Swirl spiritual meaning of water, fire, earth and wind

Swirl spiritual meaning We recently received several queries related to the subject of the whirlpool from the esoteric point of view. In that sense, we have been asked: Does the whirlpool of water have spiritual meaning? Could you post some information about the fiery whirlpool spiritual meaning? Does the earth whirlpool have spiritual significance? I would like it to deal with the whirlwind spiritual meaning?

Today we have decided to give answers to these questions about the whirlpool spiritual meaning below:


General features

An eddy is a strong current of water or wind. It is a powerful symbol to denote unusual developments in life. It attracts those who are caught up in it. Sometimes it can even act as a gate to death and the other world.

References to the whirlpool are found in Hindu scriptures and literature to denote movement, activity, desires, passions, lust, change, suffering, commotion, and afflictions.

The afflictions and modifications of the human mind are like eddies (vrittis) in consciousness that keep it in a state of flux. They arise from desires, which in turn are caused by the activity of the senses. They are responsible for instability, suffering, enslavement of souls, and restlessness of the mind.

In common usage, the whirlpool symbolizes danger and turbulence caused by mental and physical afflictions and difficulties in life. However, there are exceptions to this symbolism that we will explain below.

It is important to note that the following spiritual meanings of the whirlpool apply both when seen in real life and when dreamed about.


its symbolism

Swirl meaning spiritual (small) Dreaming of small whirlpools (or even seeing them in real life) means that you are going through a difficult time, but it is still possible to overcome it as long as you do not see the problem as bigger than it is. We often pay more attention to some life situations than they deserve and end up making a problem that wasn’t even that big of a problem worse.

This type of dream appears as an alert for you to analyze the problems you are facing and face them coherently and with your feet on the ground, without despairing.

A good tip is to write the problem on a piece of paper and read it out loud. In this way it is possible to acquire a real awareness of what it means and then solve it in the best possible way.


Swirl spiritual meaning (large) In a dream, big whirlpools mean that you are keeping a lot of emotions inside and it is getting harder and harder to deal with them. The chaotic shape of the oversized whirlpool shows resentment and pain that there is a lot of emotional turmoil you are facing or will face, and that makes you anxious.

Dreaming of a whirlpool of this size is a sign for you to take a deep breath and begin to cultivate understanding and forgiveness in your relationships. In order to overcome the great obstacles, it is necessary to give up pride and live more lightly in relationships, both personal and love and work.

Given this, mentalize mantras of forgiveness and you will see that, little by little, even the biggest and most difficult problems to face will become more peaceful.


Swirl meaning spiritual (giant) Dreaming of a giant whirlpool (or even seeing it in real life) indicates that an unstable moment is approaching. This dream is an alert for you to prepare for big changes and problems that can lead to failures, fights and arguments.

In addition, it has to do with the accumulation of negative feelings and energies that are leading you down a nebulous path. Therefore, try to cultivate optimism and give more thanks to life, nature and the people around you, this will attract good energies to you that will help you better face the problems that concern you.


Swirl spiritual meaning (strong) If the maelstrom in your dream was strong, it means that you are losing control of your emotions and allowing yourself to be overwhelmed by them. It also indicates internal tensions that are controlling you.

This type of dream is a sign for you to rethink how you are dealing with conflicts. That is why it is important that you take control of your feelings in order to use them in your favor. Therefore, it is advisable to look for practices that help you control your emotions, such as meditation, for example.


Other symbolism

Swirling water meaning spiritual (clean) When there is presence of clean water in dreams, it symbolizes clarity and harmony. If this water has the shape of a whirlpool, it means that it will go through turbulent moments, but the way you deal with them will calm them down.

This dream is a good omen, and indicates good conversations and positive changes. Believe in yourself, appreciate yourself and appreciate everything that the universe is preparing for you.

