Spells to return damage

This spell should only be performed on someone who has hurt you, this being the reason for its name. Well, you should not use it for other situations. It is well known that when spells are resorted to, it is because the situation has escaped our normal control and has become intolerable. Most of us have been prey to situations we can’t handle and have also used magic to bring them under control.

Perhaps we have also been victims of spells and we don’t know it, and this is natural not to know. For example, if suddenly things happen to us that we did not expect, such as losing a job, this makes us think a little further. Or when our relationship as a couple suddenly ends at the least expected moment, perhaps there is a spell behind it.

Here we present some spells that could help you in many of these moments and channel the energies where you want. You just have to follow the instructions step by step and do it with the greatest faith so that its effect is as expected.

Spell to return damage effectively

We always want everything to be done quickly, this spell that you will read below is one of those that is fulfilled quickly. You just have to do it and you will see it. It is recommended that you perform the first one in the first instance, if it does not take effect, continue with the following ones. To perform the spell, you must be sure enough that it was that person who did the damage to you and continue in this way.

To start the ritual you need blank paper, a little vinegar, a pen, a portion of salt and a bottle with a lid. Once you have obtained each of the materials you must write the name of the person correctly and completely on the paper. Then add the salt to the bottle, approximately two tablespoons together with the vinegar, and shake vigorously trying to dissolve the contents.

When this happens, fold the paper and put it in the bottle and let it rest overnight. At dawn, the bed of a river is sought, but you only have until twelve noon to do so and cast your spell on it.

When you find it, place the bottle on the surface and at the same time visualize all that evil that they have done to you so that it returns to your enemy. Finally let it go, let the current of the river take it away so that the spell starts its effect returning all the damage that I have done.

Black sails to return damage

If you try the previous spell but you don’t have a river nearby, then the following spell is the most recommended. This spell takes a little longer, but is just as effective. Get going and achieve your goal. The elements to use are: a little salt, three sheets of parchment, three black candles and a turquoise bow.

Once the materials are gathered, the full name of the person is written on one of the scrolls, the damage done to you is written on the second scroll, and the full name of the aggressor is written in capital letters on the third scroll.

Select a corner of your home that no one has access to and place the candles in a row about five fingers apart. Tie the scrolls through a hole that you will make in the corners of each one, so that they are in a row as well.

Then a scroll is placed at the foot of the candles in each candle, which represents the wrong, you and the aggressor. Finally, take the salt and make a circle around the candles so that everything stays inside and that at the end of each one, the spell will begin its process.