Teen parties, everything you need to know

If you have wondered what teen parties are like, everything you need to know, we share it with you in the following article and that you should read.

If you have children over 12 years of age, it is surely very common to hear the expression «Mommy, let me go to a party with my friends from school.» either «Mommy, can I have a party with my friends at the house?».

A sea of ​​​​doubts comes to you and although you want to let them go or allow them to have the party at home, you do not know how the other adolescents behave, that is why it is necessary to take into account some recommendations.

Our responsibility as parents is the key to making the party fun and without any risk.

Among the most important things are:

Guest List:

When a teenager plans a party, the news flies through social media like Facebook or Twitter or Instagram. Due to these new media, teen parties can become too big for parents to control.

Time and place:

Teen parties often start late at night and move from house to house.

Facts about alcohol and drugs

Teens often expect to find alcohol and drugs at parties. Some parents believe that it is preferable to let teens drink in their own home where they can be protected. Although the intentions are good, the idea is totally insane. It is not possible to protect a teenager whose judgment is impaired.

Alcohol and drugs impair good judgment. Teens are more likely to have sex, be involved in violent incidents, or be injured after using drugs or alcohol. Too often a teenager dies from violence, unintentional injuries, or overdoses related to alcohol and drugs.

Alcohol affects teens differently than adults. For example, compared to adults, adolescents are more likely to stay awake, wander, or drive a car, while also being more mentally disturbed.

If you are going to have a teenage party at your house…

Plan things in advance. Go over the party plans with your child.

Encourage him to plan activities or games where alcohol is not involved.

Limit the number of attendees: 10 to 15 teenagers for every adult. Make sure at least one adult is present at all times. If necessary, ask other parents to come help you.

Make a guest list

The party should only be for guests. Do not allow entry to people who have not been invited. This will prevent the party from being “open door”

Set the time the party starts and ends. Find out what the local curfew laws are to determine the end time of the party.

Set the «rules» of the party and your expectations. discuss them with you [email protected] before the party. The rules must include the following:

  • There will be no tobacco, alcohol or other drugs.
  • No one will be able to leave the party and then come back.
  • The lights will be on all the time.
  • Some rooms in the house will be off limits.
  • Have enough food and non-alcoholic beverages
  • Also, lock up your alcoholic beverages and both prescription and over-the-counter medications.
  • You must be present, but without getting in the way
  • Pick a spot where you can see what’s going on without getting in the way. You could also help serve snacks and drinks.

If you [email protected] teenager is going to a party…

know where you will go [email protected] and how long will it be there. Get the phone number and address of the party

Ask him to call you if the party location changes. Don’t forget to tell your child where you will be during the party.

Call the parents hosting the party to confirm that they will be present the entire time supervising the party. Make sure that the use of tobacco, alcohol and drugs will not be allowed.

talk to you [email protected] in advance about how to deal with a situation where there is alcohol at a party.

Make sure that you [email protected] have a way to get to the party and back home.

Make it easy for him to leave the party by emphasizing that he can call you at any time so that you can [email protected] pick up Discuss when they should make that call. Remind him to NEVER ride in a car driven by someone who has been drinking or using other drugs.

try to be [email protected] when you [email protected] get home. So you can check the arrival time and talk to your [email protected] about the events of the night.

If you [email protected] is going to sleep over at a friend’s house after the party, check this with the friend’s parents and make sure they will be home.

We hope that this information has been important, share it with more people who have teenagers and never neglect them.

With information from healthychildren.org