Swirling water meaning spiritual (dirty) If the whirlpool in your dream or even in reality was dirty water, it came as an omen that you are going to have difficult times related to your health. It is a warning for you to pay more attention to your habits and invest in a healthy diet with physical exercise.

This is because the symbology represented by a swirl of dirty water is directly related to health problems. This is understood from the human body: as we are made up of 75% water, when dirty water is present, it is a sign that we need to take better care of ourselves, our body and our health.

Swirling water meaning spiritual (sea) Dreaming of whirlpools in the sea (or even seeing it in real life) indicates that great changes will take place, or are already taking place, in your life. This is because eddies cause the sea waters to churn, symbolizing that you will experience turmoil in your routine.

In addition, the presence in the dream of a sea whirlpool is associated with your emotions and feelings and shows that there are resentments and wounds present in your life at this time. These feelings are causing you fear, confusion, emotional instability, and imbalance.

After dreaming of whirlpools in the sea, it is best to look at the moments that distress you with love to overcome and continue until you finally reach calmer waters.

swirling water spiritual meaning (waterfall) swirl in the waterfall in dreams it symbolizes the need for energy recovery and revitalization. It is an omen that there will be a break with the usual course of your life and this will bring about changes in your routine.

Dreaming of a whirlpool in the waterfall is a sign of transformation of energies and feelings in your life. In this sense, dreaming of a whirlpool in the waterfall, this change will be even more intense and confusing.

Remember that if you are open to new possibilities, you will be able to go through this moment announced by the dream – of ruptures and transformations – in a more relaxed way.

swirling water spiritual meaning (river) Dreams with a whirlpool in the river represent disagreements in a relationship, both internal -in your relationship with yourself- and external. This is because the river has a continuous course that has been interrupted by an unstable and abrupt natural shape.

In this sense, it is a dream that is telling you to discover the origin of your internal traumas and seek to resolve them, since this will improve your relationship with those around you and with yourself.


Earth whirlpool spiritual meaning (in general terms) The dream with an earth whirlpool indicates lack of control and imbalance and is an omen for you to have more «feet on the ground», that is, to keep your feet on the ground and make your decisions based on reality.

Think before you speak and act cautiously, since dreaming of whirlpools is a warning that you will face a difficult and dry time. You must be aware of what is happening around you to deal with the situation in the best possible way.

Earth whirlpool spiritual meaning (mud) Dreaming of swirls of mud means that you are going to face big problems in your life that, at first glance, will seem dense and unmanageable. Mud represents the presence of something difficult and not very transparent.

So this dream portends great problems in your life, so use the warning to prepare yourself and face any impasse in a much better way.

Earth swirl spiritual meaning (sand) If in your dream there was the presence of a sand whirlpool, it means that a period of instability is coming, since the sand,. Being an unstable and destabilizing element, it brings with it signs of disillusionment and intrigue.

The chaos represented by the swirl of sand symbolizes that you have to persevere, but not give people enough confidence that they will not suffer expectations breaches and disappointments.

Therefore, when dreaming of a whirlpool of sand, protect yourself and be attentive to the signs. Distrust those who are only by your side out of interest and value the people who leave you safe.

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fire swirl spiritual meaning Dreaming of fire symbolizes the strength of transformation and courage, and is also related to passion. Therefore, dreaming of a whirlwind of fire means that you will have to face changes and. you will need a lot of courage and strength for it, since these changes will be incendiary.

It also indicates conflicts in your relationships. So be careful how you deal with those around you and try to contain your anger.

Swirl wind spiritual meaning Symbology related to dreams in the wind (or even if you see it in real life) is associated with higher and often unattainable issues. If you have dreamed of a whirlwind, it is a warning for you to put your feet on the ground and. think better before acting, because many times you are leaving your head in the clouds and this is interfering with your relationships.

Therefore, try to keep a distant look on the situations you are going through and act cautiously in your decisions. Raise all possible points to resolve your conflicts and do not get lost in unattainable daydreams. This will save you time and help you socialize.


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