5. Feed intolerance
A very noisy stomach can also be caused by dog food. There are quite a few animals that live under one Feed intolerance suffer.
This is one allergic reaction, acquired over the course of life. Certain components of the food, mostly animal or plant proteins such as gluten, are then incorrectly perceived by the body as harmful.
There is then a state of emergency in the stomach because the body wants to quickly eliminate the supposed harmful substances. The background noise is then very high, and nausea or diarrhea often occurs.
6. Too heavy food
However, it is also possible that the food is actually tolerated well, but is easy for the dog too heavy in the stomach lies. These are often varieties with inferior meat sources or too much fat.
The stomach then has to use more force to break down the food and pass it into the intestines. Accordingly, things get louder in the abdomen. In the end it can happen that the food is not digested properly, which you can then see in the feces.
Very related to this is a “Overeating”. In this case, a dog actually has good food in front of him, but simply eats too much of it. This can also push the stomach to its limits.
7. Parasitic infestation
In addition to too much or the wrong food, there are other factors that can contribute to increased stomach activity. An example of this are Parasites.
Virtually every dog is attacked by parasites at least once in their life. Very often these are so-called endoparasites, which live in the digestive tract of four-legged friends – are the most widespread Worms and Giardia.
This in turn disrupts not only the dog's intestinal activity, but also its stomach activity. When there is a heavy infestation, you can often hear grumbling.
8. Organic diseases
There are also some organs that have a strong influence on digestion. These include special liver and kidneys. If these do not function properly, this has a direct impact on stomach activity.
This is particularly due to the fact that harmful substances that arise during the digestive process can no longer be processed correctly. The stomach then has more work to do and is therefore louder.
The possible clinical pictures are diverse: Sometimes it is inflammation, for example caused by bacteria, viruses or side effects of medication. But gradual organ failure is also possible.
9. Symptoms of poisoning
Keyword pollutants: There are also poisons, which cannot be broken down even by healthy bodies. This is often the case Groceries, that are not suitable for dogs, such as chocolate, grapes, garlic or onions. Are even more insidious Poison bait or toxic plants.
Always an emergency
This is always a potentially life-threatening emergency! So you have to know exactly what you have to do: For more information, I recommend our detailed article on the subject of “Poisoning in dogs”.
If the dog has eaten poison, the body will immediately try to eliminate it to expel substances again. The first reaction is a clearly audible rumbling in the stomach area combined with severe pain. Bloody vomiting and diarrhea often occur later. The dog then needs to be helped quickly.
10. Foreign body
Furthermore there is also foreign body, that make it to the dog's stomach area. These are indigestible substances such as small plastic or metal parts, coins, textiles or even stones.
Stomach acid is not strong enough for such substances: Even though the digestive tract is working at full speed, the foreign bodies are not broken down – no matter how loud it is in the stomach.
Some foreign bodies still get into the intestines and are then excreted. If your dog is unlucky, they can also get stuck, which is a risk life-threatening intestinal obstruction.
11. Tumors
And finally can too Tumors be responsible for the fact that the stomach is significantly louder than usual. This is often the case Stomach cancer – unfortunately the prognosis for the four-legged friend is not very good.
Also liver, kidney and Pancreatic tumors can negatively affect digestion. It is also comparatively rare, but often very malicious Dam cancer in dogs.