Swallow spiritual meaning, in the Bible and in tattoo

swallow spiritual meaning The Greeks and Romans tell stories of gods and goddesses who could transform into swallows. Knowing the Greek and Roman fondness for beauty, one look at a swallow explains its divine connections.

Their heads have a combination of reddish brown and blue colors and their breasts are cream or white. With a black beak and legs, the swallow is a striking and regal figure.

Swallows are spread all over the world, living in Newfoundland, California, Mexico, South America, Africa, and Asia (to name just a few). The bird’s extensive habitat reflects the impressive adaptability of swallows. It can live in dry places, survive on little water (using berries as a substitute), and has a high tolerance for salt. Flexibility is a keynote in the symbolism of the swallow. Let us see more about the swallow spiritual meaning.


its symbolism

Swallow spiritual meaning (in general terms) The meanings of the swallow are related to hope, good luck, love, fertility, light and others.

As it is a bird that has only one partner throughout its life, the swallow also has meanings related to love. Thus, for some cultures it represents eternal love and also fidelity.

Finally, as it is a bird that leaves during the winter season and returns during the spring, it also carries the meaning of return. Despite being a small bird, the swallow contains very powerful and varied meanings.


Swallow spiritual meaning (flying in a circle) If by any chance you have seen a swallow flying in circles, it can symbolize changes in your eyesight, as flying swallows can symbolize a prediction of changes coming into your life.

Also, swallows are birds that do not like to be alone, so it can symbolize changes in your relationships. Not only that, but it can also mean a greater appreciation for the people who accompany you. Likewise, they may come to help you with the changes ahead.


Swallow spiritual meaning (they nest in your house) If the swallow is near your house or nests on the roof, it can bring different meanings. Not only different meanings, but also very positive meanings for your life.

So, if you are going through a difficult time and you see swallows near your house, be glad, as swallows near you and your house are signs that happy times are coming. Not only the happy moments, but also the good news that is coming and that can bring happiness.


Swallow spiritual meaning (entered your house) it can be an omen that you will receive visits from a loved one.


Swallow spiritual meaning (listen to the song of the swallows inside your house) it can represent a very strong and symbolic omen of the joys to come. So, if you are going through difficult times, these may be signs of better days to come, as these are signs of joy, happiness, and happier times coming to you.


Swallow spiritual meaning (death of a swallow) The death of a swallow can mean bad omens and also the arrival of bad news.

Therefore, care must be taken when taking the swallow out of the house so that nothing happens to it. Not only to take care of the little bird, but also to avoid all negative energies. Therefore, carefully remove the swallow and remember the sign of happiness that it is giving you.


Its symbolism in a tattoo

Swallows have been used in tattoos since the first decades of the 20th century. Sailors, who considered swallows to be a symbol of good luck, used them, since swallows symbolized the proximity of land, which was a good sign.

In addition, it was believed that the swallows were in charge of transporting the souls of those who died at sea. Therefore, these birds carry with them the meaning of light and transformation in their stories.

But swallow tattoos have much more meanings than these as they can represent fertility, eternal love, fidelity and transformation movements as well. Not only that, but they can also symbolize the return and return to their place of origin. In this way, swallow tattoos can be very meaningful to wear.


More meanings in different cultures and times

In China, swallows are a good sign when they are seen flying in flocks during spring. Not only that, but they are also a powerful fertility symbol for them.

The Celts had a system of divination called Ogham, which was inspired by the esoteric store of nature. It revolves around the wisdom of trees, plants and animals. In this case, the swallow has connections to the ivy. Associated symbolism includes association with and challenge to traditional gender roles.

In addition, the swallow represents the Egyptian goddess Isis, considered the mother of fertility and who also represents the resurrection.


In the Bible

Meaning of swallows in the Bible Swallows are used in the Psalms as an example of God’s love, which allows even creatures as small and insignificant as birds to build their nests next to the sanctuary (Psalm 84 v 3).

The prophet Jeremiah also refers to the swallows when he contrasts their wisdom and foresight with the foolishness of the people of Israel, who did not know the laws and judgments of the Lord (Jeremiah 8 v 7).


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