TEA candles and HOW they are made

On some occasion, we have all resorted to candles to set our home or give it that special touch. Who has not turned a simple dinner into a romantic evening thanks to a couple of candles? And it is that more and more people use candles to achieve a more suitable environment for any room.

In this article we will explain the meaning of tea lights and how they are made quickly and easily. Take note!

What do tea candles mean?

Tea lights are those tiny candles that usually come in an aluminum container. This type of candle does not come from any petroleum derivative and is made with naturally sourced materials.

Those that we normally find in stores contain paraffin (a toxic substance derived from petroleum) and its use can cause us health problems and environmental pollution. In addition, compared to conventional wax candles, tea lights are long lasting: lasts approximately 4 hours.

Like many other candles, there are people who also attribute meaning to tea lights. We have to know that, as a general rule, they are people who believe in esotericism and who pay attention to aspects such as, for example, the movement of the flame, the traces of wax left when consumed, etc.

Here are some of the meanings of tea lights that you can associate when you light your candle:

  • If sparks fly in the flame: in this case, the candle is warning us that problems could come into our lives
  • If the candle flame moves: This may indicate that changes will come in our lives and that, therefore, we must be prepared for them.
  • If the flame is very high: In these cases, what it indicates is good news since this type of flame is a sign of good luck.
  • If the flame is very moving: in these cases it is telling us to be careful with the people around us because there may be someone who harms us

how to make tea candles

We continue to tell you how make tea candles at home and, thus, be able to prepare these decorative and, at the same time, energetic objects yourself.

You have to know that you can make them from different materials and aromas. With some easy steps you will have your tea candles ready. Shall we start?

The materials you will need are:

  • 100% natural white wax made with products such as soy or beeswax.
  • Aluminum or methacrylate containers of about 5cm in diameter
  • Color pigment of your choice (optional)
  • Favorite fragrance (optional)
  • White wick (tea light wick)
  • Coconut oil
  • 1 medium casserole

Make tea candles step by step

  1. We will start preparing the wax. To do this, we will make a bain-marie by filling the pot with water almost halfway and waiting for it to boil. The pot should be large enough to accommodate another smaller pot or metal bowl.
  2. When it starts to boil, we will place the second pot on top with the wax and wait for it to melt completely.
  3. Once undone, we will take the containers and We will prepare the wicks. To do this, we will pour all the melted wax (you will see that the final texture of the wax is very liquid and similar to oil) in a large glass cup and we will cut the white wick royo into pieces of about 5 cm each and submerge them in the wax.
  4. Let the wicks cool to one side and wax all the pieces.
  5. Next, we’ll take the color pigment and add half a teaspoon of coffee to the wax. Then we will mix it well until it has been diluted and the wax has taken on the color well.
  6. If we have decided to throw some kind of fragrance, we will do it at this moment and we will mix well again (a few drops is enough).
  7. The last step is refill wax containers and let cool for about 3-4 minutes to add the wicks (The wax must be warm to hot).
  8. We will let cool completely and we will have our tea candles!

can make candles green tea, coconut, soy… These types of candles offer endless possibilities!

What are the tea candles: the different types that exist

We could say that the wax is the soul of the candle, and according to its composition, we can classify tea candles into 3 types:

  • Tea candles made with beeswax: It is a fatty and natural product produced by worker bees to cover some of the walls of the hive. Its color at the beginning is white although when it warms up its final color is yellow. They are the favorites of many people for their aroma of pollen and honey and because they are completely organic.
  • Virgin wax tea lights: Virgin wax is similar to beeswax although its natural color is white.
  • Vegetable wax tea candles: For this type of candle, the base comes from different plants, soybean and palm being the most common.

As you can see, tea candles are all advantages: easy to make, cheap, sustainable, we can customize them in our own way and above all, they will bring out that artist that we all have inside. Do you dare to make them at home? 🙂

Finally we leave you with this video where they will explain how tea candles are made so that you can manufacture yourselves from home without any danger and everything step by step.

Do you want more? Do not miss our websites of meanings!