Symbolism and meaning of rats (+totem, spirit and omens) – – Spirituality Blog

Are you afraid of rats? To be honest, so are we! But if you desperately need a spiritual guide to help you face life’s difficulties, rats can be your best helpers!

The rat, as a spirit, totem, and power animal, can help! The rat teaches you how to take advantage of ingenious solutions while reminding you of the importance of adaptability. Delve into the symbolism and meaning of rats to discover how this spirit animal can support, help and inspire you.

Seeing a rat in your dream can mean that you are impatient. This impatience may signify your desire for success. Next, we will delve into the symbolism of rats and their spiritual meanings.

What does a rat symbolize?

If you keep seeing rats, then it may mean that you have a survival instinct like them. It’s because rats go from house to house in search of food.

Therefore, they not only have a good survival instinct but also a lot of determination and perseverance.

So if you are like a rat, in the symbolic sense, then you know how to survive in difficult situations. You are not someone who cringes every time life throws you a challenge. It makes you unique as not everyone can endure and stay strong when faced with a challenge.

Plus, rats are pretty smart when it comes to their survival skills. Many homeowners are unaware of its existence in their home for days at a time. It’s because they know how to hide.

As a result, if you see rats, then it may mean that you are also intelligent. You are calm and evaluate each situation carefully before you can take action.

It’s also one of the main reasons why most people come to you when they need advice because they trust your wisdom.

Rat symbolism in different regions and cultures


People in China associate rats with money. Therefore, when they go out in search of food at night, the Chinese believe that they are counting money.

Chinese people also believe that rats are demonic. So, they think that rats can turn into male demons. On the other hand, the Chinese also consider them auspicious creatures.


In Africa, People think that rats are creatures that carry the spirits of the dead.

Therefore, when rats visit their homes, Africans do not kill them. Furthermore, it is also a general belief among them that rats should not be killed.

Native America:

Although Native Americans perceived rats as creatures that wreak havoc wherever they go, they also admired them. It is for this reason that rats became a totemic symbol of their intelligence, speed and agility.

In addition, they also thought that rats were symbols of prosperity.


The Celts believed that rats had prophetic powers.. Since rats abandon ships when they are about to sink, it implies that they can warn. The same goes when a death is about to occur in a house; The rats leave.

The spiritual meaning of a rat that crosses your path

In case you find a rat crossing your path, then you should stop what you were going to do or put it on hold for later.

It is because seeing a rat while doing important work means that you are about to face a lot of trouble.

So if you have an important business proposal to discuss, you should postpone it for another day.

And if you are going to travel that day, you must reschedule it; Otherwise, it may also mean that you are going to have a difficult trip.

Spiritual meaning of the rat

1) Strength

Rats know how to survive even when they do not find ideal conditions to survive. That is why they can live in the harshest habitats. It is this quality of strength that makes them stand out.

If you see rats frequently, then it may mean that you too have the strength that one requires to survive in the most difficult situations.

As a result, whenever you encounter an obstacle in your way, you get over it easily without thinking twice.

He also does not feel overwhelmed by these obstacles which allow him to always keep a clear head in all situations.

2) Determination

Rats are extremely determined creatures. Therefore, they don’t stop when they can’t find food. They continue to loot your entire house until their hunger is satisfied.

In case you see a rat in your dream, It can mean that you are a very determined person..

You don’t give up easily when faced with a challenge. In addition, you are also someone who knows how to achieve your goals. It is for this reason; You will never stop working hard until you find success in your life.

3) Forecast

Rats are also known for their foresight. Because of this foresight, they can warn people when trouble is coming.

For example, if a person is sick in the house, people may see rats leaving their house. It can be a sign of impending death.

Seeing rats can mean that you have the foresight to plan things knowing how they will turn out. Hence, whatever you plan always turns out well in its execution.

4) Move forward

You may also see rats in your dreams when you are not letting things go.

Could be:

  • An old job;
  • A relationship;
  • Or even a friendship.

If it doesn’t work for you or serve no purpose in your life, you have to learn to let it go.

Moving on is the best thing to do in these scenarios. If you resist change and do not move forward, you will only do so at your own expense.

