Even if you fall, even if difficult times come and you feel more vulnerable, have the optimism and strength to keep going. If others have been able to do it, you can too. So forget the idea of ​​“I am different” or “I won’t be able to” because it is totally false: just as we can all fall, we can all get up.

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