Sword plant of Saint George protection, spiritual meaning against witchcraft

Saint George’s sword plant for protection We have recently received a large number of questions related to a very special plant in the spiritual and esoteric world, which is known by various names: Saint George’s Sword, Mother-in-law’s Tongue or Sansevieria.

Some of these questions are: How is the sword plant of Saint George used for protection? How to use the sword of Saint George witchcraft (to eliminate and combat it)? Sword plant of Saint George spiritual meaning what is it? Where to place the mother-in-law’s tongue plant? sansevieria magical properties what are they? Mother-in-law tongue spiritual benefits?

To clarify all these questions, today we are going to deal with this topic. In this sense, let’s see the sword plant of Saint George spiritual meaning, against witchcraft and sansevieria magical properties


Its meaning, spiritual benefits, magical and esoteric properties (against witchcraft)

The sword of Saint George is an infallible plant against all evil. By having pointed leaves that resemble the shape of a sword, this herb is well known to cut envy, the evil eye and even improve a negative environment.

Of African origin, the plant plays a prominent role in the spiritual world, as this powerful herb is believed to help neutralize negative vibrations in the environment and ward off evil spells, witchcraft and magic.

For this reason, it is very common to find it near the entrance of houses or behind a door, thus forming a very strong protection so that no negative force can enter the place.


protection amulet

The plant sword of saint george protection Just as its name symbolizes the spear used by Saint George in his battle against a dragon, the plant carries a great religious and mystical value of protection, determination and courage. Its energetic force drives away, as mentioned above, negative influences such as envy and the evil eye.

It is also an excellent amulet that invokes the prosperity. To do this, many people grow it at home and take great care to keep it in good condition. Let’s see, next, plant sword of saint george protection

Plant sword of saint george protection #1 To drive away charged energies in the house: Plant a sword of Saint George together with a plant of rue in a clay pot. Leave it inside your house, near the front door. Water it three times a week.

Sword plant of Saint George protection #2 Against witchcraft: Point, daily, a sword of Saint George towards the sky and say: «The negative influence of witchcraft does not enter this house.» I am protected by the sword of Saint George. He repeats this phrase three times. Then say an Our Father and a Hail Mary to your Guardian angel.

Saint George’s Sword Plant Protection #3 Against envy: Buy a red clay pot and place seven stones of coarse salt in it. He fills it with earth and places the sword plant of Saint George there.

Saint George’s sword plant protection #4 To keep enemies away: On any given Thursday, place two Saint George swords in the shape of a cross under your bed. Before going to sleep, pray an Our Father and then say: “Saint George, holy warrior, with your grace and God’s help, I am not in danger. I sleep in peace and wake up in peace. I live in peace, free from my enemies. In the morning, leave the plant outside the house. Perform this action for a week.

Sword plant of Saint George protection #5 To open the way: At the beginning of seven consecutive mornings, point a blade of Saint George’s sword towards the sky and say: «Oh God, Oh Jesus, send me strength and energy so that I can overcome all difficulties and be happy.» When you’re done talking, put the sheet away where only you can touch it. On the eighth day, throw it in a garbage can far from your house.

Sword plant of Saint George protection #6 Attract more luck to the house: On the first Friday of the month, drop a few drops of your favorite perfume in the four corners of your house. When the plant dries up completely, throw it away.

Saint George’s Sword Plant protection #7 Stay away from gossip: With a knife, being very careful not to hurt yourself, make vertical cuts on a Saint George’s sword blade, saying: “in the same way that I cut the plant, I will also cut all the gossips away from me”. Say this sentence three times in a row.

You can say out loud the name of the person who haunts your life with gossip. When you finish the spell, throw the sword of Saint George in the trash and use the knife normally, after washing it.

Plant sword of saint george protection #8 Amulet of protection You can use a small piece of the blade of the Sword of Saint George to ensure that protection is always with you. Take a piece of the plant, place it inside one and close the bag with a thread. This small bag is used to attract luck and protection.

Leave this little bag, in your backpack or next to your bed. But beware: no one can touch this bag! The touch of someone other than you can influence the energies of your patuá and, therefore, impair the power of the amulet.

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Where to locate this plant for protection

Where to place the mother-in-law’s tongue plant Leave the plant near the front door of your house The Sword of Saint George acts as a barrier against negative energies. Therefore, a good place to leave the plant vase is near the front door of the house. When someone enters your house, the bad energies are filtered by the plant and kept out.

But just as it represents the courage of Saint George, it also has a strong connection to battles. Therefore, to avoid causing quarrels and discord in your house, put the plant pot away from the corners of the room, walls that, when put together, form a spear.


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