Staffing: what it is and why it is so important in selection processes – Online Psychologists

He staffing it's a Selection and hiring process for external persons or services in order for them to carry out specific tasks or projects related to the human resources department.

That is, the company delegates key and strategic processes to a third party to achieve greater effectiveness and risk control. staffing It is known in Spanish as the Recruitment and staff assignment process.

How does it help? staffing to your company?

He staffing It has great utility and benefits for the company, which provide greater functionality and the adaptation business in the market. Among these advantages are:

  • Focus on primary tasks. He staffing allows your employees to focus on operational tasks, while other matters are relegated to a third party.
  • Staff specialized and qualified to carry out tasks that are not specific to the company.
  • Helps identify unmet needs with initial staff.
  • Risk control: he staffing will ensure that vacancies are always filled if there are periods of constant changes in your company's employees.
  • Capacities to meet the demand for projects.
  • Boost the collaborative work.
  • Setting true multidisciplinary teams.
  • Take advantage of the talent and capabilities to the maximum.
  • Improving the product quality or service offered, since specialized people use their best capabilities for each project.
  • Elderly Visibility and labour mobilityexpansion of the limits marked by the initial specialization of the company.
  • Transformation cultural and organizational that accelerates the deployment of strategies and projects.
  • More organizational structure flexible.
  • Maxima innovation.
  • Decrease in expenses: the costs of meeting all the requirements when there is no staff to do so are greater than those involved in staffing.

He staffing It involves the change from a hierarchical organization, led by bosses, to one in which functions become important, and these give a lot of prominence and responsibility to the staffers. This produces a strengthening of the teams, since their members contribute knowledge and make some decisions without depending on the figure of the traditional boss.

As digitalization progresses, it will be more difficult for companies to find talent with which to compete digitally,” says the consultancy Gartner. For this reason, the staffing is becoming essential.

«The key to reconciling strategic priorities and professional development»

This is how he defines the staffing the financial company BBVAone of the largest entities worldwide. They are a clear example of the implementation of this idea through the “agile” work model, which they have recently implemented. They assure that, thanks to the staffing or personnel assignment process, they have the necessary skills to carry out key strategic projects for the bank. For BBVA, staffing is “a key part of the cultural and organizational transformation,” as it is for many other companies.

During these times of pandemic, companies staffing have become the greats employment drivers. As data that supports it in Spain, 21% of employees transferred by companies staffing They are students. 33% end up as direct staff. 72% continue working 12 months after the first assignment, according to RRHHDigital.

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