5) Taking challenges

We have already talked about how rats can survive in hostile environments. Therefore, when things get tough, they can survive.

If you see rats, It can be a sign that you are going to face challenges in your life.. But he doesn’t have to worry, since he will be able to overcome them with ease.

The rat spirit totem may be urging you to have faith in yourself. If you believe in yourself, you will be able to take on any challenge that comes your way.

To do this, you will have to let go of any fear or inhibition you have. Otherwise, it can affect your confidence, which can make you vulnerable when faced with a challenge.

6) Lose money

You may have a dream where you see a rat jumping on top of you.

In case you have such dreams, you should not take any loans. Additionally, you should also avoid lending your money to anyone, even if you know the person.

Such dreams can mean that you are about to lose money. Therefore, it is recommended not to make important financial decisions if you have this type of dream.

If you follow this advice, you can save your money and avoid any loss of money soon.

7) Family problems

Rats often tend to destroy things in your house.

Therefore, if you see a dream in which rats are present, It may mean that you are going through some problems related to your family..

However, you should not worry, since rats also mean a change of situations. So if you are currently experiencing difficulties with your family, things will get better soon.

It can also mean problems in a romantic relationship or friendship. The same applies to these situations; That is, if you see rats in a dream, there will be a positive change in your relationships.

8) Be careful

As stated above, rats have foresight.

So if you see rats attacking in your dream, then it must be a sign that you should be careful in your life. Therefore, a rat dream may be warning you that you need to protect yourself from certain people.

For example, someone close to you may not have the best of intentions. As a result, they may try to harm you in one way or another.

To protect you, You should think about who is really a friend and who is not.. It will allow you to protect yourself from any problem.

9) Anxiety

If you see large rats appear in your dreams, It could mean that you are suffering from some anxiety..

This anxiety may revolve around the fact that you don’t want anyone to take advantage of you and you don’t want anyone to have power over you.

Don’t let these anxieties overwhelm your mind.

While it is important to take all necessary precautions so that no one harms you, you should not get too involved in these thoughts. If you don’t let go of these anxieties, you will have unnecessary stress.

10) Good luck

If you see rats in your dream, can be a sign of good luck.

Therefore, if you are currently struggling in any area of ​​your life, you will soon be blessed. It may mean that you will soon enjoy wealth, prosperity and abundance in your life.

11) Ingenuity

Rats are ingenious creatures.

When they need something, they know how to reach out and get the things they need. If you see a dream about rats, symbolizes your ingenuity. It means you know how to get what you want in your life.

No matter how dire the circumstances, the rat spirit endures for many reasons, the most important reason being ingenuity. Creatures move through the nooks and crannies of reality, scavenging for what they need from what the rest of the world leaves behind as useless. Therefore, rats are the best recyclers and symbolize smart reuse.

Spiritual meaning of seeing a rat in the house

Seeing rats in your house has a spiritual meaning behind it.

  • It means that your life is about to take a positive turn.

Soon you will have everything you need.

As a result, you can now let go of all your stress and anxiety as you will soon receive many blessings in your life.

Meaning of a dead rat outside the house

Dead rats have associations with omens and bad luck. They can mean death. Furthermore, in earlier times, the Babylonians often considered dead rats as a symbol of impending death.

But what happens when you see a dead rat outside your house?

Before throwing away a dead rat as a sign of death or bad luck, you should understand the hidden symbolism of the dead rat in your personal life. It is because rats also symbolize prosperity, wealth and abundance in some cultures.

So if you’re hoping for a promotion or a change in your relationship status, it could be that your dreams are about to come true.

Therefore, your superior may surprise you with a salary increase and a promotion. And your partner may give you the proposal you are waiting for.

Dead rats also symbolize change and adaptability. So, you may soon go through a transformation in your life. But how well that transformation goes will depend on how you adapt to that change.

Also, if your birthday is coming up and you see a dead rat outside your house, it can mean a new beginning.

Thus, It may mean that you are about to celebrate a milestone in your life..

Meaning of seeing a rat at night

When you see a rat at night, It can symbolize bad luck and bad omens..

For the…