Spell to Study Better (You will pass)

Hello! We all know that there are very complicated stages in our lives. However, when we face the task of studying and passing a complicated exam or subject, sometimes doubts and fears can assail us 😲

Let’s start by greeting the new members of our page, who are here for the first time. My name is Luz Silva Soler, and I have been a Sorceress, Medium and Tarot reader for more than 20 years. In I write my own experiences, my spells and I also try to help people who need it for free through White Magic. If you want to know more about me, or contact me click here: About me 👧

So you may be currently at the University studying a career, a master’s degree, carrying out the intense study of an opposition or preparing complex tests such as selectivity or revalidation.

Be that as it may, I want to offer you a White Magic Spell to Study Better that will allow you to perform better in your studies, study more efficiently, feel protected in exams and pass much more easily, whether they are exams or tests such as selectivity or the different entrance exams 📝

Shall we start to improve your studies?

How will I get it?

What is this Spell to Study Better based on?

This Spell is elaborated and perfected for you to improve your study.

But… what exactly does this mean? how will i get it?

The ingredients used and the methodology of this ritual are optimized to achieve three very important characteristics for every student:

  • Improve or increase concentration (avoiding distractions when studying).
  • Gain speed in the study and in the proposed objectives (to achieve the proposed goals beforehand).
  • And, last but NOT least, to achieve the BEST results (whether passing or passing an exam, an opposition, a course to access the University or the dreaded selectivity).

NOTE: Before continuing, I would like to tell you that the ability to study is normally highly influenced by aspects of our Good Luck.

For this reason, if it’s been a while since you’ve noticed that your luck, your sense of humor has diminished, you’re weaker or not many good things happen to you in your life, it may be an excellent time to perform the Powerful Spell for Good Luck.

How are you going to get it?

In this Spell to Study Better we will use, on the one hand, elements of Mother Nature related to growth, patience, results and abundance 🍀

All of them related, in one way or another, to the ability to study and attract good academic results to our lives.

And, on the other hand, the fundamental pillar of this Spell for Studies are the runes ❎

And it is that, the runic inscriptions are elements of more than two thousand years old that currently have a fascinating use as elements to predict the future.

But away from their use as a powerful tool for interpreting the future (like the tarot), runes are also used as powerful amulets to attract positive elements into our lives.

Thus, among all the runes used in the divination of the future (which are 18), in this ritual you will meet VERY wax 3 of them: Isa, Sigel and Teiwaz.

Its use does not entail any danger, because they have been studied for more than two thousand years and its effects are known by experts in esotericism, occult sciences and White Magic.

What characteristics does this Spell have to study Better?

Spell Theme: Spell – Studies – Study Better and Pass

Effectiveness: Very High.

Difficulty: Medium.

Spell Type: Spell to Study Better.

What ingredients do I need to perform the Spell to Study Better?

  • A sheet of white paper of normal size (a DIN A4).
  • A black ink pen or marker.
  • Another red ink pen or marker.
  • Some scissors ✂
  • A white plate.
  • A handful of nuts (my advice is to make them nuts, but if you can’t get them, peanuts or almonds will also work).
  • A teaspoon of honey.
  • A handful of white sugar (although if you can get brown sugar, it will be much better).

As you have seen, this Spell to study better and achieve better academic results does not require a large number of materials or difficult to obtain.

For that reason, get going NOW. Because the results YES are spectacular.

📣 Prepare a notepad and copy all the ingredients and step by step.


By the way… Do you know how to make your own Spellbook?
Learn how to make your own Book of Spells, or Book of Shadows, NOW.

We started the Spell to Study Better

The success of this spell has been seen to be especially high when we face official or very competitive exams.

The reason for this is because our psyche is allied with the ritual so that we can face the study period with the maximum guarantees.


Please don’t expect AWESOME results without studying ANYTHING.

You might get a 4 out of 10, but don’t expect a 5 without ANY effort.

Magic is a reaction that is only activated by our actions. It is a response to our behaviors. So give Magic a reason and see how far it can take you.

What should I know before performing the Study Spell?


⏰ Time of day: my advice is to perform the Spell to study BEST in the afternoon, after noon and before nightfall.

🌝 Most appropriate lunar moment: this Spell to Study Better will be more effective if it is performed during a Waxing Moon Phase or even a Full Moon 🌙

✔️ How to repeat it?: Once done, the Spell to Study Better has a validity and action for 90 days (3 months). Then you can repeat it or rest, depending on your circumstances.

