Spread of Spanish cards and meaning of the Spanish cards (tarot)

Tirada of spanish letters / meaning of spanish cards The Spanish deck emerged from the Tarot approximately in the eleventh century. In this sense, there is a lot of historical reference and even a decree of King Alfonso XI of Castile where he prohibits his game.

As for the design of Spanish playing cards, the four suits represent the four estates of feudalism: That is, the cups; the ecclesiastical arm; the swords, the noble arm; the gold, the money of the merchants, and the clubs, the farmers.

Everything seems to indicate that the Spanish deck was used for divinatory purposes, for the first time, by astrologers and it was they who gave rise to the cartomancy.



The traditional Spanish deck consists of four suits or series of cards: diamonds, hearts, spades, and clubs (or suits). Each suit consists of seven or nine cards with a numerical index and three face cards (Jack or Jack, Knight and King), these are always numbered, 10, 11 and 12, respectively, regardless of the numerical chips in use (either seven or nine).

Thus, the Spanish deck can be 48 cards (from one to nine, plus three figures, per suit) or 40 cards (from one to seven, plus three figures, per suit). It is incorrect to consider card 40 as an incomplete deck, lacking cards eight and nine.

It is a different deck for specific games, but in itself it is a complete Spanish deck. We have this same case with the French 32 and 36 card decks compared to the 52 card deck.

The kings are represented by the figure of a crowned monarch, who is standing. They are usually old, bearded men, although the kings of hearts and diamonds tend to look younger. Usually the King of Hearts appears with a scepter.

The figure of the Knight, a rider riding a horse that rests on its hind legs, is the one that maintains the most characteristic iconography of the Middle Ages. In some extremely rare decks, the Knights appear dismounted, pulling the horse by the bridle.

Since the 18th century, Knights of Hearts and Diamonds have been facing to the left, while those of Cups and Spades have been facing to the right. It was also in that century that the expression “Ahí vai” (here it goes), also written “AI-VA”, appeared at the feet of the Knight of Hearts. Let us see, next, the tirada of Spanish cards.


Spanish card spread What does it consist of?

Before making a roll of spanish cards, it is necessary to move the cards: They are placed face down on a table and, with the hands, all the cards are rotated clockwise for fifteen seconds. During this process, the mind will focus on a specific question.

After that time, all the cards are put together and then shuffled as normal. Then the person who makes the query must cut the cards with the left hand and some of the following spreads are followed:


Pyramid Throw

It is the most suitable method for direct questions such as Will I do well in my business? Will I find a job soon? Will my boyfriend marry me? Is my husband faithful to me?

After shuffling, the querent will cut the cards in two with the left hand. The top card of the pile on the right is placed at the top of the pyramid. The top two cards of the pile on the left are placed below the vertex. The next three cards are drawn from the pile on the right and placed on the third line and so on until the seven lines of the pyramid are completed.

The reading must begin in the same order in which the cards were placed. That is, it starts from the vertex or tip of the pyramid until it reaches the base, thus developing the interpretation of the question posed.


roll of spanish cards of the enchanted circle

It can be used to answer any type of question: For this, it is necessary to shuffle the cards well and it is the consultant who cuts with the left hand. Then, one by one, 19 cards are drawn in a circle.

If a figure is drawn (a jack, a knight or a king), it is placed in the circle and the next three cards are cancelled.

Once the last card is placed in the circle, its reading begins from the first figure that has come out and then, to its right, interpreting all the others.


roll of spanish cards nocturnal

As its name indicates, this spread must be done only at night in front of a lit white candle. The cards are placed, face down, on the table. Then the consultant must concentrate on a question and, with eyes closed, remove the cards, turning them counterclockwise. Then, with your eyes still closed, draw 3 cards that will line up from left to right.

As soon as the three cards have been analyzed, one more is drawn, in this case clockwise, one more, called the Moon card, since it represents the recommendation or advice that night magic provides to the querent regarding their concern. Many times it can contain the key or a clue to the solution of a problem related to the question asked.


Meaning of the Spanish cards

Meaning of the four suits

Pentacles: Wealth, abundance.

Cups: Love, feelings and communication with relatives and friends

Swords: Difficulties, obstacles, problems. They also reflect thought, ideas, etc.

Bastos Events, activities, work, initiative.


1. Luck, success, wealth, happiness. This card favors any situation. Marriage, alliance, union. Winter.
Reverse: economic opulence. Money.

2. Good intellectual capacity. Diplomacy. Obstacles and impediments. The inner being.
Reverse: legal problems. Mistrust, rudeness.

