If you like chocolates, the perfect place is to visit the Hills of the Island of Bohol, in the Philippines in Southeast Asia. It is a beautiful tourist attraction formed by almost 1268 geological hills in the shape of cones, perfect and striking, reaching 120 meters in height and looking like real chocolates; they are covered with green grass that turns dark brown during the dry season; hence the name Chocolate Hills comes from.

This mysterious wonder is a unique destination in the world and perfect to visit; It is a privilege to be able to appreciate this impressive natural landscape that seems to be the Creator with his brushes and colors who gave shapes and beautiful nuances to these imposing mountains, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO; and also called the «Third National Geological Monument» by the United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture.

These prominent hills were formed by natural erosion over time; it is said that they originated at the bottom of the ocean millions of years ago, and were refined by rain and wind over the centuries. Its mountains have a perfect symmetry; they are spread over an area of ​​almost 50 square kilometers where vegetation abounds that decorates the space of this imposing place with its beauty; some tourists who visit this area look in amazement and believe that they were made by the hands of man.

On the other hand, this site has a very important attraction: it is dotted with fantastic rice crops that adorn the landscape and rustic houses made of bamboo that are more than 2000 years old; It is still used today by the natives of that region, since here they developed an amazing completely artisanal rice farming society, making it one of the most visited places in the Philippines.

To observe these exuberant mountains in a panoramic way and with better precision, they have built the best viewpoint on top of one of the hills that is located in the town of Carmen, where you can appreciate the pile of «chocolate bonbons».

The excursion to this Island will enchant you because you will also be in contact with the fauna and flora of the tropical forest; there is a special butterfly conservation center, and the guides show the visitor everything related to these magnificent insects; both its variety, its feeding and mating. In this exotic place you will have the opportunity to meet a small and peculiar primate, the «Philippine tarsier» with huge black eyes and elongated fingers that lives in Southeast Asia in the Philippines, and has become a symbol of the native fauna of the country.

The experience of knowing this Philippine landscape will never be forgotten, in addition to its authentic attraction, this ecological natural resource has the peculiarity of being appreciated during all seasons of the year. Let yourself be carried away and captivated by the mystical beauty of nature admiring the Chocolate Hills!