Yes, many times we can be in love, but other times we have the doubt if we are really feeling something or was it “they made us a mooring” that’s why it’s important to know how to recognize the spell
It is actually very easy to realize if you are under a spell: Normally one feels the very real feeling oneself, a sensation of madly loving, of happiness for having found the right person (or sometimes fear and/or anxiety of losing said person). ) but this type of magic does not go unnoticed, and obviously there will be points of your character that will not go unnoticed by your environment.
When a love spell is made, maybe you don’t notice anything, but your friends or relatives will tell you that you have changed that you are not the same, that you respond differently than you did before.
Below we list a series of symptoms that can easily indicate that a man, or that we ourselves, may be affected by a love spell.
All the symptoms of a love spell
1. The desire to be together
If you love someone, obviously you want to be with that person, but when the habit was to only see them when you had sexual desire and suddenly you have a need to see them, to be with them, to not be calm until you are close to them then dude, is being worked with a spell. If you weren’t interested in her at all before and suddenly everything becomes weirder, if you feel devastated if you’re not with that person overnight.
2. Pessimistic mood
It is very easy to know if a man is under a spell, his state of mood changes overnight, you can go from being a calm and relaxed person to a person who looks very nervous, tired. Apathy becomes part of his day to day, anything irritates him, he usually becomes very few words and only when the person who made the mooring is there shows himself as he really is. The «I’m fine» becomes the answer to any type of question asked by his family and friends.
3. Depressive state
It seems that life has no meaning when you are not with the other person. They tend to see life as boring, monochromatic, tasteless, they lose the desire to love another, everything goes like an abyss, if the tied up is not close to the woman who tied him up, he looks down, depressed and sad.
They tend to feel frustrated, as if they couldn’t solve anything on their own, they feel like a fear of losing the person they think they love. You normally feel the sensation of being tight, as if I had no future.
4. Problem at work
If the man before paid much attention to his work and career, he will change quickly, his attitude will change and he will lose interest in anything other than The loved person, he will not be able to concentrate on anything, everything takes him over and over again to the person who tied him up. In many cases it ends up as a layoff or a decrease in salary, it is something really difficult, because the person cannot concentrate on what he is doing. He loses interest in everything that has nothing to do with the person he thinks he loves.
5. Fatigue without cause
People who have a mooring tend to feel very tired and fatigued, since they cannot sleep well, because they cannot be at peace, if they do not sleep with the loved one, they will not get sleep. Bad dreams become part of the day to day, the feeling that someone is watching us sleep, everything torments us and makes us live in a world of dark loneliness and darkness. All this torment at night makes tiredness a part of her life.
6. Absolute indifference
No other woman will have any kind of power over you. The spell will make you tired of other women, if you are married your wife don’t care, don’t want it, avoid it, that everything is wrong with your partner, that it be totally indifferent to you. The only person who really makes you feel desire is the one who did the mooring.
7. Health, alcoholism
Your health is going to waste and alcoholism becomes part of you, this is an extremely important point, Your Health it looks bad and if you suffer from any chronic illness it will come to light abruptly.
8. Handling
The man becomes totally manipulable before the woman who cast the spell on him, his word becomes law and his wishes are the priority. Everything becomes an eternal doing the will of the other person.
Is it a safe mooring?
No, of course, there is nothing in this world that can be said with total certainty. As I heard someone say: If it weren’t for the fact that it happens to all of us, we would consider love as a temporary mental illness. Love is not this passion, it is not nerves, it is not frustration for not seeing the loved one, it is not anguish if he does not love us: Love is tranquility, it is good times, it is connection.
If you notice all these symptoms that I expose you, it may be that they have tied you up, it may also be that you feel the anxiety of the «beginning». In either case, you must be vigilant since neither one thing nor the other is allowing you to be yourself.