Black Witch with knowledge of more than 20 years in red magic and domination spells; main editor at MI SPELL POST, EZEQUIELASMODEUS.COM and creator of SPELLS TO DOMINATE ORG. He is willing to help you solve your problems in a simple way through witchcraft.

One of the most everyday practices within esoteric activities is the application of methods or spells used to tame, appease or control a child, the Spells to dominate a child, They are within the practices of white magic, with which the only thing that is sought is to appease the character of the progeny, especially in the times of adolescence where they become much more rebellious, these practices are also used by parents whose Conventional methods have not been able to deal with the child’s rebellion and anger.

Spells to dominate a child

The spells to dominate a child They will be classified depending on the direct purpose of the spell, since the dynamics and materials involved will depend on it, which is why in this article we will review spells for Rebellion, aggressiveness, spells for educational purposes, as well as simple prayers that we can apply at any time when a person is rebellious or in trouble.

Spell to dominate a child


  • We need a hair of disobedient child


We place the child’s hair in our shoe repeating the child’s first and last name. rebellious child three times ending the sentence with:

Spell for my son to study


  • We need a small fragment of lapis lazuli
  • A glass bowl
  • Sea salt.


  1. To improve your studies you can cast a spell on a small lapis lazuli stone, which is directly associated with concentration and studies. The first thing you should do is neutralize the stone with water and sea salt for one night.
  2. After the stone is empty of foreign energies, we will take it in our hands and begin to encode it. To do this, we squeeze it well and with our thoughts we begin to repeat over and over again the purpose of the stone, which in this case is to improve. the little one’s studies, then we will place the stone in the child’s backpack and that’s it.

The spell to dominate a child


  • A red ink marker.
  • A piece of paper.
  • A glass cup.
  • Sugar.


  1. To do this, first of all what we are going to do is write on the piece of paper the purpose of the spell, in this case it is to reduce the rebellion of a son, To do this, then using first and last name we place phrases that inspire the end of the spell, such as

    “I want my son’s first and last name to stop being rebellious.”

  2. To continue with this spells to dominate a child A thin layer of sugar is placed in the glass cup, the paper is inserted and then covered with more sugar, this should be placed in a hidden place in the house, if it is in the child’s room it is much better, the glass It must be left for a month, and at the end of this time, the entire spell is discarded.

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Prayers to control a rebellious child

Prayer for a rebellious child or one who is in trouble

“By the power of these words, Lord, I leave in your will
My consecrated children are to you and are holy
For this reason I entrust their lives and their fruits to you.
Lord, I beg you to take them out of the situation where they find themselves today.
I pray that you return his path to you.”

Prayer to tame a rebellious child

“Saint Mark of León, you who tamed the dredge and the dragon, tame the brave bulls that are also from the mountain, tame the Name of the rebellious child, humble him before me as Christ humbled himself before Pilate, bring him as a sheep symbol of humility , so that Name of the rebellious child may consent to everything I ask of him, with your strength, blessed Saint Mark, forever and ever. AMEN.»