SPELLS with SALIVA to DOMINATE: ✔️Powerful and effective moorings

Black Witch with knowledge of more than 20 years in red magic and domination spells; main editor at MI SPELL POST, EZEQUIELASMODEUS.COM and creator of SPELLS TO DOMINATE ORG. He is willing to help you solve your problems in a simple way through witchcraft.

Saliva is a body secretion widely used in esoteric practices to perform domination spells; the spells with saliva for domina bet on the implication of saliva in sensuality and sexAlso, being a substance exchanged during the kiss, it has certain energetic implications related to love, which is why they are spells to dominate in the field of love; On the other hand, saliva can also be used in gestures of superiority such as spitting, which is why «SPELLS WITH SALIVA TO DOMINATE» can also be used to to dominate a person who is angry at us or to calm tempers from someone in a position superior to us from a professional or academic point of view.

Spittle witchcraft to dominate

In the arts of white magic, saliva is used as an element of SUPERIORITY or DOMAIN since being a bodily secretion it carries our essence, therefore when used as a secretion that can be spit out or transferred to another person as a marking or possession, that is why saliva can be used in spells or witchcraft with saliva to dominate or to mark an energetic possession with another person, the use of this element gives powerful potential to white magic spells.

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Spells with saliva to master

There are many types of spells to dominate, whether it be a man or women, but this one, the spell to dominate with saliva (as well as the spells to dominate a man completely) is very powerful because we use a substance of our own being loaded with all our essence, here I leave you some spells with saliva that you can easily do.

Spell with saliva to dominate a man

Saliva as a biological fluid with great energy capacities, with it we can mark a strong possession over a person, or ensure from the point of view of white magic that a partner will be faithful to us and will belong to us only; spells with saliva to dominate are so easy to execute that they can be performed in the comfort of home, and being white magic does not require supervision from a specialist witch.


  • Saliva and the man being asleep.


To dominate a man with salivawe need to wet a finger of the left hand in saliva, and while our partner is sleeping we proceed to make a cross mark on the forehead and chest of our partner, while we implore the universe over and over again, referring to the purpose of the spell with saliva. to dominate.

This practice must be done in COMPLETE SECRET Well, the person on whom the ritual is being performed should not find out because it would break the energies of this spell with saliva to dominate; This spell is very efficient in maintaining the fidelity of a couple and has a quick effect since these can even be directly evident the morning after the spell.

Spell with saliva to dominate a woman


  • A few of her hair.
  • A plastic jar.


  1. The hair is placed in the container and then spit on it, giving meaning and coding to the spell, many repeat phases of domination over and over again and give meaning to the practice. This preparation must be left to rest for a full day.
  2. During the night repeat the process explained in the section

    spell with saliva to dominate a man”.