Structured Language Definition

Structured language is a natural language limited in words and constructions, which gives it more precision and clarity, avoiding ambiguities (human natural language lacks precision and is very ambiguous). It is not oral, only written. Some structured languages ​​may also include certain simple graphics (diagrams).

Structured languages ​​should NOT be confused with structured programming languages ​​or structured programming which is a programming paradigm, i.e. a way of programming that can be interpreted by a computer.

For more information on languages ​​and structured programming read: structured programming.

In this article we will deal with structured languages ​​and NOT with structured programming.

Structured languages ​​are pseudocodes, UML, EXPRESS, CML (Crisis Management Language), etc.

Example of a diagram in EXPRESS.

Structured Language Applications

A structured language is mostly used in the development of information systems, in the modeling phases.

But also a structured language could allow other types of information, knowledge or systems to be expressed in the form of a structure that is defined by a consistent set of rules. Anyone who wants to interpret this structure clearly will have to know the rules of the structured language that is being used.

Some disciplines where structured languages ​​are applied are in information management, business process modeling, etc.

Since this is a dictionary of computing, we will concentrate on structured languages ​​from the point of view of computing systems development. In this case, structured languages ​​are used to specify:

– System requirements: the resulting structure must express, with a minimum of errors and with coherence, the requirements that come from different sources (sometimes they come in natural language).

– System structures.

– System behaviors.

Example of a UML diagram, a type of structured language that includes graphics.

Examples of Structured Languages

Standardizing and agreeing on a modeling language is the main part of the communication process needed by all the agents involved in a computer project.

An example of a very popular graphical-textual structured language is UML.

Another example of graphical and textual structured language is EXPRESS, standardized in ISO 10303-11.

Pseudocodes are structured languages ​​that allow algorithms (not necessarily programming) to be described. In addition, they can sometimes be interpreted by computers.

structured language in computing

The structured language can be used to specify a programming algorithm. Then, in order for the computer to process it, it must be transformed or «translated» into a specific programming language.

The structured language is a modeling tool that can be used in the specification of processes during the development of information systems.

General characteristics of structured languages

– A structured language has a syntax (rules) and a semantics (interpretation or meaning).

– All actors (can be people or machines) must know the structured language to understand the structure that is modeled using it.

– It can be graphic, textual or combine both.

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