Spells with salt that will chase away any negativity in your life

If you are a fan of mysticism, you should already know that coarse salt is a powerful element. Through it we manage to expand our energetic aura and activate our protection field.

It is worth mentioning that the coarse salt It has an intense connection with nature. This mineral has existed since the most basic formation of the planet and for hundreds of years it was used not only as a condiment and preservative, but also as a mystical element, capable of transmuting energies.

And you must be wondering how rock salt has such a powerful character. The truth is that this material can serve to protect our home, our work and ourselves. Since the dawn of humanity, in Babylon, China and Egypt, coarse salt has played an important role, whether in the culture survival either spirituality.

If you want to know how to make the most of properties of coarse salt, take a look at the rituals we have prepared today. Each of them uses the salt as a main element, recognizing its energetic properties and applying them to different areas of life.

9 spells with rock salt to ward off negativity

Spell to eliminate envy from your home

In this sympathy you will need to create a protection field at the door of your house. The best way to do this is to use a clean and dry glass jar . You will fill it to the brim with the coarse salt of your choice. It is also worth putting a few cloves of garlic on top.

This element is also powerful in warding off evil spirits.

When your amulet is ready, place it behind the door or somewhere nearby. Then say a prayer to your guardian angel and complete with an Our Father. Listen to your voice intuition every time you need to redo the spell.

Ritual with coarse salt to attract health.

If you have health problems, You can count on the benefits of rock salt. For this sympathy you will need an amount reasonable of coarse salt, drinking water and a candle, preferably blue. When doing this, you must take a clean container and mix the salt and water.

When you finish the solution, light the blue candle on the left side of the bowl. Offer sympathy to your guardian angel and in prayer ask for deliverance, health and expansion of awareness. You must throw the water and salt solution from the neck down, mentalizing everything that is good.

Ritual with rock salt to attract money.

If you are facing economic problems, You can count on the astral help of coarse salt. This element also has the power to bless your life financial and ensure profitability. But the most important thing for this ritual to work is to have solidarity as a solid principle in your life. It is through your intuition that They will dictate the rules of the game.

For the ritual, you must help someone who is facing serious difficulties during the week. After the good deed, bury some rock salt and a pyrite crystal known to attract prosperity, in a Fortune flower vase.

Spell to eliminate the evil eye in your relationship

Coarse salt can also be a great ally when it comes to protecting your love relationship. For this sympathy you will need a handful of coarse salt, sandalwood incense, a few sprigs of rue and a red rose In a quiet place, draw a chalk circle on the floor and place all the items inside.

After the incense has completely burned, make sure it has actually gone out and wrap what is left of the ritual in a white fabric. By discarding, mentalize the entire energy cleansing that you want to attract to the relationship.

An extra tip for anyone who wants to defend the relationship is to take actions aimed at Saint Anthony. Herbal baths can also be a good option.

Ritual with rock salt to attract success in your professional life

In this case, you will prepare a energy bath with warm water, white rose petals, a few drops of essential oil of lavender and a reasonable amount of coarse salt After your bath as usual, gather all the ingredients in a container and when you're done, throw it away from the neck down.

While you shower, imagine the career What do you want to build? Ask the universe for clarity, tenacity and success. After the ritual bath, let the water evaporate from your body naturally. Then dress in clean clothes, preferably white. Ideally, the ritual should be done during the crescent moon

Ritual with rock salt to attract good luck

This ritual helps you direct luck to different areas of life. For it you will need 7 red peppers, a reasonable handful of coarse salt and a small clay container.

Arm your amulet and then not one white candle on the left side of the container. While burns, say a prayer to the Saint to whom you are devoted. Ask for protection and good luck in your personal and professional life.

Sympathy with rock salt to attract prosperity

This is the easiest ritual you will find today. Despite his simplicity it is quite powerful. To do it you will need a handful of coarse salt and a ritual vase of 7 herbs . Place the vase at the entrance of your home or business. Then, place the handful of salt on the Earth and review the basics of each herb present in the vase.

Ritual with coarse salt to attract harmony

According to Indian culture, you can bring harmony to your home by placing an elephant statue inside. The most important thing is that it always has its back to the street.

You must be wondering where rock salt comes into this ritual. It's simple. The ritual property of the statue can be affected with excess energy charges. To remove the negativity, Simply bathe the object in a solution of water and rock salt.

Ritual to eliminate the evil eye

This is another simple ritual but it has an extraordinary power. The idea is to create a protective patuá with coarse salt. The ideal is to sew a small cloth bag by hand.

Inside, it deposits a reasonable amount of Artemisia and a handful of rock salt. Sew the opening of the bag and carry it in your purse, purse or pocket.

Even if you are not yet a mystical practicing these rituals are worth knowing. The salt coarse is an element that is always present in homes and in everyday life. It costs nothing to use his own benefit.