SUMMER: 7 tips for building an in-ground pool

One of the great desires of this year as a result of the covid-19 pandemic, has been to build a swimming pool in the patio, enjoying the various benefits that it entails, from having guaranteed entertainment 24/7, to not minor issues such as the increase in capital gain. of our property.

So if your idea is to be able to build a swimming pool at home, you should not leave anything to chance because any small detail that you do not take into account can complicate the process.

Find the best place to build it

The place where we are going to install the pool is the most important thing to consider, where ideally it should be the space in your garden that receives the most hours of light during summer days. If the water does not receive enough light, it will remain too cold and bathing in it will not provide the expected satisfaction.

The land

If you do not want the cost of building your pool to be low and the time to build it to be short, it is important to look for a part of the land with the least amount of unevenness possible. The unevenness forces those who are going to build the pool to have to fill the ground until it is flattened.

Watch out for the trees

Avoid building the pool near trees with large roots because they will harm the construction. The cost to repair the damage caused by this situation is quite high.

The inner lining in the pool is the key

“It is important that people use adequate coatings and waterproofing. Also worry about choosing products that prevent you from having to do internal maintenance for at least 10 years,» he explained. Andrea ArteagaHead of Marketing dvp company, that offers a material known as the Aquaplan membrane, which is a coating that replaces the paint in the pool, fully protecting and waterproofing its bottom.

the perfect size

Taking into account the regulatory provisions in the final size of the pool is essential. These determine that the minimum distance between the pool and the axes or dividing walls must be a minimum of 1.20 meters. In fact, it is estimated that six people require a space of at least 24 m² of water to be able to move comfortably. In the event that the pool has a rectangular shape, the most appropriate thing is that the smallest side measures half of the longest side.

suitable deck

Not only do you have to worry about the inside of the pool, but also the outside. «The great virtues of the Timbertech DVP Deck, which is a composite of plastic resins and wood, is that apart from being resistant to adverse climates, it maintains its color firmly and resistant. In addition, the boards with a neat finish do not generate splinters and they are safer to handle, and they come with a 25-year guarantee”, concludes Andrea Arteaga.

installation time

From the digging of the well to the completion of the sidewalk and filtering equipment in operation, it takes about 48-72 hours, provided there are no problems in the ground where it will be installed.