Spell to write me (Homemade and Effective)

Today I want to show you 3 powerful and effective spells to write to you that person who is so special to you. When we talk about writing, I mean that person will want to get in touch with you, look for you and talk to you. Thanks to these rituals you can be more attractive or attractive to a person, making don’t stop thinking about you to the point that I write to you to propose an appointment.

Conquering a person, or recovering our partner after a strong argument is easier than we think, but pride is something very powerful and makes neither the first step to speak. With this spell for him to write to me you will be able to get the other person to launch and write to you first.

Love spells are very varied since they exist for any problem, and they are usually quite effective. I always try to show you the easiest ones so that you can do them from your homes.

These rituals that we are going to see today have various functions, they can make you fall in love or at least arouse the curiosity of meeting a specific person, or it can also help you make a date go well.

Another of the spells that we will see can help your partner talk to you after a small difference of opinion, yes, they will have to continue being your partner because it depends on the spell, some work only with ex-partners and others with partners, but they do not worry because as always I explain everything in each of them.

A person who writes to you means that that person is interested in talking to you, either to solve a problem or because they want to get to know you more, so never miss the opportunity if they talk to someone, especially if they show interest in you.

These homemade spells are as always white magic, like almost everything you will see on my website, it is the purest magic and that I like to teach my readers.

Ritual for him to write to me

If what you are looking for is that a person writes to you, looks for you and thinks this is undoubtedly one of the most effective rituals you will find. I want to teach you several ways to do it correctly, and for this reason I invite you to take a pencil and paper to write down the steps and my advice.

You also have to keep in mind that the spell for him to write to you will only be valid if you know the other person, it is no use doing it if you have not spoken to the other person a couple of times before, or there is some kind of emotional bond already Be it a friend or a couple.

Also It is used to recover broken friendships or people who have become angry, it does not have an exclusive use of love, but rather helps to recover love or friendship relationships, or makes people who are our friends feel something more for us.

When to perform the spell

One of the reasons why a person does not write to you may be their pride, it is the most important factor after an argument, this feeling makes the other person, despite not being right, not speak to you. If this spell is for your partner, because he doesn’t talk to you after a fight, I recommend doing it 2 days after his last message, but for it to be effective you don’t have to talk to him before, it has to be him.

If what you are looking for is that a person notices you and talks to you or writes to you, you have to meet with that person first, after the appointment perform one of the spells so that he writes to you, surely he will ask you to see you again and he will tell you that He loved spending time with you.

Be that as it may, the most important thing is that you do the spells and be patient, I cannot give you an exact day for these spells, but you will see changes and effects in the days after they are performed.

Spell with a mirror to write to me

It is one of the simplest spells for that person you love to write to you under the pretext that they want to see you, so if it is what you are looking for, keep reading. It is advisable to do this spell at night, when the moon is visible in the sky.

I am going to explain to you step by step what you have to do, so pay close attention and write down the materials you are going to need.

First, look for a mirror in your home, you can use any as long as it is medium or large in size. For example, the one to comb your hair or the one you have in the bathroom could work.
Start by looking at your reflection very carefully and imagine that the person you like sends you a message declaring his love or asking for forgiveness, no matter where he does it, whether it is a letter by mail or an email. Meditate for 10 minutes.
Say the following request out loud:
“(Say the name of the other person), wherever you are, it does not matter where, but you will find a way to send me or tell me what you really feel for me, because our paths will meet. You will not have peace of mind until you have sent it to me. So be it».
You have to repeat it 7 times, these 7 repetitions must be one after the other, that is, consecutively, while you repeat them, focus on what you want so much. Finish by lighting a small white candle, place it near the mirror and allow it to burn completely. When it has been consumed, repeat the prayer for the last time.
In a maximum of 5 days you will receive a message, and yes, it will be from that special person. Remember that the mirror is very important, so I advise you to clean it well and that it is not broken for any reason.

Spell of the glass of water so that he writes to me

This spell is the most recommended if you are looking for a person you like to write to you after a date, or a meeting. It is quite simple to perform, but do not be fooled as it is quite effective, especially if it is someone who writes to you after an encounter.

You need a special glass of water, this glass must be prepared before the person you like arrives, so I will explain how to do it, step by step.

First, in a jar of water you must introduce cut strawberries, ice and a little mint leaves, once this is done, fill the jar with water and let it rest. You must do this at least 20 minutes before your appointment’s arrival time.

Then you will have to pray a love prayer to the water that, thanks to the citrus fruits that you have placed, will make that person have a pleasant date, which they will want to repeat again.

When the person we like arrives, we will have to give him a glass full of water from our special pitcher, that is if you filter the mint leaves, ice and strawberries, you just have to give him the glass full of water with the flavor of those citrus fruits.

After the meeting you will receive a message from that person, surely telling you how much fun they had, and then you will have to talk to them to propose a second date or meeting, and they will surely accept.

Ritual for him to write to me in minutes

It is one of the spells that have the fastest effect on the other person. It is recommended that you do it on a Wednesday night, the lunar phase must be new moon, however, the full moon is also quite effective.

To start, you will need a letter or something similar written by another person to you. It does not matter if it is a formal or love letter, the important thing is that it is written in his own handwriting, it does not matter if he wrote it to you a long time ago or recently.

When we have the letter we will light 2 red candles and we will put the letter in the middle of the two candles, that is, one candle the letter in the middle and now the other candle, being careful not to spill wax on the letter.

Once this is done, we will put a handful of rose petals on the letter, and we will meditate for 10 minutes on why we want this person to speak to us right now, what we will say to him and how we would like him to react.

This person will communicate with you either in person, by email or by any other means, so you will have to be very attentive to read what he wants to tell you.

Let the candles burn out, when they have little left you will have to pray this prayer out loud and looking at the letter that is between the two candles.

«I ask that the person who wrote this letter in his own handwriting think of me, remember my existence, and look for me. I ask that (name of the person) write to me now, I will wait firmly for what he wants to tell me, to give him a quick response. So be it.»

You will soon receive a message or a visit from the person to whom you dedicated the prayer, you will have to respond with the same words that you had in your mind when you meditated, finally if you manage to conquer that person or if what you were looking for was to fix a problem with someone and it is achieved, make a prayer of thanks to the positive energies.

Lemon spell to write me

The lemon spell is recommended especially if we have recently had an argument with your partner and he does not want to write or call you. Unlike the others, this one will only work if it is addressed to your partner, it does not work if you have broken up.

In addition, there must be a true love between you, and that the discussion is not due to serious problems, but small misunderstandings.

Get a lemon and a piece of paper, write on the sheet the name of the person who will send you the message and cut the lemon into two equal parts.

Fold the paper and then insert it in the middle of the lemon that you have cut, now with the lemon in your hand, go to a quiet room in your home, where you and your partner have spent very good times together.

Leave the lemon in a place in that room that transmits good energy to you, it is essential that no one touches it until your partner has spoken to you.
Before ending the ceremony, repeat:
“I wish that due to the great power of attraction that lemon has, (say the name of your partner) you give me the attention that I need and you talk to me. You will never ignore me again, nor will you fight me, because I am the love of your life.

Repeat that sentence again when your partner has spoken to you as a sign of thanks. You will also have to throw away the lemon and the piece of paper, leave it in a distant place, those remains cannot be near your home or the spell will be broken.

I hope these spells and rituals will be useful to you, if you have any doubts or questions you can ask me at the end of this article. I personally respond to all comments when I have a little time.

Finally you can join my personal group where thousands of readers share spells, rituals and results: Join the group

I give you my purest blessings

Luz Silva Soler