Dogs have several sensory organs, without which in many cases they would really be «stuck».
This includes not only the nose and the eyes. The ears are also essential in order not to lose orientation in the dark, for example.
So what to do if an ear infection in the dog present?
You will find out everything you need to know in the following guide.
Symptoms: How to recognize an ear infection in dogs
But how can you tell if your dog actually has or is suffering from an ear infection?
As with pretty much every disease, there are for this one too several symptoms by which you can recognize them.
Since the ears are decisive for the sense of balance are responsible disturbances of the same one of the signs of a possible ear infection.
It can also lead to a increased scratching of the ears come. It is also not uncommon when your dog exhausted or apathetic works.
Other signs of an ear infection: Your dog I don’t want to touch my head and ears become.
It may also be from these one unpleasant smelling, brown and purulent discharge exit.
9 possible causes of an ear infection in dogs
Now you know the classic symptoms that indicate an ear infection in your furry friend. But what does this actually trigger?
After all, it doesn’t just «walk in» overnight and nestle in the dog’s ears.
bacteria are one of the causes that can lead to an ear infection in your dog. They are especially happy about a humid environmentbecause this is where they usually reproduce best.
So that means: In order to avoid bacterial inflammation, you should Keep your dog’s ears very dry and make sure your dog warm ears has.
Mushrooms are another trigger if your dog has an ear infection. Among other things, these also cause dry skin areas.
In addition to bacteria viruses the most common pathogens. Where an antibiotic for a bacterium helps, but unfortunately this medicine does not work here.
Good to know:
Bacteria and viruses can be contagious. This does not affect you with a canine ear infection – because there is no zoonosis – but it can be uncomfortable for your other dogs, if you have them.
ear mites are also responsible for ear infections. If these are to blame for the inflammation, you can recognize this from the following symptoms, among others:
- Your dog often shakes his head
- Your dog often scratches its ears
- Your dog rubs his head on the ground
- The dog’s head assumes an inclined position
- There are bald patches on and around the ears
Your dog can too be a lot more restless than usual. The ears, in turn, respond to the mites by producing a higher volume of protective earwax.
One allergy can also be a cause of the ear infection. But it has to be not a local allergy act.
In fact, this is mainly the case with dogs the wrong food triggered. This messes up the intestinal flora.
skin rashes and also Ear infections are not uncommon. If you can’t see any mites, a fungal infestation or a foreign body in your ear, you should have the vet find out the reason.
Because: The wrong food can not only affect the ears, but also cause a lot of other diseases.
foreign body
A foreign body has a certain quality: it disturbs. It can also become a health risk, especially in the ear. It is enough if water has collected in the ear canal.
This offers one good breeding ground for bacteria. But other things like dirt or dust and water fall into this category.
Regular checking of the dog’s ears is therefore a must – especially if your dog has cute floppy ears or ear folds.
If the intestinal flora is out of balance, this usually affects the metabolism or metabolism off.
If, for example, the food is not species-appropriate or not tailored to the individual needs of your fur nose, digestive disorders can quickly occur.
However, an out-of-balance metabolism can also have a negative effect on the ears. Why it is like that? toxinsthat normally via the liver and kidneys be excreted or filtered, stay in the organism.
immune system
The intestine is the seat of the canine immune system. This is made there. So if something is wrong with the intestines, in the worst case the immune system will also collapse.
It goes without saying that this in turn can have serious consequences for the health of your dog.
Cushing’s Syndrome
This is one rare trigger for an ear infection. In Cushing’s syndrome, there is a increased cortisol production in the body.
This affects the liver and kidneys, among other things.
And as you now know at the latest, the toxins that are no longer properly removed can promote and trigger an ear infection.
Good to know:
In the case of an ear infection, a distinction is made between different types of inflammation.
So there is, among other things, the so-called External otitisthe chronic ear infection as well as that vestibular syndrome and the otitis media.
The treatment by the veterinarian then also depends on this, possibly through the administration of antibiotics.
Treating ear infections in dogs: 3 home remedies that help
Depending on the degree of inflammation is a immediate trip to the vet maybe not always necessary – but if it is definitely mandatory.
Unfortunately, an ear infection can quickly spread to other parts of the dog’s organism.
coconut oil
coconut oil is an option to treat an ear infection naturally.
Maybe you already know this one Natural remedies have now become absolute miracle weapons counts, with which it feels like almost everything can be treated. So does an ear infection.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar is the next super home remedy when it comes to canine health. If Itching, intestinal parasites, indigestion, ear infections or skin problems.
There is almost nothing that apple cider vinegar should not get under control naturally.
tea tree oil
tea tree oil is another home remedy that is used by many, especially for blemishes such as acne.
It may not emit the most pleasant smell, though. Due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, it is also a good home remedy with an external ear infection to be used as first aid.
Good to know:
Please be very careful with the tea tree oil! Your dog should definitely don’t lick it! Because it contains terpenes and phenolsthat too allergies and poisoning
You can find more about home remedies in our article here: Ear infection in dogs: 5 home remedies
Other remedies for an ear infection
In addition to the home remedies mentioned, you can also use some over-the-counter medicines and homeopathic remedies use to treat an ear infection.
You can easily buy these remedies – if they do not require a prescription – in the pharmacy.
dreameel is a drug that you can get at the pharmacy without a prescription. It is used not only for ear infections, but also for joint and muscle problems.
Would you like to treat the ear infection yourself with a homeopathic remedy? Then, among other things, are suitable here belladonna, aconite or Echinacea.
Already knew?
Belladonna is a highly toxic substancethe one from the deadly nightshade is won. Among other things, it has a pupil-dilating effect.
Therefore, a very weak dose of the «beautiful lady» is also used in retinal examinations.
When to the vet?
To a certain extent, going to the vet is linked to a simple rule of thumb. If the symptoms have not improved within a few hours or days, there is no way around it.
And they should possible costs play absolutely no role!
Self Home remedies don’t always stop inflammation.
So that this cannot cause further damage, a specialist should keep a close eye on your dog’s ears.
Ear infection won’t go away? Then please go to the vet you trust immediately!
Good to know:
An ear infection should never be taken lightly. Because it can very quickly become a threatening health risk for your four-legged friend.
The consequences of an ear infection that is treated too late or not treated at all include the following:
deafness, Injuries to the eardrum, Damage to the facial nerve and equilibrium as well as disorientation.
Can I prevent an ear infection?
The answer is yes, you can prevent an ear infection in your dog. And it’s really easy – with these things:
- You check your dog’s ears regularly, at least once a week
- You gently clean the ears with warm water and a soft cloth
- You make sure that your dog’s ears are always dry
- If in doubt, you change the food and switch to hypoallergenic
Good to know:
use please never cotton swabsto clean the dog ears! In case of doubt, these can drive black dirt and pathogens even further into the ear. There is also an acute risk of injury to the sensitive auditory canal.
lies one feed change please discuss this with your vet beforehand. This should by no means be undertaken alone. Here, too, there is a risk that you will “impair” your health.
An ear infection in the dog can have different causes.
These range from fungi and bacteria to viruses and mites/parasites. The fact is that such a disease never to be taken lightly should be taken.
Because if left untreated, it has further, very unpleasant consequences for your dog. If the eyes are often the key to the soul, they are Ears, in turn, are the gateway to the rest of the dog’s organism. So make sure that the dog’s ears are always free of foreign objects and are dry and warm.
Has your dog already had experience with an ear infection?
Of course we hope that this is not the case – but if it is, we would be happy if you share this and the chosen treatment and prevention with us and other dog owners in the comments.