Synulox for dogs: use, dosage and side effects

It is not always possible to prevent our furry friends from suffering from a disease that needs to be treated with medication.

If bacteria are the trigger, a dog will go through antibiotic therapy in this case.

One such antibiotic is Synulox for the dog. The following guide explains what it helps against and what you need to consider.

Synulox for dogs: what it is and what it is used for

Synulox for dogs is a broad spectrum antibiotic used for various disorders and diseases in dogs becomes.

The active substances that act against bacterial infections are amoxicillin and clavulanic acid.

It is used when the dog suffers from one of the following diseases:

  • skin diseases
  • gingivitis
  • diseases of the urinary tract
  • diseases of the respiratory tract
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Synulox is a prescription medication that can only be obtained with a prescription from your veterinarian.


Under no circumstances should Synulox be used in dogs that are allergic to penicillin or suffer from kidney dysfunction!

The correct application and dosage of Synulox

In order for Synulox to help against one of the infections mentioned, we will now explain to you How to use and dose this medication correctly.

Synulox is available in three different strengths, which are then used to determine the correct dosage: 50 mg, 250 mg and 500 mg.

The table gives you a simple overview of the correct dosage for your dog:

body weight dogSynulox 50 mgSynulox 250 mgSynulox 500 mgup to 2 kg ½ tablet twice a day––up to 5 kg 1 tablet 2x a day––up to 9 kg 2 tablets 2x a day––up to 13 kg 3 tablets 2x a day––up to 18 kg 4 tablets 2x a day––up to 25 kg–1 tablet 2x a day ½ a day Tablets up to 35 kg – 1.5 tablets twice a day ¾ tablet twice a day up to 50 kg – 2 tablets 2x a day 1 tablet 2x a day over 50 kg – 3 tablets 2x a day 1.5 tablets 2x a day

Of course you can also administer the appropriate dosage with the 50 mg tablets.

However, since dogs are not big tablet fans, higher dosages make more sense, especially for large and heavy dogs.

You should also give it to your dog with meals. If he refuses to swallow the tablet, you can crush it and mix it with the wet food.

A little tip: If you put the tablet directly in his mouth, you can scratch his chin.

This activates the swallowing reflex and your dog has actually taken the tablet.

A pill syringe can also ensure that your dog does not spit the pill out again.

Please make sure that you administer Synulox to your dog at intervals of 12 hours, otherwise the antibiotic will not work.


Please note that antibiotics – including Synulox – should never be administered to your dog on your own, but only after consultation with your veterinarian.

How long does it take for Synulox to work in dogs?

Synulox usually starts working in dogs within a few hours.

The prerequisite is that the pathogens are sensitive to amoxicillin and clavulanic acid.

The duration of antibiotic therapy, on the other hand, depends on the type of infection. Typically, Synulox is given to the dog for 5 to 7 days.

In addition, in the case of severe courses and depending on the disease, these application periods apply:

  • Pyoderma: 10 to 30 days
  • Bladder/urinary tract infection: 10 to 28 days
  • Respiratory disease (bronchitis, pneumonia): 8 to 10 days

In some cases, the veterinarian may order that towards the end of treatment the duration of use be reduced.

Here you go from, for example, 2 tablets a day to 1 tablet a day and then only administer them every 48 hours until the therapy is finished.

What are the side effects of Synulox in dogs?

Does Synulox have side effects for dogs? Unfortunately and almost naturally yes – after all, it is an antibiotic that including indigestion can.

These include vomiting and diarrhea. There are also other side effects of Synulox that a dog may experience:

  • Allergic skin reactions
  • anaphylaxis

If these Synulox side effects occur in the dog, you should stop treatment with the antibiotic immediately.

You can also give your dog – after consulting your veterinarian – an antihistamine or a glucocorticoid if it has skin allergies.

If the allergic reaction has led to anaphylaxis, epinephrine (adrenaline) and also a glucocorticoid will help.

Please note that you are already administering a probiotic agent such as Flora Complex to your dog during the antibiotic treatment.

Because these drugs have the unsightly habit of disturbing the sensitive intestinal flora in the long term.

After the therapy, it is recommended to continue the administration of probiotics for about 1 week.


Synulox for dogs is a broad spectrum antibiotic containing amoxicillin and clavulanic acid.

These ingredients help against diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, skin, urinary tract and gums.

After consultation with your veterinarian, give your dog Synulox twice a day until the end of the therapy.

Unfortunately, Synulox for dogs can cause side effects such as vomiting, diarrhea and allergic skin and respiratory reactions.

It is important that you support your dog’s intestinal flora with a probiotic.

Has your dog ever had to take Synulox? We’d love for you to share your experiences and tips with us in the comments.