If you feel that someone took away the love of your life and does not want him to be happy, then do not worry, with these spells you will be able to separate those two souls so that he returns to your arms from where he should never have left. In this opportunity you will know the best spells to separate two people. In any case, this spell should be performed as long as you believe in your heart that your partner is being deceived, these cases where you see it has not been love that has distanced the loved one from your side. These spells are designed to separate two people but above all to do good to the loved one. You must be very clear if you want the spell to work correctly.
Many people still doubt the true power of spells, they have a great influence on people’s lives, but you must always have faith. They are extremely easy jobs that do not require too much time or effort, there is no excuse.
Spell with onion to distance
If you need to separate a couple, then don’t wait any longer, this is a powerful white magic ritual that will be infallible to achieve that goal, don’t wait any longer, it’s time to separate that.
You will need to:
- Three meters of thread or black tape
- A candle of the size and color you want
- One green onion or spring onion
- matches
- about three cloves of garlic
- A table or altar
- A dish
This spell must be performed when the sun goes down to start with the rising of the moon.
The first step to complete is to surround the candle with the black thread, creating nine fairly strong knots or loops.
When the moon rises and begins to shine, you must place the candle on a plate and place it in the center of your table or altar.
With each knot that you tie, you must think about the people you want to separate, so that they hate each other, that the hatred between the two is mutual and intense, and that they end the relationship.
While you are making each of the knots you must say the following sentence (thinking about the people you want to separate):
“I am going to curse in this ritual the love of these two people, so that they hate each other and do not recognize each other in the near future. That they reject each other and that they move further and further away from each other. With these nine knots I will manage to separate them and they will never be together again. So shall.»
Now take the onion and garlic cloves and put them on the plate next to the lit candle.
Take the candle off the plate or support where it is and begin to burn the onions and garlic with it until they are very golden/black.
When you’re done, it’s time to put out the candle, but don’t blow it out, just blow it out with the edge of the plate.
Take all the items and bury them in a garden as deep as you can.
ANDIn 15 days the work is completed and the results will be surprising.
Spell to antagonize a couple
You will need to:
For this powerful spell you will need:
- a glass bowl
- a medium onion
- a black candle
- matches
- four pins
- An altar
- a black pen
- Two blank pieces of paper to write on.
You must do it at 12 at night, when the day is just beginning:
Take the knife and cut the onion into four pieces
Place it in the glass container and add three quarters of white wine.
Write the name of the traitors on the blank papers and place them inside the container.
Find the candle and stick the four pins into it and light it on the side of the container repeating the following sentence.
“I entrust this request to the evil elves of the night, so that they break this link between (say the names of each conspirator) and that they never come together again. If they were to continue together, I commend them to make them suffer damages, as I suffer them today. So shall.»