Talavera, the origin of a tradition that unites Mexico and Spain

Around 1580, The Loza industry became one of the main ones in Puebladifferentiating from the Spanish mayolic thanks to its artisanal elaboration and its relationship with novohispano Catholicism, that is, a sample of cultural miscegenation.

Before the rise of Talavera, The New Spain's government created the guild of LOCKS To regulate your trade in the mid -seventeenth century and avoid fakes, with ordinances that set the conditions required to be a master of the trade and the separation of fine, common and yellow crockery, as well as the rules for the decoration of these.

Currently, Talavera occurs mainly in Puebla and Tlaxcala.

Uriarte Talavera

Where and how is Talavera manufactured?

In Mexico, the most traditional places where Talavera is manufactured are Atlixco, Cholula, Puebla, Tecali de Herrera and San Pablo del Montesince there are the most experience in the production process.

To manufacture it, first a combination of black and white claytypical of the region. Then, the potters shape the pieces and monitor the drying process to achieve their firmness. Subsequently, The pieces are baked at a temperature of one thousand to two thousand degrees Celsius and are allowed to dry from 24 to 48 hours, to take a White color

Finally, to decorate the pieces the PLUMED METHODin which there is no pattern to follow but is free, usually with cobalt blue, the most characteristic of the Talavera de Puebla.

Thanks to its beauty and utility, Talavera has a denomination of origin and is considered as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.

Rotekirsche / Pexels

Talavera today

There is no doubt that Talavera is one of the most recognized crafts not only in Mexico, but in the world, so it has Denomination of origin Since 1995. In addition to finding it in kitchen utensils and decorative objects, it is common to see it in facades of colonial buildings that are still preserved.

Therefore, it was appointed by UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity along with the Spanish Mayolic in 2019, being a cultural practice that identifies specific regions of both countries.