The Stabijhoun, also known as Friesian Stabijis a medium sized Dog breed from the Netherlands.
The race is characterized by her friendly, intelligent and loving beings off. Stabijhouns are superb family dogs and loyal companions.
The fur noses enjoy spending time with their owners. What the Dutch needs to be happy, you will find out in this article.
Stabyhoun Wanted Poster
Size Male: ideally 53 cm, female: ideally 50 cmWeightMale: 22-27 kg, Female: 18-23 kgColorsBlack and white, brown and white, black and gray, brown and grayLife expectancy13 to 14 yearsOriginNetherlandscharacter/temperamentaffectionate, kind, obedient, intelligent, watchful, calmFCI groupGroup 7: Pointers, Section 1.2: Continental pointers, «spaniel type», with working test
The appearance of the Stabijhoun is sturdy and strongbut still elegant. The race has one medium sized Stature with a shoulder height of maximum 53 cm.
The fur of the Stabijhoun is medium length and dense with a characteristic black or brown markings on a white background. The Colors can vary.
But there are also pure black or brown Stabijhouns. These dogs have long ears, which are rounded and lie flat. you are with long hair occupied.
The rod of the four-legged friend is enough up to the ankle and is not set high. Normally the rod hangs, whereby the upper third can turn upwards a little.
Stabijhouns have one strong and rounded neck of medium length. The neck forms one with the top line of the back obtuse angle.
The Eyes the Dutch fur nose are brown and expressive. Her look is often friendly and alert simultaneously.
The shape of Eyes is slightly round, medium-sized and placed horizontally. The shade of brown varies between light and dark brown, depending on the coat of hair.
Overall, Stabijhouns have a very attractive and harmonious appearance and a strong physique.
Her appearance comes from nature and no laborious breeding. Especially the Thigh are broad, long and well muscled.
History & Origin of the Stabyhoun
The history of the Stabijhoun goes back to the 17th century back when the breed was first considered hunting dog bred in the Frisian region of the Netherlands.
The Stabijhoun was used to hunting birds and small animals and was also used as a guard dog and companion on the Farm yard estimated.
In the 20th century he was bred to the Wetterhoun breed, making the breed almost identical to the die out threatened.
Since 1938 there has been a successful rebellion against this breed.
Nature & Character of the Stabyhoun
The character of Stabijhoun is balanced and friendly. Stabijhouns can sometimes be very stubborn his and hers own opinion have.
The Dutch fur noses are very intelligent, capable of learning and enjoy working with their owners.
They are very clingy and you should don’t leave them alone for too longotherwise the four-legged friends can cause problems.
Stabijhouns have one moderate temper and not prone to over-excitement or aggressiveness.
They are also very kid friendly Dogs that like to be with the entire family Spend time.
Already knew?
The dermoid sinus is one Cyst leading to life-threatening inflammation can be. she is typical of Ridgeback breeds and arises on the dorsal line of the eel.
attitude & upbringing
The Upbringing and attitude of Stabijhoun should balanced and consistentbut also lovingly be.
This race is intelligent and willing to learnso it’s important to keep repeating them busy and mental to demand.
The Dutch fur nose needs a lot Movementpreferably in the form of walks and excursions in changing areas within the Nature.
forests, parks and lakes are particularly good. The interaction should always be friendly, because positive reinforcement promotes the learning effect.
At the same time, it is essential clear boundaries to put and unwanted behavior emphatically stop.
The Dutchman can in one big city apartment be kept, but should several times a day for at least 30 minutes into the nature.
Health & Care
The Stabijhoun has one Life expectancy from up to 14 years. In general, the breed is very robustyet they can be susceptible to certain diseases.
These include, for example hip dysplasia, epilepsy as well as eye diseases. It is advisable to have the furry nose regularly examined by a veterinarian.
Also are Vaccinations and wormers important and also the ears must be thoroughly cleaned several times a year.
One balanced nutrition is essential to reduce the risk of physical ailments and hereditary diseases.
It is important to take good care of the coat. The grooming of the quadruped is easy, because regular brushing usually enough.
The Dutchman has one self-cleaning furfor what reason baths rather unnecessary are. The brushing can be done as a massage and thus strengthen the bond.
Is the Stabyhoun right for me?
The Stabijhoun is a great choice for Familys and people who like time outdoors spend.
The breed is highly adaptable and can breed in many different environments live as long as you enough exercise and mental stimulation.
The Dutchman is both for Beginner as well as for Experienced owner suitable, but needs someone with you patience and perseverance.
The fur nose also feels at home in large apartments, as long as it is regularly occupied in the Nature comes and not alone remains.
Fun facts about the Stabyhoun
The Whirlwind is a great family and watchdog and loves teamwork.
But there is more that speaks for the Dutchman:
- The name Stabijhoun means «standing dog» in Frisian. It derives from ‘sta mij bij’, which means ‘stand by me’ and the Dutch word ‘houn’ for dog.
- The fur noses are good swimmers and love to play in the water. If you live near a lake or take regular trips to the water, you are doing everything right!
- The breed was nearly wiped out during World War II, but fortunately dedicated breeders have been able to reestablish the breed through protests since 1938. The breed has been recognized since 1942.
- The breed is very fond of children and patient. She gets along well with both young children and young people and is considered to get along well with other pets. The fur nose can be used well as a companion dog, playmate and therapist.
- The Dutchman has a very good nose and is often used as a sniffer dog.
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