Stockholm syndrome, what exactly is it? – Online Psychologists

You've probably heard of Stockholm syndrome before, but do you know exactly what it refers to? Let's take a look at the Key aspects of this emotional disorder.

What is Stockholm syndrome?

Stockholm syndrome is a psychological reaction that develops when a kidnapped or abused person creates a link with her kidnapper or abuser. The person develops a relationship of complicity and a strong emotional bond towards the one who holds her against her own will.

People who suffer from this syndrome sympathize with their captors. Feelings of affection, admiration, respectetc. the opposite of the terror, hatred and contempt expected from victims in situations such as these. This condition can develop over time. years, months, weeks or even a matter of days.

Stockholm syndrome It is not accepted as an official mental health diagnosis.. In the most important manuals of psychiatry, such as the “International Classification of Diseases» and «Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders”, this syndrome is not recognized.

Psychologists, psychiatrists and other professionals belonging to the world of medicine consider this emotional disorder like a survival mechanisma confrontation strategy or a strange way that victims use to handle the trauma that a situation of such magnitude entails.

This paradox, whose etiology is still unknown, It is not very common for this to happenIn fact, in some cases it is extremely difficult to try to understand it.

Symptoms of Stockholm Syndrome

What does a person suffering from Stockholm syndrome feel? symptoms The most relevant ones developed are the following:

  • Development of favorable feelings and positive towards their kidnapper or abuser, even cooperating with him.
  • Development of feelings of rejectionresentment and hate towards the security bodiesauthorities, people who try to help her and keep her away from the kidnapper. The most common reaction is to refuse to collaborate with them against her kidnapper.
  • Idealization of the figure of the captor, full of similarities, common causes. The victim believes that they share the same values, perceives his humanity and defends him.

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Why does this reaction develop?

Reacting in an understanding manner and developing empathy with the captor is mainly due to the misinterpretation of the absence of violence as an act of humanity on the part of the aggressor.

Did you know that? About 27% of the victims of 4,700 kidnappings and sieges collected in the database of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) show this attitude?

How is this syndrome treated?

People who have suffered or suffer from Stockholm syndrome need psychological therapy to treat this emotional disorder and overcome the drastic experience they have lived. The psychological session helps understand what happened: the facts and reasons why they happened.

Professional care and support for victims is essential over a long period of time. prevent the appearance of other diseases such as depression, anxiety or stress post-traumatic.

In this recovery process, victims learn Healthy coping mechanisms and response tools to overcome the situation.

What is the origin of this name?

The name Stockholm syndrome for this emotional disorder dates back to August 1973 when Jan-Erik «Janne» Olsson robbed a bank in the city of Stockholm, Sweden.

When the police arrived, the robber took four hostages. Despite the risk to their lives and the threats they suffered from Olsson, The detainees defended and protected their captor.

The four hostages came to assure that They fully trusted Jan-Erikand that he did not scare them, but that what really scared them was the police.

The Swedish police's consulting psychiatrist used the name of the city to name the psychological response of the hostages.

Another famous case of Stockholm syndrome

Another curious case of Stockholm syndrome was that of Patricia Hearts In February 1974, the granddaughter of tycoon William Randdolph Hearst was kidnapped by the American leftist organization called the Symbionese Liberation Army.

The group's request was for the Hearst family to donate a $6 million food parcel which was to be given to the poor.

Two months later, with no news of Patricia's whereabouts, a photograph appeared of her robbing a bank branch with the group that kidnapped her.

Stockholm syndrome in fiction

This psychological reaction is so curious and generates so much interest that it has crossed the screen. A good example of this is the character of Stockholm in the Spanish series The Money Heist.

The series, whose protagonists rob the National Mint and Stamp Factory, incorporates into its plot the psychological reaction of Stockholm syndrome in the character of Mónica Gaztambide. The kidnapped secretary becomes part of the gang with the name of said city.

Treatment for Stockholm Syndrome

These are very specific situations, and each one must be treated individually, but the treatment of Stockholm Syndrome involves:

  • Reworking the traumatic situation
  • Working on new defense mechanisms
  • Study the possible consequences detected in order to delve deeper into them and overcome them
  • Identify whether we are facing a possible case of post-traumatic stress, to treat it with the help of a psychologist.