Standing days with the bitch – Advice from the experts (2023)

Your female dog first behaves bitchy, then cuddly, shows one weird acting and communicates to her counterpart: “I am willing?

Then it may be that your bitch in her standing days located.

What Standing days in a heat mean exactly, how long they last and what you particularly like these days regard have to?

You will find out in the following guide.

What are standing days in the bitch and how do I recognize them?

standing days, too standing heat called, name the point in the breeding cycle at which the bitch is ready to mate.

The standing days are during the heat individual daysin which the bitch that Mounting a male allows.

Good to know:

The bitch can only become pregnant during this time!

The name Stehtag can be traced back to the fact that the bitch clearly shows these days that she ready to mate is as soon as a male approaches.

The bitch is standing stiff, with arched back and laid tail. The legs are firmly pressed into the ground. This makes mating easier for males.

Hence the name: standing days.

The standing days a bitch can usually be attached to the following symptoms recognize:

  • change in blood color:

The color of the blood changes visibly. It’s no longer blood red and looking fresh, it’s becoming brownishwatery, sometimes also slimy.

The sometimes extremely swollen vulva becomes smaller and no longer looks so «bulging».

The bitch is willing, affectionate and shows a noticeable interest in other dogs. Many bitches are extremely pushy during this time, presenting their buttocks to everyone and everything.

The bitch puts the tail aside as soon as you scratch the base of the tail.

How long do standing days last in a bitch?

A bitch’s heat is in 4 phases divided.

However, the bitch is only in the phase of estrusin the so-called standing heat, ready to conceive.

The standing heat lasts between 3 and 10 days.

Would you like to know more about your dog’s standing days? Then look at the post Change of character after heat! 🙂

Calculate standing days for bitches

Bitches come into heat for the first time after they reach puberty. For most dogs, this is toward the end of the season first year of life.

Puberty in dogs begins between 6 and 24 months of age, depending on the size and breed of the dog.

an average heat takes approx. 3 weeks and repeats all 6 to 12 months.

Because dogs can only become pregnant during the standing daysyou should have your veterinarian calculate the exact time of the standing days when planning a litter.

By a Examination of hormone levels the ideal time for mating can be calculated.

Breed? If so, please be serious!

Please consider that there is more to a good and healthy breeding than the mating of the dogs.

We expressly advise against reproduction or “I want puppies one day because they are so cute”.

If you are planning a litter, please contact your veterinarian to discuss everything else.

What do I have to consider when my bitch is standing heat?

The worst, what can happen during standing days is a unplanned pregnancy.

This should be prevented at all costs, except when planning a litter.

A pregnancy always means a risk for your bitch and also an immense one expense. Not to be confused with a false pregnancy in a dog, it’s just the hormones going haywire.

If your bitch is in the standing days, she may never alone outside unsupervised be.

Please note that a fence one unplanned pregnancy not can prevent. Oftentimes bitches get through the fence through covered by males.

If your bitch lives with unneutered male dogs, you should walk the dogs during your bitch’s standing days consistently spatially separatedt hold

relocate the extensive ones walks on the time of day or places where you will encounter fewer other dog owners.

This makes the walk more relaxed not only for you, but also for your dog and those around you.

If your bitch a water rat is, stop the water games and swimming during the standing days.

This prevents you any inflammation the bladder, vagina or even the uterus.

Hold your bitch consistently during the entire heat, especially in the standing days rope or at the towline.

She is not only with that securedbut also conveys to the other dog owners that the bitch no contact should have to other dogs.

What I can tell you about my own bitch: The older she got, the less visible her heat became.

In order not to miss “anything” here, I recommend reading the to note the start of heat.

Over time, the regularity levels off automatically and you have better control and don’t overlook anything.

Be fair to other dog owners

A bitch in the standing days can mean a lot of stress not only for the bitch owner outside, but also for the other dog owners and their dogs.

Please be fair, leave your dog on a leash, inform your counterpart about the situation and avoid heavily frequented areas these days. Instead of punishing, you should reward and praise desired behavior.


Standing days are the days when your bitch is ready to mate, i.e. can become pregnant (and unplanned). The average length of standing days is 6 days.

Many bitches are extremely clingy during this time and exhibit unusual behavior.

In order to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, special attention should be paid to securing the bitch during these days.

How does your dog behave during her standing days? Leave us a comment and reports of your experiences.