Stoic personality: what it is and its characteristics – Online Psychologists

Getting upset when something goes wrong is something we all do. It is common for us to get frustrated and angry with ourselves for not having achieved something. Hence, the importance of introducing the stoic personality into our daily lives.

What is the stoic personality?

It is based on the principles of Stoic philosophy, developed by ancient Greek and Roman philosophers. The Stoics believed in the importance of living in harmony with nature and cultivate virtue as the path to happiness. So the stoic personality is accept life's circumstances and maintain control over our emotions and thoughts.

Stoic Personality Traits

People who implement the stoic personality in their lives, usually develop a series of different characteristics compared to those who do not practice it.

  • Living in the present. People who practice the stoic personality, tend to have full attention in the present, avoiding worrying for what has already happened or for whatever may comeWith this, they find happiness in the here and now.
  • Accept the circumstances. Stoics value acceptance of things that cannot be changed, focusing on what can be controlledsuch as their reactions and how they deal with everything that happens to them.
  • Living according to valuesStoic people prioritize living according to their principles and values, guiding them through their daily decisions.
  • Emotional impassivity. Seeking to cultivate inner calm and emotional serenity, Facing those adversities with a resilient attitude in a constructive way and without being carried away by negative emotions.
  • Practice of detachment. The stoic personality seeks free yourself from emotional bonds on the expectations created, thus promoting greater mental and emotional freedom.


  • Stress reductionBy learning to accept circumstances and knowing how to maintain control over emotional reactions, stress is reduced, thus promoting greater peace of mind.
  • Emotional resilience. The stoic personality fosters the ability to face those challenges and adversities that life always gives, through a resilient mindset. This leads to greater emotional strength and one improved resilienceof some setback that the person did not expect.
  • Focus on virtue and personal growthwhich contributes to greater authenticity, ethics and satisfaction in life.
  • Self-knowledge. Those who do not know their own identity are always dragged by external influences. Knowing what our expectations are towards life and towards ourselves and be aware of our virtues and limitations will make us know how to surf the waves of life from one perspective or another.
  • In the interpersonal relationshipsby practicing emotional detachment, the Stoics manage to establish relationships healthierbased on an improvement in mutual acceptance with the other person and above all on understanding.
  • CalmAlthough it is difficult to achieve, calm in the face of problems that may arise on a daily basis can be what makes the difference. Achieving an improvement in the quality of life is important and by introducing this type of strategy, negative feelings such as anxiety will be calmed.
  • Resolution, not stagnationA stoic person is characterized by being more rational than emotional and its approach is based more on observing the world from a balanced perspective. The stoic personality is characterized by being logical, practical and decisive.

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Introduce the stoic personality into your life to deal with problems that may arise unexpectedly. Put yourself in the hands of a professional psychologist to help you introduce the techniques into your daily life.

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As we can see, the stoic personality can bring many benefits. However, when practicing it, you have to seek balance, and to do so, you must follow a series of guidelines, which are sometimes recommended if you go to psychological therapy.

Guidelines to be more stoic

  • Develop healthy coping skills. Never repress your feelings, showing them to the world will not make you more vulnerable, it will make you more human. By expressing them, you will be able to find ways to deal with them, such as stress management techniques or physical exercise.
  • Practice emotional balance. Don't deny any of your emotions, you just have to learn to recognize and accept them so that they don't completely dominate you.
  • Always seek emotional support. Despite having stoic strength, at some point in our lives we all need the support of other people. Sharing experiences helps to gain different perspectives.
  • Self-pity. Although the stoic personality emphasizes emotional impassivity, learn to be compassionate with yourself, without judging your feelings and supporting you when you need it.
  • Promotes mental flexibilityWhile the stoic personality values ​​acceptance of circumstances, it is important to keep in mind that there are situations in which positive change can be sought. Be open to new ideas, perspectives and solutions.
  • Find meaning and purpose. The stoic personality values ​​living according to personal values ​​and principles. For all these reasons, Take time to reflect on how you can live coherently with them. Thus, establish meaningful goals that inspire you in life.

We are human beings with our complexes, we have to allow ourselves to experience, process emotions, seek support and above all, meaning in life. From there, introducing the stoic personality will benefit our way of facing life.

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