📚 Additional Tip (Updated): I advise you to choose a day that you FEEL LIKE studying, since the initial attitude affects the entire Spell.

Step by step: We perform the Spell to Study Better

First of all, make sure that you have chosen a correct day (following the indications that I have given you before) and sit in a comfortable place that makes you feel especially good.

Now, you must cut the sheet making a triangle (you can help yourself with a ruler to make it more exact) and throw away the remains of paper.

Once you have the triangle, it is time to draw three sacred elements on each of the sides of the triangle.

Thus, and in the same way that you can see in the photograph that you have right here, you must draw the 3 runes.

What do the runes mean?

🔎 The Teiwaz Rune: It is associated with motivation, perseverance and the achievement of objectives. Teiwaz will bless you quickly.

🔎 The Sigel Rune: It is a rune full of power, since it represents SOLAR energy. Sigel will bring the perfect results your way, allowing you not only to pass, but also to obtain the highest marks and grades.

🔎 The Isa Rune: This rune will give us mental integrity, will prevent us from getting distracted and will allow us to be focused on our academic goal.

It does not matter the order in which you draw them, what will be necessary is that, just at the end of the three drawings, make a circle with the red pen to each of the three runes.

We continue to perform the Spell to Study Better.

Now, it is time to put the sheet in the center of the plate (my advice is to make it a white plate), with the part of the runic drawings in the visible part of the sheet.

Next, with the middle finger (or middle finger) of your dominant hand (if you are right-handed it will be from the right hand, and if you are left-handed from the left), dip it into the honey and then place it in the CENTER of the page.

Thus, you are marking with your unique fingerprint and the unique laborious fruit of nature, which is honey, your work of White Magic (or witchcraft) for the Studies.

Remember, yes, putting very little honey, it is just something VERY superficial. Symbolic. Don’t go staining the whole sheet.

Then spread a handful of brown sugar (or white if you can’t get brown) all over the plate and, finally, throw the handful of walnuts (or other sexual fruit) into the plate as well.

This is how it should stay overnight in a dark place ⭐ For example, it can be inside a closet or under a bed.

The next morning, throw away the dried fruit and sugar and fold the triangle four times, leaving the rune part on the inside.

🔼🔼 ➡ 🔼 ➡ 🔼

Once the plate is well cleaned, you can use it for another magical use (or any other type).

Once the sheet is folded, it must remain, until the end of your exams, ALONG WITH THE NOTES OR BOOKS that you are using.

After finishing the exams you can throw it away or even burn it with a match as an offering to the sacred forces that have blessed you and helped you in your test 🔥

This paper, as an AMULET, will give you energy for a period of up to 3 months (90 days). After this time, my advice is to repeat the Spell to Study Better if you need more support.

Attention: Both a few minutes before the exam and the day before, you can recite, holding in your hand the paper with the sacred inscriptions, the following text:

Holy Messengers,

May your Messages attract Luck to me,

Teiwaz Let me reach my goal,

Sigel Infuse courage and courage,

Isa keeps my concentration,

Thank you for your strength.

So be it.

So be it.

So be it.

It will help you connect with the Magical essence of this Powerful spell to study Better and thus obtain your results.

!! Congratulations!! 😉

Before Finishing the powerful and Fast Spell to Study Better

The time has come to say goodbye to fears, pressure and stress that only generates anxiety and lack of concentration.

I invite you to allow the best White Magic, together with the power of the Runes and Nature, to help you overcome this difficult stage.

Feel no more nerves and trust your abilities.

This Spell to Study Better will be your BEST ally.



Some Parents, Friends and Family (especially boyfriends and girlfriends) have contacted me, asking if they could perform this Ritual to Study Better for a third person.

And it is that, when a close person finds us nervous or sad, they also have a particularly bad time.

The good thing about this powerful and fast Spell to Study Better is that YES it can be cast or cast by another person for us.

Thus, if your mother, your aunt, your partner… are sorcerers, they like magical arts or have experiences with other kinds of Spells and Rituals, they can also perform this Ritual and, in the end, give you the blessed leaf as an Amulet that you you will be amazed by its powerful results

I look forward to your comments soon 📖 telling me about the tests you’ve managed to overcome and sharing your experiences (and advice!) with the www. Community.

I ALSO want to ask you to join the Community on Facebook NOW 👍 And it is there that you will receive the best and most recent information from a servant, Luz Silva Soler 👩

May your exams, quizzes and studies be blessed and empowered with this fast and powerful Study Spell!