Sweet herbs for cleansing baths, love, etc. (what is it for)

Sweet herbs for baths We have received questions about sweet herbs, some of them being the following: How are sweet herbs prepared for cleansing baths? What are the sweet herbs for love? How are sweet herbs used to clean the house? do
What is the sweet herbal bath for?

Here are the answers to these questions:


General features

Not only the infusion of sweet herbs relieves, the baths made with these plants also work true miracles. The sweet herbal bath is powerful for all purposes, be it for cleansing, prosperity, health, or even attracting love.

His bath is magical and brings sweetness to our soul. These herbs stimulate good relationships, bring joy, courage and personal strength. In addition, they are a great repellent to keep conflicts away.

Some of the best known sweet herbs are: Basilmint, chamomile, spearmint, cinnamon, lavender and jasmine.

To answer the question: What is the sweet herb bath for? We can say that this has the purpose of cleaning (dispossession) and to attract love and prosperity.

So let’s bet on the magic of nature to help us find the inner peace that we seek so much and give that little push to the universe so that good energies come to us. Learn how to prepare sweet herbs for baths.


Recipes (materials and procedures)

Sweet herbs for baths #1 (to revive love or for reconciliation) This bathroom is suitable for people who are already in a relationship. However, the couple is a bit discouraged, unmotivated and disillusioned with the relationship.

The sweet grass bath will facilitate dialogue and make the process of reunion and reconciliation easier.

Materials or items to use

White bottles (transparent)
2 liters of water;
A handful made up, in equal amounts, of three sweet herbs (can be chamomile, mint and basil)
1 sheet of laurel
1 large bowl;


Boil two liters of water and pour it into a basin. Then add all the herb ingredients. Let the mixture cool and strain it.

Once it has cooled down, pour the water over yourself from the neck down. Remember to imagine that you and your loved one are happy and have reconciled.


Sweet herbs for baths #2 (for cleaning)

Materials or items to use

2 liters of water
A bunch of rue
1 handful of anise
A handful made up, in equal amounts, of three sweet herbs (can be chamomile, mint and basil)
Your usual perfume.


If you have a bathtub at home, this is the perfect time to use it. If not, heat 2 liters of water in a large pot.

Next, put all the ingredients in the heated water without boiling.

Take this mixture to the bathroom. Take a shower as usual. When finished, pour the water over you while.

If you have made the mixture in a bathtub, get into it, visualize that you have been cleansed of bad influences, get out of


Sweet herbs for baths #3 (for cleaning a child)

Materials or items to use

2 liters of water;
6 tablespoons of fennel;
1 handful made up, in equal amounts, of three sweet herbs (can be chamomile, mint and basil)
1 tablespoon of arnica;
6 tablespoons of lemon balm.


Mix all the ingredients in water. Let it boil for three minutes. Then turn off the heat and let the mixture sit for about 15 minutes or until the water heats up.

Bathe the child with this water. Ideally, do this energy bath before you go to sleep. The water should be poured over the entire body of the child.


Sweet herbs for baths #4 (for cleansing and prosperity attraction)

This bath can be used for both bathing and home use and will bring much wealth and prosperity to you and your family.

Materials or items to use

1 liter of water;
1 handful of anise;
A bunch of cloves;
1 handful made up, in equal amounts, of three sweet herbs (can be chamomile, mint and basil)


Boil 1 liter of water. If you can use natural water, such as rainwater, the sea or a river, the bathroom will gain even more power. If this is not possible, you can also use tap water.

Bring to a boil and then add the ingredients, remembering that the herbs must always be placed in odd numbers.

Then let the water cool down. Take this mixture to the bathroom. Take your normal hygienic bath. Lastly, pour this water on your neck. This is a very special moment: it is the moment to make your wish. Concentrate and make your wish with great faith.


Sweet herbs for baths #5 (for cleansing and bringing peace)

Materials or items to use

2 liters of water;
1 handful made up, in equal amounts, of three sweet herbs (can be chamomilea, mint and basil)


One Sunday do the preparation. Let it heat up and strain it. Take the mixture to the bathroom.

Take your daily shower as usual. When you finish showering, pour the water over your body from the neck down. Slowly pour the mixture while imagining the positive energies reaching you. This mentalization process is essential and makes the difference for you to achieve satisfactory results.

After pouring out all the water, do not rinse your body. You just have to dry yourself with a clean towel, preferably white. Do not rub the towel on your skin, as this action can create negative charges. Pat dry to remove moisture. Sleep with your bath.


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