Symbols of inner strength, which one do you identify with?

One of the following symbols of inner strength of the Celtic culture will identify you and you will understand why you react in a certain way, on various occasions.

The Celts were a people of gods, druids and mighty warriors of the iron age. Tribal societies settled in Europe, which bequeathed us a series of mysterious symbols that have transcended to this day. These Celtic symbols and their meaning were a fundamental part of their culture.

Celtic Symbology

They had various symbols with which they decorated weapons, utensils and even their own bodies. They were used in turn by the feared and powerful druids to perform sacred rituals.

Thanks to them that on this occasion you will be able to know something about your inner strength, so pay close attention. Look at these symbols! The one that catches your attention will give you the message.

What symbol represents strength?

Within Celtic symbology, inner strength has several representations with unique meanings that, depending on personality and taste, deliver a different message.

1. The tree of life

If you chose the first symbol, you should know that there is a huge potential hidden in you. Your roots go deep underground, you value stability and keep your feet firmly on the ground.

It is the moment in which you must learn to take the energy of the ground and walk barefoot, we recommend that you walk in the middle of nature and you will see how it becomes more alive, full and more conscious.

2. The inner firerenewal symbol

This symbol you chose is fire: The Fenix. This is a legendary bird that can come back to life from the ash.

You are usually a very ambitious person, full of energy and a lot of passion. There is fire inside you, but be careful, this element is capable of burning everything in its path. You demonstrate creation through your fiery nature.

3. The great dragon

You are usually a person with great potential and to become one with nature and find harmony between your worlds. You can make others happy, teach, contribute to their growth.

Within the symbols of inner strength, the dragon will let you know your power and with it you can change everything you don’t like.

4. Celtic Pentagonthe symbol of strength

The symbol you selected represents personal defense and strength, which makes it clear that in your present life you must find a balance between your spiritual and physical powers. You must find a way, a style for yourself.

You have great potential and possibly even extrasensory abilities. Your personality is like five stars and your heart is warm and bright. In terms of health, pay attention to the liver.

5. The feline connection

One of the most exotic symbols of inner strength. There is no doubt that beauty is something very special to you, just like elegance. You are a very flexible person, but you feel pressure and aggression. You like to feel that they care about you and protect you. You are walking with vivacity and confidence in life.

The better you know yourself, the better you will understand the surrounding world and people.

6. The last of the symbols of inner strength: Sacred Sunflower

Finally we have those who chose this symbol, which tells us that your heart is an open book, in addition to radiating warmth and kindness. You care and support others and can be (the) best friend to everyone. Keep your attitude positive and never lose your faith in the good. Take care of your body, especially pay attention to your knees.

What does the fortress represent?

The Celtic pentagon is the representation of strength, a symbol that with its 5 curvilinear points inspires the potential of each person and the development of their inner capacity.

If you are interested in knowing more about the symbols of inner strength and the entire universe of symbology, comment and let us know your views on the subject.

Taken from Gutenberg