Spells to Freeze Your Enemy (Fast, Homemade and Safe)

When there is a person, very annoying in your life, very negative or interferes with your well-being, whether in the family, work or love aspect, you can make a spell to freeze it and thus stop the actions and thoughts that cause it to affect you.

👌To do this you will need:👌

White paper
Glass jar
grain salt

👉First of all, on the white paper, write the full name of the person, fold the paper so that the name is inside and place it inside the jar. Then the salt is poured over the paper until it is covered, then we put vinegar. After the vinegar, add a splash of oil. After the oil, add peppercorns.

👉 Then we add water until half the jar is filled. Finally, the jar is covered so that it is well sealed and you must put it in the freezer. This spell does not affect the person, it does not harm them, it just makes them stop bothering you.

👉In order to guarantee its operation, you must think about the person all the time while you are preparing it and that you want them to stop bothering you. You should leave it in the freezer until the person disappears and stops meddling in their life.

Once this happens, take the charm out of the freezer and dispose of it in the trash.

👌 Spell to freeze people who annoy you👌

👉When someone is very negative towards you or is envious of you, that affects your life and your energy, so a spell or ritual that you can carry out to avoid it and to freeze someone who is bothering or affecting you, you need the following:
A glass jar with a lid
black peppercorns
Sea salt
Blue pen
White paper

👉On the paper, you must write the name of the person who is hurting you, from whom you feel that negativity or from whom you want to get away or get away; If you don’t know what the name of that person is, write a phrase that identifies it and think about that person while you are writing it, visualize it and concentrate a lot, that visualization will make the energy permeate the paper, fold the paper and place it inside the glass jar. Then add a little oil. Then a little vinegar. Then add the salt.

👉 Then add salt and pepper and if you can grind it before, it’s better. Following that, add enough water so that everything is covered. Finally, you are going to close the container, but before putting the lid on and while you do it, be thankful that that person will leave your life, in this way the effect is enhanced because instead of being a simple request for something you want or that you want it to happen, you are charging the spell with energy as a fact, not as a wish. By closing it also ask the universe to take that person away from you.

👉Then put the spell in the freezer until you notice that person has finally stopped bothering you. Since you are sure that a considerable time has passed, without you knowing about that person, then it is prudent to take that spell out of the freezer and dispose of it in the trash somewhere that is preferably far from your house. When discarding it, thank the universe again and after leaving it there, leave without looking back, if possible, by a different path than the one you traveled to get there.

👉Another ritual you can do is take a piece of paper, write your name or some phrase that identifies you, fold the paper and place it inside your shoe, you have to put it on and while you do it, repeat the following phrase: «that this person (and say his name or the way you identify him) is below my feet and not above my head» and when you finish pronouncing the words, you should already have the shoe on.

👉 Every time you put on your shoes, repeat that sentence, if you are going to use another shoe, no problem, change the paper and repeat the same. In this way you will ensure that that person is not above either ego or potential and that he does not feel superior to you in any aspect.

👉 Approximately after a week it begins to take effect. If it doesn’t work on its own, you can do this to potentiate some other ritual, like the one above, to maximize the effect.

Another way to freeze a negative person is carried out in the following way and you need the following:

A candle
A glass jar with a lid
black headed needles
A black silk ribbon
black pen
a big lemon

👉The lit candle, water, earth and incense are to represent the four elements and you must have them close at the time of doing this ritual.

👌To carry it out is as follows:

👉 You have to write the full name of the person with their date of birth, if you don’t know the date of birth, with their zodiac sign or the month in which they were born is enough and if you don’t know that either, the name will suffice, fold the paper , cut a lemon in half, and inside the lemon, right in the middle, place the paper and then join the two halves of the lemon.

👉Place the black tape to join it and place the pins, one above and one below so that the tape is fixed and the lemon stays together, go around several times until the lemon is completely surrounded by the tape. Once you’re done, cut the ribbon and seal it with a pin as well.

👉Where the split half of the lemon is, place a few pins on top of the tape, crossing them so that they are crossed and the lemon is fixed. Once the pins are already in place, insert it into the glass jar.

👉 Later, pour over the vinegar until it’s fully covered and it’s ready. You must place its lid and while you do it, think about the person, that he is going to move away from your life and begin to focus on his, put the spell in the freezer and leave it there until that person has not bothered you for a while.

Any of these spells are very effective and you can do them at any time and for anyone. If there is more than one person who is bothering you, you must perform a different spell for each person and it is the same for each person, only you must do them individually.

👉 These rituals don’t harm the person you want to freeze, they only stop their negative actions with you. Remember that if you work with positive energy, that is what will return to your life, as well as the energy you have towards people.

👉 There are other spells that seek to make people who have harmed you go badly, get sick or have many problems, however if you carry them out, sooner or later that same negativity will return to you, because in the way in which you move in the universe, the universe will react the same to you. It is preferable to just curb their actions with you and let the universe take care of the rest.

Characteristics of Spells to freeze your enemy (Necessary and effective)

Difficulty: Low
Duration: High-Medium
Power: High
Theme: Freezing