Spiritual scents meaning (Bible, sudden scent of roses and candle scent)

Spiritual smells meaning Today we are going to deal with an interesting topic: The spiritual smells or those smells that do not exist in reality.

In this sense, some people are capable of registering odors that do not have an obvious and real physical source. It is a phenomenon in which one has the special ability to perceive odors and aromas that are not physically present and in which a message can be read, which is called clairalience

This ability is considered psychic and represents a special form of communication with energies and forces that we cannot rationally understand. Let’s see, next, more about spiritual smells meaning of sudden smells


What is it and its true meaning

The spiritual presence reveals itself to people in various mysterious ways, because ghosts and all kinds of immaterial and abstract energies cannot present themselves to us in physical form. One of the most common psychic phenomena consists of perceiving an odor that reminds one of loved ones. For example, the smell of perfume that someone used to wear, someone who is gone.

At first, you probably think that someone present is wearing it or that something in your environment may be scented. Once you realize that there is no such source, you can assume that it is your sense of smell that is «talking» to you.

It possibly means that the spirit of that particular person is trying to communicate with you, for one reason or another. If this happens, you might wonder about your relationship with that person. Is there something bothering you? Is there something that can suppose that this person bothered him in life?

Sometimes it is even more symbolic; It doesn’t always have to be someone who has literally left this world, but someone you have definitely separated from.

In the latter case, it is not the spirit that is trying to communicate with you, but your own soul trying to settle some things and help you process your feelings. In this case, the experience isn’t as mysterious, but it still activates your psychic abilities. There is a special category of spiritual odors that we are going to analyze next.


Spirit scents and angels

In addition to the sudden smells that activate our psychic sense and that are usually associated with the spirits of people who are no longer here, but who are trying to communicate with us, to redeem themselves, find peace or watch over us, there are other spiritual smells that can be the proof. of the presence of some still more mystical force.

Sometimes these smells are the sign of our Guardian Angelsof mysterious entities that watch over us and guide us.

Each person has a guardian angel, according to spiritualists. You may not be aware of it, because angels rarely come down to earth and take on some physical, visible form. However, they protect us.

It often happens that you start to see strange signs in times of crisis. It can be anything from repeating numbers all over the place, objects you see around you, or anything else. Your angel wants to tell you that you are not alone. As the sense of smell is very emotional in humans, so to speak, it is one of the best channels.

Therefore, the angel sends you a particular scent to show you that heaven cares about you. It is usually a pleasant smell, of course, but one that you can easily distinguish from the others and register it.

Spiritual scents, along with psychic ability could also help recognize danger or threat.


Spiritual smells and their reference in the Bible

It is important to note that, in the Bible, spiritual odors are related to internal grace and divine favor. Here we detail some references to the subject.

Spiritual scents bible #1: His name is like a perfume In the Song of Songs, the Shulamite woman declares that God’s love is better than wine: “Because of the fragrance of your good ointments, your name is poured ointment” (Song 1:3-4). When the name of Jesus is exalted in worship, the stage is set for you to enter a secret place where you can smell that anointed ointment being poured out in your midst.

Spiritual scents bible #2: The fragrance of your knowledge The apostle Paul understood the sweet smell of victory—literally. When we follow the Holy Spirit no matter where he leads us, He will give us a new power to witness him and through us spread “the fragrance of the knowledge of him in all places. For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are saved and among those who are lost” (2 Cor. 2:14). We may offer a repulsive odor to those who reject Christ, but those who seek him will smell his life on our garments.

Spiritual scents bible #3: The fragrance of your love When we walk in love, we give off His scent. God is love, and when we abide in Him, we will smell like Him. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, Paul wrote: “Therefore be imitators of God as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ also loved us and gave himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma” (Eph. 5:1-2).


The smell of roses and its spiritual meaning

It is an aroma very commonly associated with angelic messages. The roses they are the quintessential symbol of love; Angels send us their scent to make us feel loved and safe.

This scent symbolizes supreme love, divine love. It shows that he is still alive and that we have him in our hearts. Our angels want to remind us of the importance of love by sending us this beautiful scent.

The scent of roses speaks of romance and passion; it may happen that you perceive it because you are in a state of infatuation and you feel very romantic or passionate about someone in particular.

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The meaning of sudden candle smell

This aroma reminds you to relax and surrender to your feelings, because they are good.

This aroma also tells you that you are important to someone. Try to think about it when you feel an inexplicable aroma of candles; maybe you are not paying attention to someone who loves or needs you.


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