Spell with Yellow Candle for Money (Homemade and Effective)

The Yellow Candle for Money spell is surely one of the most powerful and effective spells that exist within the esoteric world for finances, this spell will help you improve your finances and attract abundance into your life.

If you want to know and learn more about this spell for money, you just have to keep reading, today I will explain step by step how to cast the Yellow Candle Spell to Attract Money.

We live in a globalized world that moves too fast, it is increasingly necessary to have a high purchasing power to have an economic balance that allows us to live in peace.

But not everyone can access this peace of mind, since some people do not have a job, or have one in which their salaries are not enough to achieve that balance that we are talking about.

That is why today I want to talk and show you in this article a spell that can help us attract money into our lives, when I say attract money, do not imagine for a moment that you are going to become rich, but it will help you reach the state of balance and well-being that we have just talked about.

I recommend that before doing the yellow candle spell you are clear that you have no other alternative, and that you have exhausted all alternatives. Have you tried hard enough at your job? Have you looked for a better position? Have you asked for a salary increase? If you have already spent all your options, this white magic spell to attract abundance and balance is the one for you.

Spells that may interest you

There are many ways to do the yellow candle spellthat’s why I will explain step by step the ways you have to conjure it, you will have to choose the one that best suits what you are looking for or need.

You must be clear that any spell to attract money, abundance or riches into your life will not make you rich overnight.since many people confuse these spells and think that the next day a person will come to their house with a bag full of gold coins, and this is not the case.

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We have to work and strive to get that abundance in our lives, but the spell we are going to do it will help us to be successful and that in some way we have new income of money in our home.

Spell with Yellow Candle for Money

This is one of the best known spells to attract money with a candle. The spell focuses on channeling the esoteric energies that surround us to open the paths of good fortune and improve our economic status.

It is a very simple ritual, but we must have a positive attitude at all times and only have good thoughts in our heads. The more good energy we transmit to the spell, the more chances it has to work.

Materials Needed to Cast the Yellow Candle Spell

yellow candle

6 Coins of the same value

Procedure for the yellow candle spell for money

The spell is very simple, it will not take us more than a few minutes of our precious time.
  1. Place the unlit candle on the plate around the candle place the coins, forming a circle around the candle and all at the same distance from each other.
  2. Now light the candle and sprinkle some cinnamon on top of the coins.
  3. Close your eyes and place your hands on each side of the plate but without touching it, channel your good energies into your hands and notice how your energy is attracted by the candle.
  4. Finally, open your eyes and remove the cinnamon that is on top of each coin, now place a little candle wax on top of each coin.
  5. Let the candle burn down completely and store the spell high up in a cupboard or similar cabinet where no one can find it. You will notice how little by little there are better energies in your environment and you will begin to see abundance.

There is a small variation to this spell, it is less effective but you can do it too.

The procedure is the same, but when we finish the spell we will have to place the coins on the ground forming a circle, and place ourselves in the center of it.

Once inside the circle, you will have to give 9 strong stomps on the ground and say «Abundance I call you»

This small variation of the spell is to attract through the earth the primal energies of mother earth, these energies will charge our coins and they will help us.

Yellow Candle Spell for Love

As I said at the beginning of the article, the yellow candle spell can have different variants, one of which is that of love. We can conquer and make a person notice us with this ritual.

And not only can it help us to make a new person fall in love, we can also recover a partner who has left us so that they return repentant and asking us to return.

You have to be clear that what you are looking for with this spell is a sincere and pure love. It is a very powerful spell that cannot be undone once cast.

Materials to make the yellow candle spell for love

yellow candle

A photo of the other person

A red envelope and paper
Rose petals

Procedures for the yellow candle spell for love

With this ritual you will be able to conquer a person, or recover a person who abandoned us. Take note of the steps to follow so that you can do the spell without problems.
  1. We will start the spell by lighting the yellow candle. No matter where we do this spell, it doesn’t need to be at a specific place or time.
  2. Then you are going to write in the photograph the full name of the person you want to fall in love with. On the paper you must write a love letter to the person you want to conquer.
  3. Place the photograph, the letter you have written and 12 rose petals inside the envelope.
  4. Close the envelope and say the following words: «Energies that help us, I ask that the person I love come to me.» While you say them you have to hold the envelope with both hands.
  5. We will finish the love spell by sealing the letter with candle wax, it has to be completely closed and only the person we love can open it once they declare their love for us.

    In a few days you will see the effects of the love spell with a yellow candle, remember that the other person must know her and have a friendly relationship with her.

    This spell is unique and powerful, so always do it when your feelings are true for the other person.

    Yellow Candle and Lemon Spell

    The last spell we will talk about today will be the yellow and lemon candle, this spell will attract good luck and eliminate bad energies from our lives. It will also protect our home from any bad vibes that try to enter.

    This spell will help us to attract good luck and have protection against the work of people who want to block our paths.

    Materials to Cast the Lemon Yellow Candle Spell

    Yellow candle and fresh lemon

    Laurel and Jasmine

    Procedures to Make the Spell of the Yellow Candle with Lemon

    1. First we will light our yellow candle, we have to do this spell in the moonlight, so we will have to wait until it gets dark, and the moonlight enters through the window.
    2. After lighting the yellow candle we will put the laurel and jasmine inside the bowl.
    3. Now we will light the incense stick and place a few drops of lemon inside the bowl. With the help of a spoon, mix the ingredients well.
    4. In this step we will close our eyes and think only of our best memories, we will have to let the energies flow around us.
    5. When 10 minutes of meditation have passed, open your eyes, place a little yellow wax inside the bowl and keep the spell on top of a cabinet or in a place where no one can touch it.

    That same night, the energies attracted by the spell of the yellow candle and the lemon will begin to help you by giving you protection and attracting good luck to your home.

    Contact me or leave me your questions

    leave me your 🗣 questions, doubts or concerns in the comments, I will personally respond to all inquiries.

    I send you my sincere blessings so that your problems are solved as soon as possible.