3. Attempt. Favorable situation in progress. Greatness, nobility of soul and social class. Rewards for work already done in advance (property, land, real estate, severance pay or promotion).
Inverse: Precipitation in investments. Lack of maturity, infantilism.

4. Applied intelligence that will achieve economic gains. Materialism, greed. Gratification. Gifts. Stable and progressive economic situation. Wellness.
Reverse: yearning for power. Investments. Waste. Affective or economic instability.

5. Intelligence to create wealth. Ability to resolve affective and intimate situations. Financial income. Losses.
Reverse: Doubts about finances. Consolidation. Isolation.

6. Generosity, quick resolution of problems. The present.
Reverse: greed, ambition, lack of control, tangled deals, jealousy.

7. Good prospects for wealth, both material and spiritual. Something that is going well. Luck (good or bad).
Reverse: Concerns about lack of self-confidence. Unnecessary generosity.

8. Direction for spirituality. Brunette woman. Romance. Good economic situation. Doing crafts, entertaining yourself.
Reversed: Attachment to money. Single.

9. Isolation, comfort. love of luxury Good economic level.
Reverse: Infidelity, errors in the material area or in the spiritual area.

10. Person with light skin and hair. Interested, vain, proud, intelligent, selfish. Young or young brunette, passionate, generous and willing to stand out. Earth sign woman: Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn. Good news. Interests in economic matters.
Reverse: controversies, frivolous woman. Waste.

11. Economic changes. Money related trips. Young man with an earth sign: Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn. He brings cash movement and economic benefits related or not to travel. good athlete
Reverse: need for change, emotional apathy, inactivity, lack of interest.

12. Represents an egocentric, educated man, but very interested financially. Also cold and calculating. Individualistic, influential and rational. Man of an earth sign: Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn. He is usually a dark-skinned man with a strong personality. Interested in material goods.
Reverse: corruption. Person who can take advantage of the consultant.



1. Home. Beginning of a romantic relationship. Gastronomy celebrations. I love marriage. Celebration. Hotel. Hospitality. Work with the family. Summer.
Reverse: environment not recommended.

2. Resumption of a relationship. Good prospects on a loving level. Selfless friendship.
Reverse: Obstacles in the field of love. Bigamy.

3. Effective solution. Prestige. Filial or maternal love. Mother. A familiar.
Reverse: conflicts of love. Delays in achievement.

4. Sentimental commitments with several people. Intrigues Lack of clarity in the relationship. Mistakes Betrayal. Public building or business.
Reverse: escape from love commitments.

5. Inheritance, donation. Exemptions Incomplete love. Mediation between relatives. Gifts. Extra earnings Retirement or unemployment insurance.
Reverse: Family, affections.

6. Old love relationship. Possible meetings with people already known. Allusion to the past and its current influence. The children. Old age. Something old.
Reverse: parked love projects.

7. What do you think? The imagination. Happy step Dreams. Utopias Festivities, joys. It always indicates gatherings and a certain sense of beauty. Fantasies can be chronic and lead to mental illness. In negative aspects, this letter would be related to the world of drugs.
Reverse: daydream. Danger of falling into fantasies.

8. Important love relationship. Blonde girl with whom she begins a stable relationship. Occultism. New friendships that will allow job opportunities. Adopt a child.
Reverse: Abandonment of targets by sentimental blackmail. Emotional dependence.

9. Abundance, friendships. Health and luck. love in old age
Reverse – love projects based on false illusions.

10. Affectionate, dreamy, idealistic and friendly person. Dark-skinned person. Woman with a water sign: Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces. She is, par excellence, the wife. News of love It is usually always loving or favorable to the consultant.
Reverse: Weak, dependent, depressed person.

11. Changes in the sentimental field. Nice trip. Desire to leave the family environment. Urgent need to change jobs, home or love. Young (under 35 years old) of a water sign: Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces. Favorable change in the sentimental field. Nice affective movement. a lovely trip
Inverse: Difficulty in attempts at sentimental evolution. Difficult delivery. Economic dependency Widow’s wishes.

12. Mature man with golden skin. Loving. Dreamy, idealistic, soft. Honest and respectable person. Possible marriage. Mature man with a water sign: Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces. He is the ideal prototype of a husband. He is the man of the house, being able to be a father or brother or even a relative who plays this role. In the past he represented a cleric, a scholar, and today we can also say that he can be a teacher or a researcher.
Inverse: Very influential person, with physical and emotional dependencies. dishonest person



1. Confirm what the surrounding cards indicate. Major success or failure. Win with fights. Letters, phone calls, etc. Firm decision. Fall.