Submissive people: what they are like and what traits characterize them – Online Psychologists

Submissive people have learned to put aside their own needs or desires and prioritize those of others. They are able to endure humiliation or abuse, since they have learned that in order to be accepted by others they must sacrifice themselves for them.

They do not usually ask for favors or strive to achieve their own goals, but rather are focused in help others to achieve their goals. They tend to fail in achieving their goals and end up accumulating a lot of frustration.

Furthermore, the main characteristic of this type of personality is self-destruction, a motive that is often conveyed to us in psychological therapy at . But what is the reason for this?

It is common for them to have lived with absent or cold people during their childhood, which is why they end up developing this type of submissive personality in their adult life. They have received mixed messageswhere punishment and pain have been mixed with the feeling of protection and they have been taught that the only way to get affection is through sacrifice for the other person.

What is the submissive personality

People who have a submissive personality tend to take on a subordinate role or inferior in their relationships and it is the other person who gives the orders or decides what to do, while the submissive party obeys.

They take kindness and empathy to the extreme and try to be helpful all the time, which leads to a spiral of toxicity within the relationship.

Although it may seem untrue, the truth is that having a submissive personality type is not incompatible with being dominant with certain people, although this is not common.

6 psychological traits of submissive people

Submissive people usually meet a series of characteristics when it comes to relating to others:

1. Conflict avoidance

Submissive people avoid any type of conflict, so they strive to prevent any altercation or dispute, no matter how small.

They fear that the other person will get angry, which makes them helpful and turns them into dominated beings with almost no personality.

2. Discrete personality profile

They are people who They do not intend to attract attention which is why they end up going almost unnoticed due to their low profile.

3. Tendency to shyness

The truth is that submissive people don't have to be shy, but it often happens.

Are very insecure This makes it difficult for them to engage in conversations naturally with someone they don't know and they end up withdrawing into themselves.

4. Creation of dependent links

Submissive people tend to take on the role of someone who needs protection which is why they tend to create bonds based on dependency.

5. Trying to please others

As we have already discussed, they become the «dominated» part of any relationship because they are helpful people who avoid contradicting others even if they know they are right.

6. Guilt

Guilt is also very present in submissive people, they tend to think that If something goes wrong They are the ones Guilty and they claim to feel bad frequently because they believe they are the cause of every problem.

Can a submissive person change?

For a person with a submissive personality to change this dynamic, they must transform messages that she has about herself and about others. It is important for her to understand that in order to receive love or affection, sacrifice or suffering for others is not the way.

Although it is important to understand that psychological treatment is key for people with this type of personality to understand the problems that are implicit in their way of relating to others.

Going to online therapy with is a tool that will help them understand that it is also important to meet your own needs and that it is not healthy to always try to please others in order to feel complete.

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Do you consider yourself a submissive person and want to change? At we can help you.