Tarot letters: an ancestral divine practice

The tarotista needs a lot of concentration, but also who is going to consult must concentrate on her wishes and questions so that Tarot letters They link and reveal all the information we need.

Although the Tarot follows a line of wisdom, it has different forms of classification and reading.The dead Crew / Pexels.

How is Tarot classified?

A traditional mallet has 78 tarot cardswhich are divided into major and minor arcana. According to experts, minor arcana reveal information about the events that have occurred thanks to our decisions and our nature as human beings; The minor arcana are represented by numbers and other elements, which are the ones we see in the classic Spanish deck, that is, glasses, basts, swords and golds. As for the major arcana, which occupy 22 tarot cards, they have a more complex symbolism directly linked to the designs of the universe and destiny. They are the Tarot letters stronger, and many times the most used during readings, since its interpretation is broader, but also more complex.

According to experts, The first letters of the tarot of the major arcana represent the divine forces: The magician, the priestess, the Empress, the Emperor, the Hierophant, the lovers, the car, the justice, the hermit, the wheel of fortune, the strength, the hanged. Then comes letter 13, which is the letter of death, and that the tarotists interpret as a bridge between earthly life and the spiritual world.

From letter 14 to 21, there are the symbols that represent man facing his material destiny: temperance, the devil, the tower, the star, the moon, the sun, the judgment, the world. And finally, Charter 22, or Charter 0, known as the Charle Chart for being represented by the madman, a symbol that could navigate on both sides, both in the divine forces and in the earthly world.