Styrian wire-haired hound in breed portrait (with pictures)

The Styrian wire-haired hound has one rich history and is known for her skills as a guard dog and companion.

Be striking appearance and be loyal behavior make it a popular choice for dog lover around the world.

You can find out whether the Styrian Wire-haired Bracke suits you in the breed portrait find out.

Styrian wire-haired hound wanted poster

Size Male: 47 to 53 cm, Female: 45 to 51 cmWeightMale: 16 to 20 kg, female: 15 to 17 kgColorsRed-brown, fawn, red-whiteLife expectancy10 to 15 yearsOriginAustriacharacter/temperamentintelligent, calm, loyal, FCI groupGroup 6: Hounds, Scenthounds and Related Breeds, Section 1.2 Medium Sized Hounds, with working test (bracketing and sweating test).


The Styrian wire-haired hound is a medium to large dog with one sturdy stature and one strong physique.

The Head is proportional to body and has one elongated shape with a straight nose and medium sized earswhich are drooping.

The ears can also docked be although this in banned in some countriesn is

Coat Colors & Coat Texture

The Styrian wire-haired hound has a thick, rough furwhich in colors Red-brown, fawn or red-white occurs.

It is wiry and stiffconsists of a dense double coat of undercoat and top coat, which is between 3 and 7 cm long can be.

eye shape and color

The Eyes of the Styrian wire-haired hound medium-sized, oval and have a dark to hazel Color.

you are good proportionate to the head and bestow one upon the breed friendly and attentive Expression.

Height Weight

The Styrian wire-haired hound is one of them medium to large dogsmales having a height at the withers of 47 to 53 cm to reach.

The breed weighs between 16 and 19 kgfemale dogs are slightly smaller and lighter.

History & origin of the Styrian wire-haired hound

The Styrian Wire-Haired Bracke, also known as Styrian rough-haired high mountain bracketdate back to Austria and is one hunting dog breed.

she was im 19th century through the Hybrid of native Bracken with other European hunting dogs bred.

The breed is known for their excellent Abilities in rough terrain and still will today often for hunting game used.


The designation Rauhhaarbracke derives from Break what that loud barking at the hunt describes to locate and track the prey.

Essence & character of the Steirische Rauh

The Styrian wire-haired hound is a dog with an extraordinary character.

The temperament the race is characterized by intelligence and willingness to work, what she to a challenging race for experienced dog owners.

But race can too stubborn be, especially when it comes to the following a lead goes.

In these moments she shows hers strong hunting instinct and is difficult to distract.

The Styrian wire-haired hound is one confident dog breed, the one clear leadership needed.

As puppy is the Styrian wire-haired hound particularly playful and curious. She needs a lot attention and employmentto develop properly.

Across from Strange she behaves at first often reserved and observantbut warms up quickly once she gains confidence.

Overall, the Styrian wire-haired hound is a faithful companion and a loving family dog.

attitude & upbringing

In the attitude it is the Styrian wire-haired hound importantthat you enough exercise and employment receives.

The race is very active and needed extensive walks and exercisef to be balanced.

Because of your size and activity are they more for one Keeping in a house with a garden or on the country suitable.

But you can also in one Apartment be held if you enough exercise receives.

In terms of upbringing, the Styrian wire-haired hound is a very intelligent race, the likes to learnbut she can also because of her hunting instinct very stubborn be.

It is important that they already as Puppy well socializedt and learns early on that humans are the pack leaders.

However, you should not alone for too long let, since the breed very clingy is and under separation anxiety may suffer.

Health & Care

The Styrian wire-haired hound is one robust and healthy dog ​​breedwhich, however, like all breeds sspecific health problems may have.

Learn more about them here Health and care the Styrian wire-haired hound.

Life expectancy

The Life expectancy this breed is about 12 to 14 years.


The Styrian wire-haired hound is in Generally a healthy breed however there is some diseasesthat you should pay attention to. This includes:

  • hip dysplasia
  • elbow dysplasia
  • Osteochondrosis dissecans (OCD)
  • Eye problems such as cataracts and progressive retinal atrophy (PRA)

The bracke has one strong tendency to gain weight, therefore it is important to have a balanced dietg and enough exercise to ensure.

General Grooming & Grooming

The dense, wiry fur needed regular carearound tangles to avoid. brush it once a week and trim it every few months.

Also they should Ears checked regularly and cleaned because of their drooping shape prone to ear infections are.

Is the Styrian wire-haired hound right for me?

Not every dog ​​suits every person, this also applies to them Styrian wire-haired hound.

Find out if they are too your life and your ideas of a dog fits:

  • you are looking for one faithful companionsr for extensive walks and hikes in the nature.
  • You have time and patience for one consistent upbringing and education.
  • you can with it evadethat the Styrian wire-haired hound one hunting instinct has.
  • You have enough time for extensive activitiesas it is one of the more active dog breeds balanced to be.

If you all these affirm points can, is one happy partnershipt between you and a Styrian wire-haired hound nothing more in the way.

Fun facts about the Styrian wire-haired hound

The Styrian wire-haired hound was for the first time in the 19th century bred to wild boar and deer in the forests of Styria to hunt.

Because of your excellent nose and her perseverance will also make her happy to search for missing people and as avalanche dog deployed.

In Austria the Styrian wire-haired hound is often also called «Styrian» referred to and is considered a proud landmarks of the region.

The Breed is relatively rare and stands on the red list the endangered domestic animal breeds in Austria.

In some regions of Austria become Styrian wire-haired hounds also to truffle hunt deployed.

do you know more stories or do you have more tips to the Styrian wire-haired hound? Then we look forward to a comment from you.