Stimulate the dog’s appetite – the best tips from the professional (guide)

Actually, our loved ones Furry noses are true omnivores and permanent eaters. It is all the more strange and perhaps also worrying that when the dog suddenly stops eating.

can here one Appetizers for dogs help?

How you can stimulate your dog’s appetite and other useful information can be found in the following guide.

Dog has no appetite – 5 causes

Before we tell you how to stimulate your dog’s appetite, Let’s first clarify the possible causes of the loss of appetite.


Let’s start with the cause that is responsible for some problems in dogs: stress.

It is almost logical that this hit our sensitive fur noses on the stomach and can spoil their appetite.

dental problems

Also dental problems can be the trigger for a loss of appetite in the dog. This is not a wonder. Because this is usually associated with painwhich makes eating a torture rather than a pleasure.

organic problems

organic diseases can be another reason why a dog is no longer hungry.

An old dog in particular can for example renal insufficiency Suffer. One of the side effects of this disease is a reduced appetite.

Good to know:

renal insufficiency is from increased fluid intake and frequent urination accompanied. This can cause your dog to leak urine. In addition, your dog stinks from decomposition or has unpleasant bad breath.

can you do this Recognizing symptoms, please consult your veterinarian as soon as possible.


As mentioned, dogs are usually not picky about the choice of food. Or maybe yes?

It’s not just cats who complain when, for example, new food has found its way into their bowl.

Even dogs are not above themselves, turning up their noses at something they literally don’t like.

Is the food not acceptable? This can also be a reason for the dog’s loss of appetite.

Good to know:

Is a Feed change necessary, please discuss this with your vet in advance. Also plan a few weeks until the changeover is complete.

Because overnight, the dog should not be «confronted» with a new food. This results in most cases to digestive and other problems.

Postoperative side effects

That sounds a little stilted, so to put it a little more simply: Your dog may have just had an operation and is not quite out of the anesthetic yet.

Lack of appetite is not uncommon here and can also last a little longer than the anesthetic.

So if an operation was the trigger, you don’t have to worry too much if your dog is otherwise «fit».

The 5 Best Appetizers for Dogs

Now you would think that your favorite treat would be enough to get your dog to eat again. But if that doesn’t help, you can the following appetizer success have.

home remedies can a good first aid be to stimulate the fur nose’s appetite again.

warm feed

A simple trick is this Mix dog food with a little warm water. The heat helps that Food smells more intense become. This means there is a good chance that your dog will eat the food again.


It can also help yogurt as an appetizer for the dog to mix with the feed. Most fur noses really go for the taste.

Another advantage: The feed is not only tastier. It supports thanks to the probiotic microorganisms as well healthy digestion and intestinal flora.

cook favorite food

Maybe you already cook from time to time something special for your dog? Then this can be another idea you can use to whet his appetite.

Maybe he likes carrots? Then there is the home remedy Mohro’s carrot soup a good first point of contact.

Less treats

A message that will probably make your dog cry out in horror and indignation! No treats!

What is unheard of for him makes makes sense for several reasons. For one, your dog has at the actual meals hungry again – and is not stuffed with treats.

On the other hand this reduction contributes to a lean and healthy canine line.


Do you choose one homeopathic remedyyou must first know what trigger is responsible for the lack of appetite. Otherwise, you may be making the situation worse.

Is a organ disease – for example the liver – the reason should Lycopodium help. Does the dog suffer from iron deficiency and no longer want to eat? Then can Ferrum metallicum used as an appetite stimulant in dogs.

In addition, apply these homeopathic remedies as an appetite stimulant – among other things, if there is a worm infestation:

  • abrotanum
  • Natrum muriaticum
  • Ferrum phosphoricum
  • Phosphoric acid
  • Chininum arsenicosum

Please note:

In an emergency, home remedies can never replace a trip to the vet. If you cannot see any improvement in the situation within a few days, please go to your veterinary practice or animal clinic immediately.

When should I go to the vet for loss of appetite?

As always: The trip to the vet is necessary if the dog’s condition has not improved after a few days.

It should be done even sooner if other symptoms are evident and suggest that a serious illness could be behind the loss of appetite.

Never self-administer medication to your dog! First your veterinarian has to give the ok – before that, please refrain from such experiments!

Does your dog have reduced or no appetite? the following medications can stimulate appetite again:

  • Meclizine (antihistamine)
  • Mirtazapine (antidepressant)
  • Capromorelin (synthetic hormone)

Already knew?

Loss of appetite is also called «lack of appetite» designated.

Feeding tips for picky dogs – video


Does your dog suffer? inappetencelets get behind it different reasons hide. Sometimes it is feed changesometimes maybe the decisive one treats too many.

But you can also stress and organic diseases cause a dog to become hungry and stop eating.

To the find out the cause and to find a solution as quickly as possible, a veterinarian should be consulted to be on the safe side.

Has your fur nose ever refused food? If yes, what was the reason? And how did you rekindle her appetite?

We’d love for you to share your experiences and tips with us in the comments!